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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11478096 No.11478096[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"I dont take any sugar in my coffee because i dont like how addictive sugar is"

>> No.11478122

"I don't eat carbs"

>> No.11478159

coffee doesn't kill you

>> No.11478161

>excess sugar causes inflammation
>inflammation causes weakened arteries
>weakened arteries trigger cholesterol and calcium to heal
>vicious cycle
>eventually arteries harden and cause blockage
>erectile dysfunction

>> No.11478163

>I shitpost on a finances board

>> No.11478185


i dont see how thats NPC like.

i would like to be in control and avoid addictive substances that make me fat.

it is the opposite of being a NPC.

congraulations, you just exposed yourself as a NPC

>> No.11478186

It's funny how everyone's using the NPC meme now thinking they're so different.

>> No.11478191

>i lost 7 kilos in a month after dropping sugar from my coffee

>> No.11478208

I miss the boomer meme.

>> No.11478219

fuck everything and everyone who thinks otherwise, you're a goddamn idiot who's slowly killing yourself

>> No.11478222


>I'm on the keto diet
>I love going to breweries and vineyards on the weekends

>> No.11478229

>"No sugar in my coffee"
>*eats 3 chocolate bars during lunch*

>> No.11478231

Literally this. The worst part about it is that NPCs are using the NPC meme as well

>> No.11478236

If you drink coffee period you are a NPC and need to get the fuck off my board

>> No.11478255

Anon, only NPCs use the NPC meme. They want to feel special and like they're "not like all the other girls". It's called protagonist syndrome.

>> No.11478355

Coffee is good for you. Sugar is not.