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11546499 No.11546499 [Reply] [Original]

I am unironically on suicide watch.

>lost job
>lost almost all savings on crypto
>got an 800 € bill for gas just a few minutes ago

Absolute suicide watch here, not even kidding.

>> No.11546550

Visualize a better future, anon.

I lost my faith and nowadays things are better.

>> No.11546565

How much gas you using son?
AI is coming. Wait 15 years and do whatever the fuck you want during that time.

>> No.11546574

here. Take this.


>> No.11546590

Bruh why is suicide your first option you think about on the verge of losing almost everything? Unless you're depressed for reasons besides money, it's time to start making a radical change in your life.

Have you ever considered leaving to work on a ship, or something of that nature?


>> No.11546593

I have to use way more gas than I would need for myself because my cunt grandmother lives in a seperate part of the house that uses the same gas connection.

And she can't pay shit because she's a retarded cunt who never did anything so she has a tiny pension.

I feel llike I am about to explode.

>> No.11546616

oh that kind of gas. explode Suicide via gas. To Quote from the toast boy : "burn her nipples"

have you phoned them hotlines?

>> No.11546623


>> No.11546625

This was me back in february. I spent the last of my money on a home gym.

>> No.11546637

Join the LEAP assistance program, anon

>> No.11546818

>Suggest LEAP

Hello fellow Amerifat

>> No.11546832

>sam hyde
spotted the 14-year old faggot. get off of my board.

>> No.11546840

>spent the last of my money on a home gym.

The fuck? Why?

>> No.11546846

Show gas bill

>> No.11546966


>lost almost all savings on crypto

good thing you didnt invest more than you could afford to lose, amirite

the jew kikes printing money want you and every person to off themselves by squeezing you of every last cent,

either figure out a way to recover and get more money starting from scratch, or kill youurself if you dont think you'll be able to survive in this world anymore..

>got an 800 € bill for gas

hows that even possible

>> No.11546975

suppository body trainers are in high growth demand. If you can work yourself up well, it is not like there guys need qualifications

>> No.11546985

>AI is coming.
>AI is going to help us

HAHAHAHAHAHA back to plebbit.

>> No.11547000

I lost all my money too anon. Don't do anything silly, you can make it back. I know it stings at first, but you'll look at this differently in the future.

>> No.11547014

Explode anon

>> No.11547076

>mother dead
>father drank himself insane and is far away in a retirement home
>big brother is on the other side of the country to work
>basically have a house for myself, but have to pay for water, gas (for heating) and electricity)
>grandmother doesn't live in the same house, but a smaller house that belongs to the house and uses the same gas, water, electricity that I use, meaning that I have to pay for everything she uses in that regard

My life's a fucking mess.

>> No.11547096

Im so dumb I read explain insead of explode

I've calmed down a bit and I already have a plan to get a shitty min-wage job as a security guard, just so I have a bit of cash in my pocket.

Not gonna kms, that is what everyone who hates me would've wanted.

>> No.11547110

I know it's coming up to winter, but would it be feasible for you to cancel the gas and get by without it?

>> No.11547150

Don't eurocucks all have fabulous social safely nets? Can't you just be on benies until you're back on your feet?

t. amerilard

>> No.11547154

I can afford paying it.
But it just fucking sucks so much just losing 800 fucking bucks for this shit.

>> No.11547165

go for it, hope you'll be reborn in india or sth

>> No.11547176

fuck that old woman, I don't know shit about gas but get someone to block the pipe or something

>> No.11547195

I hope she dies naturally sooner or later.

Not even trying to be edgy, but she is an absolutely insane, paranoid, ungrateful piece of garbage.

I wish I was born into a normal family with normal people. Poor people should never be allowed to reproduce.

>> No.11547219

lmao that cracked me up. it would be the best scenario for everyone involved

I agree, fuck peasants. it's very tedious playing catch-up after being raised by cretins but it's doable. good luck my man

>> No.11548255

don’t worry, anon! you only need a 1000x to erase your losses, and then a 2x to get you going!

>> No.11548266

you inevitably created this, anon. it is the fruit of your own decisions. You had a chance several years ago and gave it away.

>> No.11548304

Talk to someone who cares about you about it, but don't sell you faggot

>> No.11548393

>he thought commodities would save him

LOL have fun make fun of “boomer” assests while you’re still pouring your money into bullshit

>> No.11548746

what european country are you from? spain, italy, poland?

>> No.11548747

>cut gas in winter to save a few shekels
>pipes freeze and burst
>spend tens of thousands cleaning up the flood damage

>> No.11548909

Germ any

>> No.11549046

dont you have welfare in germany? is it so hard to find a job there?

>> No.11549063

>lost almost everything I made throughout the years on crypto
>emigrant family from USSR, father lost hustle, couldn't get employed because no education, now is away for almost 3 years trying to make some money
>have to feed mother and small sister
>rents went up like 80% in last 3 years
>lost girlfriend
the only thing that keeps me going is that I know if I get through this shit it will make me mentally strong like nothing else would, if no LARP I wish you best of luck and hopefully we'll laugh at this thread in future

>> No.11549112

You don't know what the future holds no matter how shitty the current situation is, for now I'd say you should try getting a job (can be just cashier or something) and living somewhere not too expensive, keep your stress low and use your free time to relax and figure things out. Don't lose hope!

>> No.11549274

I know, that is how I look at the current situation too.

Things fucking suck right now soo fucking bad, but in 1 or 2 years I'll probably laugh about it while having a beer.

>> No.11549802

Get a perspective, man child

>> No.11550089


This, x100. AI is not our friend, it's our replacement as the workforce of the elites.

>> No.11550181

Stop... think about what your doing suicides get reincarnated as niggers.

>> No.11550203

>Live in EU
>Get fined 800 € for farting
Ok this is epic

>> No.11550226

>Don't eurocucks all have fabulous social safely nets?
basically every country in eu is totally different. has it's own laws taxes social care.

>> No.11550235

i don't know how you guys do it when i lose $20 i'm fucking depressed.

>> No.11550299



>> No.11550311

This, if i spend $2 on a lotto scratchie and get nothing out of it, I feel guilty about buying anything for the next week.

Why would you ever invest everything you have on a gamble, makes my skin crawl thinking about it.

>> No.11550313


>replacement as the workforce
Anon, its our replacement as the dominant lifeform on Earth. We're not talking Artificial Narrow intelligence, we're talking about General and then (literally hours later) Superintelligence. So yeah, fuck it, do whatever you want in these next 15 years.

>> No.11550572

Unironically concentrate all crypto holdings into link and then wait it out. It’s what I’m doing.

>> No.11550713

>AI will fix everyone's problems
Imagine being this fucking dense.

>> No.11550729

That's what you get for being racist

>> No.11551661


Stop being a fag. Go homeless if you have to have, but don't be crushed by the system, kid.

>> No.11551667


Stop being a fag. Go homeless if you have to have, but don't be crushed by the system, kid.

Easy for me to say living with my parents, but even still.

>> No.11551668


Did you study something? Do you have any studies?

>> No.11551699

The bottom isn't bad because you've got nowhere to go but up

>> No.11551720

lol that's genius
Too bad I'm not a degenerate or poor

>> No.11551749

Create a go fund me and explain you family Dynamics, situation, etc. Post link, we pump it for you . Everyone loves a charity case. Only ask for a little over to pay gas bill.

>> No.11551912

Stick it out until your granny dies, then rent that shit out and sell everything she owned.

>> No.11552219

>already black
so nothing will change

>> No.11552647

Don't worry bro we'll send yiu some cheap gas via Nord Stream 2 next year