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File: 319 KB, 1280x809, monerochad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11447528 No.11447528 [Reply] [Original]

-People in divorce cases trying to hide their wealth from their greedy wives.

-Digital swiss bank now that the real swiss banks share the information with governments, monero is the only "swiss bank" left for offshore money launderers

-average people hiding their money from the government

-gold bugs since monero has the best properties of any crypto on the market

-drug dealers for DW transactions and potentially IRL transactions

-hiding blood money for criminals

-4th amendment/libertarian/constitutionalists buying based on ideology

-people worried about an economic recession/depression

-people who want the best properties of cash in digital form (privacy, fungibility, decentralization)

-those who want real decentralization


-legal marijuana industry players banned by banks


-rightwingers banned from using paypal/square//etc (alex jones) these companies openly state businesses involved in hate speech (anything too far right) may not use their services

What other use cases are there for FUNGIBLE privacy coins aka real privacy coins?

>> No.11447679


>> No.11447712


>> No.11447717

Destruction of the global (((central banks)))

>> No.11447794


>> No.11447809

>Unironically a shill

>> No.11448038

>-drug dealers for DW transactions
nice try pajeet. meanwhile the biggest and oldest dw market doesnt even accept xmr because its buggy. fud you cant refute.

>> No.11448230

drug dealers still trade in nothing but bitcoin

>> No.11448281


and get arrested, monero dealers don't get arrested

>> No.11448289

>cause it's buggy
what bug? there is no known bugs

>> No.11448295

because there's no monero dealers

>> No.11448306

you just pulled that out of your ass of course there are monero dealers

>> No.11448354

read my post you fucking retard. 95% is still done via btc.


>> No.11448365

thats pawns, irrelevant.

as i said, btc is still king. probably because of superior liquidity. you can deal anywhere p2p otc.

monero? not yet. only the future will tell. if i see actual adoption, ill turn bullish aswell.

>> No.11448394

Take a look at PIVX. DEX coming soon.

>> No.11448427

-people who want to spend their money without revealing the contents of their wallet, displaying other past and future transactions and leaving a trail to their savings wallet with simple blockchain analysis, ultimately leading to their kidnap and murder.

>> No.11448455
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>> No.11448495
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>no argument left
thought so rakeesh.

pajeets lie, ranjeets lie. numbers dont.

>> No.11448506
File: 92 KB, 638x1000, dumb9898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drug dealers want to be traced and sent to jail

>> No.11448532

anon, i dont think you understand me. you can actually look things up yourself. +95% is done via btc, thats because of liqiudity obviously, and enterprise tier dealers know how to interact with btc.

are you high yourself right now or what is your point? xmr is in theory better but nobody gives a fuck (yet).

if you wanna speculate on future adoption, thats fine. ill simply get in if i see it myself.

>> No.11448550

+ dont forget non capped supply + tail emission.

tx could be done via xmr and wealth still be stored via btc because its capped. simple supply and demand. dont forget LN+CT makes btc private aswell.

tldr, xmr isnt a moonshot anytime soon.

>> No.11448592

Monero's mining emission will actually be lower than Bitcoin's for a few years in early 2020s or something. That and the fact that XMR is still way underrated and undervalued means that yeah it is definitely a moon shot at some point soon. Also LN is shit to use and may not work properly ever.

>> No.11448610

>XMR is still way underrated and undervalued
>multi billion dollar valuation for a coin that is barely used
monero fags are so deluded its unbelievable

>> No.11448617
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>> No.11448663

>Implying there are any coins that are actually used
>Implying these btc and ltc transactions aren't just going to and from exchanges

>> No.11448681

>n-no use
fact: biggest dn market is btc only market

so suck a dick anon, literally no arguments left.

>> No.11448699

The DNM tx volume would even register on that chart.

>> No.11448744
File: 236 KB, 861x1195, comfy xmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont forget non capped supply + tail emission.
The target is 1% DECREASING linear inflation once we hit tail emissions in a few years. It's fucking perfect. The non-capped supply model keeps miners mining without the pressure of the transaction fee structure being the sole method of compensating miners for providing hashpower. The fact that the coin supply is unlimited is a non-issue that only brainlets can't seem to understand.
Monero is the only seriously fungible cryptographic store of value at the moment that isn't compromised in some major way or isn't some rinky-dink Cryptonote startup with a premine that has no serious dev community backing it. If you think it's overvalued, you're the one that's delusional.
>biggest dn market is btc only market
Tracing bitcoin transactions is trivial for blockchain analysis companies at this point. If your best defense for Bitcoin as a DNM currency is that "it's what they're already using" then just give it a few years and a few more busts.

>> No.11448765

i admit not to have fully researched the inflation rate, so when will xmr hit lets say 21m coins?
>then just give it a few years and a few more busts.
what is your opinion on 2nd layer privacy solutions for btc?

>> No.11448791


>> No.11448864

>so when will xmr hit lets say 21m coins?
About 2040. Note that decrease in block rewards that we're approaching.
The amount of Monero miners can dump on exchanges is going to decrease rapidly in the coming years.
>what is your opinion on 2nd layer privacy solutions for btc?
Potentially useful for scaling but as long as there are very little "private" transactions occurring on the secondary layer then they may be linkable through temporal (time) analysis back to the main chain. It's sort of like the same issue Zcash faces. Good privacy tech but nobody fucking uses it so the private transactions that do occur stick out like a sore thumb. Anything that occurs off-chain should be considered a workaround at best at this level of tech we're on.

>> No.11448910

thanks. is xmr your biggest holding? do you think it will outperform btc in the next 3 years?

is xmr main dev pro, contra or neutral in btc/bch block size debate?

>> No.11448953

There's over 500 contributors to Monero and 7 core tram members. Fluffypony is the lead maintainer and he hangs out with btc core people mostly and is definitely on that side of the debate while staying polite to bch. There are plenty of people in the community that lean bch and obviously the cultishness and rigidity of core is not liked by lots. On the whole the developers are mostly neutral to pro btc vs bch. Monero does the block size differently to both coins so no ones in agreement with either side on that really. Just respect btc devs more generally.

>> No.11449156

thanks anon

>> No.11449319

If you're interested in scaling/blocksize, this guy ArticMine has a pretty interesting opinion on it and from memory that's what most of this video was about.
He's a core team member an he reminds me a bit of Richard Feynman because of the way he talks and he did physics.

>> No.11449375

Monero will moon at some point. It has a stellar dev team.

All it's gonna take is a few ultra rich fags looking for a way to hide some money and buying in. It will happen.

Let's face it, a top 10 crypocurrency with ~16million coins in circulation priced at around $100 each. Nothing but up.

>> No.11449410


-businesses that don't want to reveal profit margins and sensitive financial information to suppliers, customers, and competitors

Seriously people want and need privacy. They're just too retarded to realise it when it comes to more abstract things like the digital world.

>> No.11449437

Also fungibility. Monero is literally the only cryptocurrency that can actually be money right now.

>> No.11449490

thanks. i simply dont understand why major dwmarkets didnt adopt xmr yet.

>> No.11449558

They did. In 2016 the largest DNM AlphaBay accepted xmr and the the whole dnm subreddit was on board with using xmr as much as possible. Then AB got shut down, the dnm sub has been shut down more recently as well.

Dream market had xmr until recently as well. They disabled xmr under the pretense of a wallet bug. Speculation is that they wanted an excuse to pocket everyone's monero since its untraceable. There's also the less likely possibility that they've been taken over by LE and they've downgraded the privacy of the market intentionally as they often do with such operations.

>> No.11449662

>under the pretense of a wallet bug.
so this was bs? its either theft or its a honey pot imo. there is no reason not to implement xmr but fucking bch???

>> No.11449756

There was a bug in the wallet but dream are shady fuckers like most criminals and they haven't proved to anyone that they were exploited by the bug. Its a shame AB got nabbed. That place was great.