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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11441222 No.11441222 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to create a decentralized 4chan? uncensorable and with based mods.

>> No.11441231

It's not only possible, it's inevitable.

All websites will be decentralized.

>> No.11441239


of course, IPFS.

>> No.11441245

How do you solve the moderator problem on a decentralized website?

>> No.11441256


decentralized reputation and DAO voting.

>> No.11441257

>with mods

>> No.11441576
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meshnet skycoin

i really really hope that people get on this kind of shit but most likely it wont really happen until there is censorship.. same with dex exchanges.. it wont be until the gov bans non regulated exchanges that we see actually quality dex exchanges pop up with enough volume

theyre already working on tokens that allow you to short things like eth though


i hate all the cucks on this board that say regulation will help crypto.. those people are just hodl babbies and dont understand the value of being able to trade things without boomer registration

>> No.11441605

>blockchain upvotes

I already hate it.

>> No.11441609

So whoever can pay the most people to vote a certain way can dictate the moderation of the website?

>no mods
How do you protect against spam attacks and keep the quality high?

Are moderators needed?

>regulation will help crypto
Regulation exists within a system that crypto will replace
But first...

>> No.11441611

How are you going to incentivize users without ads?

>> No.11441612

Self moderation, just hide users with certain ids, that post certain images, or write certain words in order.
Scripts for moderation could be shared in a repo.

>> No.11441621
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Unironically describing Skycoin

>> No.11441622

we won't need ads if we all hold chainlink

>> No.11441626

And even then don't expect crypto to be lawless.
That which is extraneous will be excised
That which is useful and protective will be kept

Bitcoin is just a system
It serves the people
Unless you want it to replace the people - that's a different discussion

>> No.11441630

It won't work till AI gets advanced so it can moderate on our behalf.

>> No.11441633

>with (...) mods

>> No.11441650

The latest wave of no-chin racists to get into crypto don't actually understand or want decentralization.

>> No.11441651

how does it solve the problem of nsfw content posted on blue boards by brainlets?

>> No.11441654

Self moderation cannot protect against an all out attack
As long as retards and enemies exist, I would expect the chans to always be a target for disruption.

Most people simply go along with the flow - they aren't capable of PULLING the conversation to a higher level.
This means what?
This means that enemies can hide as legitimate users and bring the conversation to a low level by posting in stupid ways (but yet on topic). This brings the level of discourse down.
Only moderators can clean something like this up.

Ex: 8pol today.

>> No.11441672


>> No.11441676


You fags really do pick the dumbest insults for spamming. Did your Discord group decide that one by vote or something?

>> No.11441698
File: 30 KB, 640x357, 02ahhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hell are you talking about?

have fun cucking yourself when it takes 25k to start an account on a boomer regulated exchange

i know our opinions dont matter but it pisses me off when you fucking sheep que up to give up your freedom first with enthusiasm



>> No.11441720

I agree with you
But you are proposing to go from 0 - 100 instantly.
I am proposing to first stop at 10, then 20, then 30.. etc.

>> No.11441726

You also have to keep in mind that idea that crypto may have been created to exert more and not less control over the people.
In such a scenario what you are asking for will actually never be reached.

If not then isn't what you want inevitable?

>> No.11441761

This. I can only imagine how bad this site would be with no mods and no ability to delete posts. Given a long enough timeline evey single board would devolve in to a fart sniffing melee. This board is supposed to be about business and finance yet most posts are about smelling farts and men dressed as women.

>> No.11441825
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Right now we dont have regulation THANK GOD and it's going great! You can make a shit ton of money starting with VERY LITTLE as opposed to forex and stocks which requires you to pay gatekeepers and jump through hoops that your average NEET anon might not be capable of. For example i wanted to start trading stocks and they wouldn't let me because i didnt have enough net worth.

The only reason you need a stock "broker" is specifically because the laws are designed to protect their archaic outdated bullshit jobs.

Yeah we cant declare anarchy but we should be CHEERING the dexs instead of accepting the mark of the beast.

>satoshi is the illuminati

maybe but then at the same time anyone can make a cryptocurrency and THERE IS A WAY to make exchanges resistant to regulatory overlords

its so pathetic the moon boys are cheering for fidelity and bakkt when they are trying to make those the only places you can legally own crypto and it's NOT going to be good for your average anon trying to get off the wageslave hamster wheel where they actually want us!

>> No.11441833

That's pretty much what SHIFT was trying to do.
Thanks god I sold at 80k sats in December, BUT they said that they're not allowing CP website &shit so it's still somehow centralized.

>> No.11441835

>So whoever can pay the most people to vote a certain way can dictate the moderation of the website?

No, you can make decentralized reputation sybil proof. Augur has its way and OpenBazaar has a protocol for it.

>> No.11441858

>optionally subscribe to 1 or more mods
>download a list of posts they've deleted
>never download anything they've deleted
If you don't want censorship then don't subscribe to any mods, it's pretty simple.

>> No.11441875

I agree with everything you've said
First of all.

My point was this, and I will restate it.
That -
Crypto is its own world, and regulations to enter this world may exist
But once inside
New possibilities may arise.

If they do make it so that all net-only avenues are shut down and only Bakkt/Fidelity exists, this will be mark of the beast and bad.
But also there is a chance that these things are being set up only as a necessary measure for helping people to leave the current system.

Can you say for sure which?

>> No.11441893

I'm not just talking about sybil attacks.
What about social media attacks?
Character assassinations?
Paying 100,000 pajeets to vote a certain way?
Democracy is poison

>> No.11441910

Dumb idea. It would be filled with cp.
Just use warosu if you want to see "legal" deleted posts.

>> No.11441923

Thank Gavin for that one

>> No.11441934

First of all, you do not want to do all at once:

> 1. Host 4chan decentralized
> 2. Decentralized modding
> 3. Decentralized voting

Start with 1. It takes little effort to host 4chan on IPFS.
Congratulations, you now have a decentralized 4 chan.
Think about all the other shit over the next 5 years.


> What about social media attacks?
> Character assassinations?

What about them? You can choose to ignore those.
Or go to a decentralized hub/board/site which curates content to your own liking.
It'll happen sooner or later.

> Paying 100,000 pajeets to vote a certain way?

This is sort of a sybil attack though, and it can be combated by several consensus rules. In the end, no it can't be stopped completely, but you can still make a better system through decentralization and transparent governance than you can through traditional means. Is the current situation any better?

>> No.11441938

Gavin who?

>> No.11441939

>Free but you can pay for priority access
So basically the thing most people are afraid of from abolishing net-neutrality comes to fruition on skycoin?

>> No.11441940

>Can you say for sure which?
Nah i cant but we have to admit that the mainstream players are a THREAT and we better be preparing for the great deluge and i wish the people on this board wouldnt be moon boys as much as be into DEXs and shit because they could sure as hell use our support and volume.

>> No.11441965

oh and btw i still think there will be DEXs or at least some way to trade crypto without going through the boomer shit but it may not be as good as it is now.. like we have it soooo good right now with bitmex and bitfinex and even finex looks like it might have problems. At least bitmex is in africa so they have a chance of being btfo last. But anyway the thing that is so shitty is that SHORTING is so fucking lucrative and hard to do discreetly. Like i said though there is that one project making short tokens.

>> No.11441968

You would have to pay gas for every post.

>> No.11441985

>You can choose to ignore those.
Not if they influence the selection of moderation.
That's like telling someone to 'ignore' low-iq immigration into a democratic state.
I'm not playing that game anymore.

Bitmex and Bitfinex are using their 'freedom' to manipulate and destroy the market.
I have no sympathy for them or for people who support them.
I doubt the others are better in this regard to be honest, but they are not as parasitic.

>> No.11441986


racism is irrational prejudice.. there are millions of outliers in any phenotype so you should judge individuals individually

the only people that care about race are the people that have nothing positive in their life so they cling on to privileges they were born with.. like a fucking trust babby bragging about the new car his dad bought him

>> No.11441997

Racism is rational
Individuals should be judged on their own merit irrespective of their race.
But you must also always be aware of the scientific realities that exist - races are different and their brains work differently.

If you do not believe that this is true I'd put out an invitation for you to move to the favelas in brazil.
Please give it a try.

>> No.11442019

manipulation is part of the game dude.. it sounds like you do really want boomer regulatory measures then

i agree the tether situation is shitty but if some whale wants to pump shit up or something that is their choice and if they are associated with an exchange so be it

you wouldnt throw a fit in poker because big stack is raising you pre flop each hand would you?

those two exchanges offer you the chance to turn a few dollars into thousands and thousands into millions with leverage and a feast of alt coins.. look how ungrateful you are... if we lose them you are going to be crying that you didnt learn how to play the game and profit from it

regardless there still exists abos that are smarter than you and when you meet a person you should give them the benefit of the doubt instead of being an austistic dogmatist that thinks youre better than everyone else

why dont you move to a white trash trailer park and help them cook meth?

>> No.11442024

We are about to enter a period of complete irony,
The decentralization of all things
Mixed with the concentration of power into the hands of the capable
I hope you are prepared
This marks the end of my contributions to this thread.

>> No.11442034

What happens to tether during dedollarization?
Sleep and dream.

I've lived in a 'white trash trailer park' before.
It wasn't so bad.

>> No.11442041

> Not if they influence the selection of moderation.

Guaranteed, the moderation will be influenced, but failure is necessary. It's not like you are setting up a PHPBB board with all instructions neatly laid out in a tutorial, you're literally engineering the future of message boards. It may take a few iterations before you come anywhere close to getting it right.

> I'm not playing that game anymore.

Your only option within a few years will likely not to come online at all then.
If you haven't noticed, the internet is drastically changing.
"Low IQ immigration" will be the norm ONLINE.

>> No.11442121

This. The decentralization revolution is going to happen no matter what. Within crypto there are interesting projects such as Skycoin which are building a whole new set of decentralized social networks, including one for anons

>> No.11442166
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>What happens to tether during dedollarization?

someone on the inside profited.. it's called FREEDOM if you dont like then you're a fucking marxist

>I've lived in a 'white trash trailer park' before.
It wasn't so bad.

and i lived a town that was 90 percent mexican illegal immigrants and it wasnt that bad either and i banged a couple hot latinas come at me bro

>> No.11442397

Something like HOT would be better suited. Blockchains have fees, meaning it'd cost money for every shit post.

>> No.11442610

Yes, but there needs to be a way to keep cp, illegal shit, and other data contraband out without corrupting the chain or implicating participants

>> No.11443264
File: 21 KB, 323x323, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep cp, illegal shit, and other data contraband out

and to do that you have to let GOVERNMENTS IN

pick your poison

4chan used to have chimos and they posed way less of a danger to me than government pigus

and lets be honest most people that have child porn arent actually abusing children but just trading images.. it's bad but at the same time you can just go after the people physically abusing children and that would be suffecient.. people are going to look at child porn whether its on a block chain or not

>data contraband

like what else?? weapons schematics?? we need a more robust defense system than to rely on evil government overlords.. if we can all defend ourselves and our neighbors that should be ok and maybe even one day we can figure out a way to keep eachother accountable without inviting in evil communist vampires

>> No.11443287

Oh fuck off back to /pol/ you puritan

>> No.11443505
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checked. yes it is do-able with bitcoin CASH, the only blockchain that can and will scale globally. you're gonna need large blocks for all the images and shit, and tiny micro fees for being able to post. sorta like memo.cash but scaled up once we remove all limits and lock down the protocol

>> No.11443533

you propose we hardfork everytime a post would be removed/edited?

>> No.11443542
File: 95 KB, 1024x1024, 1521057659689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11443548


>> No.11444233

Paying for better service isn't the same as allowing backchannel deals and extortion tactics.

Skywire is pretty much a pay-what-you-use metered method with maybe a low-level socialized layer for basic communication. That image is pretty old.

>> No.11444415

What about Substratum? How does that differ from Skywire?

>> No.11444444

>ignore the fact that 99% of niggers are niggers because you might be talking to a magic negro
what is bayesian probability, faggot

>> No.11444452

What a waste

>> No.11444455

well that's a waste. buy chainlink.

>> No.11444459


>> No.11444463

if you wanna pay by the post

>> No.11444476
File: 198 KB, 1024x768, 1539526291996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the bayesian probability you would fuck up those digits

>> No.11444484


>> No.11444775

absolutely based
fuck jannies and fuck niggers

>> No.11444806


Pay small fee per post. Support for images and such coming soon.

> uncensorable and with based mods.

Moderation is censorship. Which do you want?

>> No.11444811

Dub quad dub
$10 EOY

>> No.11444835

>pay by the post
hell yeah! ' disincentives shit posting, trolling, spamming and poorfags. BUILD THE PAYWALL!

>> No.11444837

How do you call the feeling these types of images give you?

>> No.11444844

Tell me is this wrong to think, yes or no:

"Oh look, a black person I have never met. They are *probably* of substandard IQ compared to my estimate if they were white, however this is not my final judgement and I will judge them more as an individual the more I get to know them."

>> No.11444883

No, this doesn't work and is why Mastodon is shit. You get a confusing mess where everyone sees a different subset of the discussion.

>> No.11444901

>and lets be honest most people that have child porn

shut up vitalik. nobody cares for your anorexic opinions.

>> No.11444942

People are saying that these digits are a waste
I'm inclined to agree with them because I like to follow what the group thinks instead of forming my own thoughts.

>> No.11444967
File: 149 KB, 238x315, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at 15.04.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.11445253

>irrational prejudice
>please stop noticing that niggers are responsible for the majority of crime, disease and a net drain to society
also prejudice is the capability to assume ahead of schedule, based on former data.
you're essentially begging people to stop thinking.
which is exactly what you'd need to stop doing in order to tolerate niggers.
privileges are granted by those with rights.
what magical privilege are you exactly talking about?
as far as everyone is concerned, niggers are a privileged class: affirmative action, or even simply existing outside of starvationland are 2 of the many examples of the entitled nigger trash privileges.


>> No.11445267

based confirmation digits. Niggers are niggardly scum, confirmed yet again

>> No.11445403


>> No.11446003

it already exists at tokntalk.club

>> No.11446012


>> No.11446172


If you’re serious about building this, I’ve alreasy solved all the problems you’ve mentioned. You must bring some funding. Cryptoassist@gmail.com

>> No.11446281

just filter that shit out with hashes.

>> No.11446367

Allow moderators that cannot delete data but can move it around with a tx hash to follow it.
ie: Someone posts cp on a /lit/ board. Moderator moves the content to the appropriate board. Someone breaking rules too often is timed out. Eventually an AI would replace the moderator (more like janitor).

>> No.11446403


>> No.11446762
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>implying this isn’t literally all of 4chan already

>> No.11446848


>digits are based and redpilled
>people actually complaining that’s it’s not a shill for some coin

Biz is fucking dead