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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11451160 No.11451160 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11451274

Stay poor then noobs

>> No.11451632
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>implying I didn't buy sub 2k sats
Market makers are absolutely killing it. I believe they are preparing huge fomo pump aligned with some huge partnership disclosure

>> No.11451636

really glad that I got 30k of those juicy bros

>> No.11451652

I have 20k and I have a boner watching this shit rise even with bitcoin bouncing

>> No.11451871


What a shitty coin

>> No.11452079
File: 205 KB, 659x525, 848 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at the SDK holy fuck AMB is useless. The Devery API function calls are so clean. Where AMB is pajeet teir. Check em:



Compare and you will see that devery has pages and pages of unique API function calls and blockchain querys that are one line of code and very clear any pajeet code monkey can turn out quality applications

AMB has 4 excel rows of meaningless jargon. It's literally un-usable

>> No.11452182
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>> No.11452188

Ambliets really are that dense arent they

>> No.11452203
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>> No.11452213
File: 62 KB, 1078x220, SmartSelect_20181019-103552_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

45 commits and nothing to show for it. They are literally spoofing dev activity.

>> No.11452414

So twice the number of contributors and 6 releases for Ambrosus vs 0 for Devery right ?

>> No.11452441

Releasing shit just to pump numbers like I said. Release doesnt mean anything besides they are unsure of the code they committed so they mark releases so they can go back when shit doesnt work.

>> No.11452484


How is it shit ?
And how do you know they're unsure of their code ?
Are you one of the two contributors to devery and feel threatened by AMB, or you just playing white knight saving poor bizlets from investing in Ambrosus?

>> No.11452536

AMB tokens will be released for team, investors, advisors etc. next Monday. Prepare for a week of bears for this..

>> No.11452545

All these supply chain projects, one scammier than the other, but still trying to shittalk their competitors.

>> No.11452552


>> No.11452570

I'm a dev in real life not affiliated to devery I just know shit coding when I see it. Nobody and I mean fuckin nobody will use AMB at scale.

>> No.11452585

They asked community's opinion should they release tokens 22nd of Oct. or not.. after that they haven't released any info about it so probably release is happening..


>> No.11452599

If tokens are released, this will definitely drop like 30-40%..like I have warned you for weeks.

"There will be 33.7% unlocked for partners, early investors, advisors, and team which is ~120m. Given that there hasn't been any notice otherwise about a vesting schedule or gradual unlock, I think it's fair to assume that all the tokens will be released when tokens are unlocked. Also it's important to note that it's not just the team here that gets tokens, there's others involved and it's not a matter of just trusting the team themselves to not sell."

>> No.11452623

Every time I see someone try and compare Devery to Ambrosus I die laughing

Just fucking read the bio for their 'CFO' and second ranking team member:
>Certified Practicing Accountant with experience in the retail industry. Formerly Tesco Stores

This is the bio of literally any and every underachieving accounting major

It's laughable


>> No.11452632


They've been postponing it for months, and I don't see anyone talking about devs, team and partners getting paid for their fucking work on any other project !

Should they all be working for free for another year ? This can't be serious, you're asking way more than reasonable.

That said as a holder it does worry me a little, even though I can understand the decision. Might drop all the way back to 2k but I really don't see it going sub2k.

>> No.11452640

fuck off shills. discord pajeet faggot nigger dick lickers with aids. scam coin never will be used

>> No.11452645

I judge people based on what they do IRL. I worked at mcdonalds for 4 years now I develop Autonomous Vehicle tech. Get pajeeted. Titles are horse shit. Devery also has some big titles too but it doesnt fuckin matter look at what they do not what they say.

>> No.11452677

I'm not asking them to hold those, I personally voted NO to extending token locking when I got the email. Better take the dump now when people haven't fomoed for node profits and it will drop harder.

If you are holding a lot, I would suggest dumping at least 50% now, you can get them back cheaper next week. If they extend token lock up, the price won't moon anyway because quite a few even have noticed this.. so you can buy them back anyway.

>> No.11452713

Devery and Ambrosus are also not even of the same scope

What Devery is doing is a tiny part of what Ambrosus is

Devery puts a unique identifier on a product and tracks it

Ambrosus does that, but moreover is the first decentralized platform for IoT networks

>> No.11452782

Probably the right decision to sell now and buy back later.
However it can also backfire if they announce that they're going to prolong the lockup, which would give AMB another pump into the 3k sats range.

>> No.11452843


I for myself don't trade so I won't bother betting on AMB going down.
As you said, it might pump, and way higher than 3k. 3k in an hour bro.


>> No.11453047
File: 2.32 MB, 464x848, Clavo_.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just not true

Devery is a functionally complete platform launched on ethereum.

Here are 3 videos of 3 applications programmed during deverys first hackathon they had 2 weeks to do it on their free time.

Devery Explorer: Allows brands and products to be searchable on the platform.

Automotive Part Providence

Enterprise QR code generation for brands and their products.

The video posted here in pic related shows the mobile pre alpha of clavo a NFC writing and reading app to allow local artists and small business to build a brand name online without being stomped on by big business who steal ideas. Verify your brand with Clavo.

Everyone is chasing masternode memes while devery has made the best protocol available for IoT that is launched on mainnet right now. You can build and develop and launch RIGHT NOW. AMB doesnt have much going for it. It's a "platform" that nobody would ever actually build on.

>> No.11453495
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Woo anon all this stuff looks more advanced than anything we've seen from any other project related to this space. Most dont even have a mainnet yet. TRAC VEN, Wabi,Tefood, and AMB all just got rekt buy a sub 2M marketcap coin. That's how you know this crypto game is a ponzi full of tech illiterate retards.

>> No.11454166

Not related to project either way... Can't stop posting omega kek

>> No.11454222

I hear something sweet is coming out on Monday

>> No.11454460

I hear you talk out your ass Rakesh