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11548873 No.11548873 [Reply] [Original]

Are masternodes worth it?

Surely if I had 300k I could get a whole selection of them and live off huge interest payments. Not just live off but reinvest in many more masternodes.

Could easily get 20k a month coming in from 300k worth of masternodes. It’s better than real estate

>> No.11548954

Come on has no one even looked in to masternodes?


Seems like easy money

>> No.11548987

Masternodes are a ponzi scam.

>> No.11549037

Yeah I know the shitcoins are mostly worthless, but there are some steady ones such as zcoin, phore, dash, pivx etc. If you had a whole basket of different ones of varying return rates and spread the risk around.

>> No.11549101

ALL masternode coins dump to shit so your 300k would turn into 3k before you even make 50k profit off them

>> No.11549131

this. the whole concept of a "masternode" is a scam. there's literally no reason to call nodes masternodes other than to milk retards out of more money.

>> No.11549138

Look at the blocks being minted for masternodes....if all you see is 2 tx....its a shitcoin. All that is happening is that the PoS miner and the masternode are getting paid....thats it. The coin serves nk other purpose.

Also the good masternode tokens only pay out like 5% a year....if its paying out 100% or more its a shitcoin.

>> No.11549428

Get a DASH masternode, they pay out 7% per year, cost 1000 DASH

>> No.11549436

>Are masternodes worth it?
very few. you need to get in and out fast if you're going to play this game.

>> No.11549445

>Are masternodes worth it?
>Surely if I had 300k
you will never have 300k with that line of thought

>> No.11549729


The problem is that they're almost all scams. There's no demand for their coins or services, it's just a pump and dump. Got JUSTed on Xuma earlier in the year, fml.

>> No.11549815


And who the fuck is actually using any of them brainlet? This isn't December, even shit that's actually used like XMR has dropped, much more so the 10,000 shitcoins. The DNMs are still all using XMR (and tumbled BTC), there's 0 need for a bunch of other privacy coins. Enough already anon, find something with an actual business plan, a working product (just a working alpha) and just hold. Stop wasting your money on scams. Unironically the closest things left to what you want as passive income providers are Holochain (which doesn't need any tokens to stake, you'll just resell your computing power) and Link (which does need some tokens to stake, but surely you're in that already). If IPFS ever get Filecoin out I'd grab that too, but no news on when that'd happen.

>t. Another brainlet burnt by masternodes already and wanting to pass the experience along.

>> No.11549840
File: 29 KB, 451x541, lefinancial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just jelly you didn't buy Link instead and would actually be driving that Lambeau now instead of borrowing money for a Uber.

>> No.11550830

I've looked into masternodes a bit. It helps to understand why masternodes *usually* suck.

Bitcoin is the king because it's the first, and is super old/stable . Those combine to make its transferral of value useful. Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, DigiByte, VertCoin -- they're all not the king because they're not first, not as popular and don't do much more than the original.

In the same way, Dash is king because it's the first and super old/stable. Most new masternodes are not the king because they're just knockoffs (usually of Dash) that provide nothing new.

The big difference is that critical mass for a MasterNode is like 20k of them, whereas I can buy .00000001 bitcoin and get the gist of what it does. With MNs, jackasses devs can instamine, set the initial value of the coin at 1$ per, and get rich riding the worthless shitcoin down to 3 cents as fools pile in. AND the bigger fools hodl because the functionality of a masternode requires that they do. It's a great way to con suckers.

The only masternodes that make it long term are those that manipulate their price meticulously, or provide actual undeniable value. Most of the shit on masternodes.online (<== better MN site) are litecoin cashes, or bitcoin diamond equivalents. They are worthless forks that changed a variable or two and did a build all.

Loki, SMARTcash, Wagerr, HoriZen, Graft, Bulwark, Memetic/Pepe Coin, Akroma, and others have original code and actually fucking do something. You have to read to see if what you're interested in is full of shit or not. This is in addition to buying high and selling low like a good boi. If you don't read up on your investments then you don't deserve your fucking money.