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11519505 No.11519505 [Reply] [Original]

I have sold my house and have become a warehouseman. I used to work as an accountant but I couldn't take the stress and office work environment. My home that I realize is going to be plummeting I sold it 5 months ago and have just decided what to do with the money now. I've been a warehouse worker for the past 3 months and I'm loving it. $22 an hour with no stress is wonderful.

The total sale of my home netted me $750,000 after everything was said and done. Upon finding this board I've been sitting on the sidelines just reading everything and trying to figure this cryptocurrency stuff out.

I've decided I'm going to put $100,000 into gold as a hedge against the economic crash to start. Then the majority of my other funds will be going into crypto. Since bitcoin is the stable coin and the only one that matters I will be putting $500,000 into it.

The rest of the $150k I have been doing my research on and out of all the alt coins that actually look like they will have any form of appeal or technological impact on the world chainlink is the only one that makes sense to me. I am new to technical analysis but do you guys agree with my positions?

100k gold
500k btc
150k chainlink

I came here to ask this question as you guys seem to know everything and wanted your opinion. Take care.

>> No.11519546

Chainlink is a meme. At least spread the 150k between 3 alts.

>> No.11519670

May as well split some of that gold up into silver, platinum, palladium

You need some xrp to hedge for centralised beating out decentralised.
You need bch because it is unironically bitcoin. If you cant come to that conclusion yourself you do not understand bitcoin. Inb4 ad hominen replies.

Otherwise im jealous of how fucking rich youre gonna be in 4 years

>> No.11519697

Looks fine anon, good luck.

>> No.11519724

>The total sale of my home netted me $750,000

Was your house paid off? How old are you? I'd think it would be cheaper to live in a paid off house than rent

>> No.11519731


>150k on a meme coin

Wow. But well, people have made money even with DOGE.

>> No.11519920

>You need some xrp to hedge for centralised beating out decentralised.

Literal smoothbrain shit. He's investing in cryto not a centralized transactional Jew bank scam

>> No.11519934


You need to diversify in at least 10 different assets.

Currently you have only three. Risk is way to high

>> No.11519951

>be a literal accountant
>make every single financial decision incorrectly

>> No.11519957

More like 2. Metals & crypto.
Both are kind of sketchy

>> No.11519964

>transactional Jew banking scam
>4 chinks control 73% of BTC's hashpower
>CockBlockstream destroying BTC's core
>4 chinks can halt the world's transactions
>PoW cancer which will need 400 Petawatts of electricity a year

You can't even insult it properly. Ripple Labs do not control the XRP ledger or system anymore. They created and released it. How is such an elementary fucking fact so beyond you? Let me guess, you're praying for some random shitcoin with a picture of a cute bird on it and 2 unknown developers from Eastern Europe to 'moon' and make you rich? Yes these will certainly beat out XRP which is the only project that's actually got real partnerships and is set to change American and global banking.

>> No.11519991
File: 83 KB, 573x767, 1525205248250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao how can this board be so dumb?
>spends the entirety of his 750k, not a dollar left in fiat
Hmmmmm, okay extremely stupid but not unbelievable considering he's american
Oh no no no no

OP is a larping link bagholder trying to get you excited

>> No.11520001

>Then the majority of my other funds will be going into crypto
idkn if this is larp, but please dont do this, you will kys when btc wil go to 1-3k, dont feed the whales