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11519844 No.11519844 [Reply] [Original]

>Being slightly wealthy won't unfuck your teeth

>> No.11519848

best to loose all your teeth and replace them with titanium ones, also you will be able to blow like the king

you could change 75% for BJ

>> No.11519864

>tfw the only decent thing i have going for me are my teeth

>> No.11519887

I was poor and had shit teeth. Had to buy my own braces when I was 20 so fuck off op.

>> No.11520012

LMAO! Adult braces!

>> No.11520036

You can get top tier dental surgery though.

>> No.11520059

I have weak ass enamel and have like 20 fillings and I’m only 20 braces ruined my teeth. I’ll never give them to my children... maybe expanders since that has to deal with correct breathing (unexpanded top palet and overbite) crooked teeth are natural. It won’t hurt you so don’t alter your body!

>> No.11520097
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>mother never told me not to breathe through my mouth

>> No.11520324

Braces are seriously some Jew commie shit. If your teeth are legit coming in fucked up then sure get braces, but every parent gets them for their kids because they NEED to have perfect straight teeth like EVERYBODY ELSE.

>> No.11520345

Why not having perfect teeth ? It's part of the free healthcare in non shit coutries.

>> No.11520347
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How much LINK do you have to pay for a dental crown in your country anons?
Im at 1250 - 1500 LINK at this moment

>> No.11520374

No, but a good dentist will.

>> No.11520403

135 euros. Idk how much that in LINK is lol

>> No.11520413

Can you atleast tell me how much worth your shitcoin called "euros" is?

>> No.11520422

Braces fucked my teeth as well. The bite makes the wear uneven causing cavities and all sorts of crap. If they dont remove the cement properly it will also cause cavities etc.

>> No.11520445

There is literally no point to it other than wanting your kid to be more fuckable by pedophiles

>> No.11520551


Teeth play a huge role in supporting a good jawline, getting braces unironically is the single biggest thing you as a parent can do to help your child be a chad, besides pushing him into sports, and keeping him (and your pregnant wife) away from xenoestrogens.

After the years of lurking on 4chan there's one thing I know, which is if I had a kid (but I probably won't) I will do everything in my power to make him as chad as possible. Seriously I am not that bad but seeing how bitter a difficult love life can make a person, it's not worth it.

As an adult you can always opt for 'behind the teeth' braces.

>> No.11520633
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>wait a minute, brehs
>anon never got braces!
>he looks DIFFERENT from us

>> No.11520664

You have a bizarre complex.

>> No.11520669

I enjoy wabi-sabi.

>> No.11520687

And you're concerned about getting bullied for your lack of resemblance to movie stars. And you also equate it to Jew commie pedophilia.

>> No.11520704

No I'm concerned about getting bullied by the movie stars.

And for the second part lets break it down
>massive cost
>everybody look the same
>makes your children more attractive
for pedophiles

>> No.11520715
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>No I'm concerned about getting bullied by the movie stars.

ok dude

>> No.11520721



>> No.11520731

correct BUT i have a personal story that confuses me looking back
my mom always tried to put me into sports
i was chunky as a kid, at 16 years old i weighed 90 kg
it was both fat and muscle, i was so irregularly strong back then that i won every fight i got into, could also be the weight, obviously
i really wanted to go into combat sports but my hippie mom refused to pay for any of it, refused to drive me, straight out because she thought sports like boxing, wrestling, etc, were dumb
man it makes me so angry looking back because it wouldve been just what i needed at that time - respect, discipline, all that
instead i got a job working on a horse ranch in western germany, earned very good money for my age, worked almost every day, and became lean and strong that way - i also blew all my money on weed
instead of becoming a warrior, i became a stoner horse farmer for a couple years in my youth, wtf, life is so weird sometimes
imagine i wouldve invested 3 years into combat sports instead of ranch work, man

trying to tell you this: prepare for your kids to want to do things that you disagree with - have them do it anyway. nobody learns faster than a person who is passionate

>> No.11520784


Your mom just wanted you to be a handsome boy and didn't think getting hit in the face repeatedly would be good for you, and she probably struggled to understand whatever autistic form of combat sports you wanted to do, she probably just remembered all the smashed noses and cauliflower ears of wrestlers and boxers she knew in her youth.

Meanwhile she probably fucked basketball and soccer players on the regular. But you being a stubborn 16 year old faggot blew your chance and are still blaming your mum lmao.


>> No.11520811

>women are stupid

More at 11

>> No.11520817
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lmao its all genetics

its game over if you arent a hs chad

>> No.11520850

>i was chunky as a kid, at 16 years old i weighed 90 kg

nigga that's not chunky thats fat as fuck you landwhale

>> No.11520868

Literally all you need to succeed in life is a set of good teeth and an education. If my kids' teeth aren't perfect, they're getting that shit fixed.

>> No.11520884


Hormones affect bone structure, body fat affects hormones. Fat in the midsection during puberty will produces oestrogen. Furthermore being overweight will prevent you from reaching your maximum height, as will not being physically active, since your joints get compressed.

Genetics plays a big role, but you're retarded if you believe environment doesn't play any role. Or you want to keep being mad at god lmao.


^testosterone plays a role in epiphyseal plate closure


^trans people on HRT have less defined jawlines, this effect is amplified if you have higher oestrogen levels during puberty, which fat NEETs definitely do


^playing sports during puberty will affect epiphyseal plate extension and has a high effect on final height

This is why rich people put their kids into all of these activities, seriously I've met rich people who are 6/10 borderline troglodytes and often have much better looking kids because they pay for all these sports, activities, they feed them a healthy diet etc. Or did you really think its 100% DNA, lmao. You can't get away with blaming the universe for all your misfortune :^)

>> No.11520916
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fun fact: women are attracted to low cortisol not high testosterone and most of your reddit mgtow memes are bullshit

>> No.11520936

cringe and bluepilled
my teeth only looked mildly fucked up growing up and i didn't get braces. now as a 30 years old boomer i have to live with TMJ pain because the poor alignment of my teeth screws up the whole jaw movement. this also translates to pain in the back of the neck, posture/breathing issues, etc.. there's a shitton of stuff associated with teeth, and it's plain smart healthcare to prevent potential issues at an age where the bone can actually be moved to a new position

>> No.11521097

That's not true, just go to a dentist surgeon haha

>> No.11521461

all of these are how genetics react to environment, so its all genetics

>> No.11521469
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also plenty of rich incels out there lmao

legit slayers smash toothies and eat in mcdonalds after football

>> No.11521633 [DELETED] 

For all you poor fat; Pull teeth, collect magic toothfairy-money’s, buy magic internettokens, sell EOY, buy implants. Simple.

>> No.11521647


Yes, but it also means your genetics may have the potential for you to look a lot better than you do if you had played sports etc in your youth.

I mean at this point your argument is boiled down to 'if we didnt have DNA we wouldn't exist', no shit brainlet. But if you think that playing sports when you're young won't affect your bone structure because bone structure is somehow magically resistant to change, you're either retarded or immensely butthurt. Environmental stimuli trigger physiological changes by activating processes encoded IN your DNA. Your resulting appearance is the combination of your DNA and your environment/actions.

>> No.11521648

For all you poorfags; Pull teeth, collect magic toothfairy-money’s, buy magic internettokens, sell EOY, buy implants. Simple.

>> No.11521656
File: 39 KB, 474x544, A0CEEEA0-8700-40EE-8AE8-A045371FA128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be wealthy.
>Can’t afford most basic healthcare that even americucks often pay cash for.

The absolute state of the crypto market.

>> No.11521678


>literally one picture of models eating french fries counters actual scientific research

You are beyond hope, I never said eating mcdonalds once would affect your looks. I am saying if you took this models when they were 9 and made them play world of warcraft every day and get no sunlight and no physical activity and they ended up become hyperallergic mouthbreathers, they wouldn't be models.

If you really believe there is no environmental factor in play, (reminder I am not arguing it's all about 'muh gym' I am saying it's BOTH genetics and environment), you are as ignorant as a flat earther.

>> No.11521687

im 18 is it too late for enviromental factor?

>> No.11521815


No, but you only have about four years left, and your gains will be exponentially smaller than if you had started four years ago.

At the absolute MINIMUM you should begin a 30 minute stretching routine EVERY day. Join a sport, fix your posture etc.

Improving your posture will also change how your voice sounds, this will also help you as we judge a lot about a person from their voice (ever load up a computer repair video on youtube and hear a weak nasally voice?)


>Collins, S., & Missing, C. (2003). Vocal and visual attractiveness are related in women. Animal Behaviour, 65(5), 997–1004. doi:10.1006/anbe.2003.2123

Do you not understand that the whole point of your appearance is to determine your viability as a partner? That doesn't just mean genetic faults, it means environmental ones too. Cortisol exposure makes your face less attractive, this tells women you live in a stressful environment (so they can avoid mating with you), your posture and physical activity will affect your voice and height (so women can know if you are a good hunter/w.e) etc. etc. it's all interconnected.

Even if environment was only 10% (it's more like 20-30%) why would you not want to maximise that. Ignore the toxic 4chan culture, it's mostly people who missed the boat in their teens and just want to convince themselves that the universe hates them.

Do more research.

>> No.11521831 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11522278

why are you complaining about being a stoner horse farmer? sounds comfy, is what i plan to do in retirement

>> No.11522305

No, you are in your prime growth phase - now is the time to develop new healthy habits or forever stay neckbeard

>> No.11522442


>> No.11522589


>> No.11522715

Hi anons, my son sleeps with his mouth open (but he breathes with his nose. However, I have read that the correct resting position is with the mouth close. In my country there are not too many good doctors, so I would like if you can share what is the treatment for him to keep his mouth shut. I saw some plastic devices in the internet, but what is the treatment?

>> No.11522727

Fuck this, 500€ for a ceramic one in DE. I will have 2 next week. fuuuuuck

>> No.11522739

oh fuck. i dropped out and have spent the fast 8 months being a neet bcoz of crypto depression. time to get to the gym i guess :/

>> No.11522768

ask the nhs britbong

>> No.11522879 [DELETED] 
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I grind my teeth and breath through my mouth and with it open with my tongue pressed against my teeth unconsciously. I have a big tongue and there is nowhere else for it to go. Also after you get braces don't you have to wear the retainer forever?

>> No.11522881
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avrg. durability 10 years

>> No.11523082

I grind my teeth and breath through my mouth and with it open with my tongue pressed against my teeth unconsciously when i sleep. I have a big tongue and there is nowhere else for it to go.

I don't know if I even want braces because after you get your braces removed don't you have to wear the retainer forever? If you stop your teeth and jaw goes back to how it was before you had the braces.

>> No.11523234
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>he actually believes braces IMPROVE the jawline as apossed to causing massive retrusion

top kek. fucking normies.

braces physically pull the upper jaw and teeth BACK and narrow the palate you fucking retard.

>> No.11523246

I have 3 fake teeth
Literally cant tell the difference and they never rot, just have to floss your gums

It was expensive as fuck and I cant afford more

>> No.11523252

invisalign, teeth whitening kits, veneers

>> No.11523266

The day dental implants become affordable is the day we stick it to the Jews

>> No.11523276
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I got braces when as an early Teenager and it‘s the second best Investment I ever made in my life. Im only 19 but literally just smiling nicely gave me so many early advantages in my life. I‘ll force my Children to have braces

>> No.11523286

Glow nigger kill yourself

>> No.11523307
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Ask me how I can tell who isn't from America in here.

>> No.11523570
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>> No.11523639

Pretty much every modern orthodontist begins treatment with a palate expander appliance followed by braces for alignment. The days of extracting permanent teeth and bringing the teeth together in a narrower arch are pretty much over from what I've seen.

>> No.11523745

Depending on what insurance you have, being only "slightly" wealthy might not be enough.

>> No.11524066

say that to Danny Brown

>> No.11524214

My teeth are not in bad condition but are yellow as fuck. My dentist told me that my teeth are alergic to sugar. I tried lot of that whitening shit and nothing helps. Any advice ?

>> No.11524270

getting hollywood level teeth is literally the only thing i care about spending my money on when I make it. I have really bad teeth like front page of r/wtf material but i work from home 100k engineer job and i have 100k in crypto once i hit 4 mill i am cashing out half and i will get new teeth if it costs me a million dollars

>> No.11524282
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get slightly more wealthy

>> No.11524310

>Being wealthy won't fix your crippling depression and anxiety.

>> No.11524337

keto maybe? worth checking it out, I've done it on and off for a about a year and a half. And easy to cook tasty foods with all the fat and protein, which definitely helps with staying on course.

>> No.11524406

I've replaced my teeth with implants when I was 30.
They look perfect, never get off-colour, and feel like the real thing.
And they cost pretty much around ~$5000 which is cheap us fuck, done by clinic in Poland.
Would recommend.

>> No.11524828

Not sure what he meant by allergic to sugar. Whitening works if you're consistent with it.

I'm a dentist in the US. If anyone has any questions I'll be back in the thread in a little while.