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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11417809 No.11417809[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

• ᠌ ᠌ •

What job can be best described by suitable for NPC's?


>> No.11417815

Any office job

>> No.11417822

Any job with customer service... yep, whole lotta NPC's out there

>> No.11417824

Anything that requires you to sit at a desk and tap things into a computer, while your HR manager earns more than you for doing basically nothing but complaining, the boss does nothing but hold pointless meetings, and the receptionist is flirty but instantly goes to HR if you flirt back.

>> No.11417825

school teacher

>> No.11417838

chainlink shill

>> No.11417856

>burger flipping
>retail checkout

>> No.11417865

every job is for NPCs. But so is 'hustling' and trying to earn side money.
Entrepreneur is the only non NPC job (but only if you're successful; wantrepreneurs are the biggest NPCs of all).

>> No.11417867


>> No.11417889
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>> No.11417918

Probably HR right?

>> No.11417972
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A Picker

>> No.11417995

Couldn’t disagree more. That’s a job Inactually respect.

>> No.11418011

teacher are failures nobody could respect that, unless NPC

>> No.11418016

Any kind of useless job that requires talking to people

>> No.11418017

Any goverment organism position
Data Entry
Garbage collector

>> No.11418035

DMV clerks

WTF is their problem? They don't work more than anybody else, why do they need to be so bitchy? I also always thought working the currency exchange looked terrible.

>> No.11418167


>> No.11418225

Accounts payable

>> No.11418241

Memes aside, auditing

>> No.11418259

shop people

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>> No.11418276

There are no NPC jobs, only NPC people.

>> No.11418286

this every waiter on earth is an NPC.

>> No.11418300


>> No.11418363


Desk monkey.

I turn more into an NPC everyday. It's maddening.

>> No.11418364
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any soul-crushing but not quite abusive retail
if it gets too abusive, the child of that over-worked slave becomes a hero borne of a tragic background

>> No.11418569

>ANY retail job that isn't management related.
>Office Worker

>> No.11418583

Real estate agent

>> No.11418610

>t. Incel-normie view of the world

>> No.11418635


>> No.11418643
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 21C73F7D-8007-47C4-B274-06865EA82A13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in Atlanta
>black NPCs everywhere, like street fighter but with guns

>be in Paris
>Muslim NPCs everywhere, it’s like street fighter but with suicide bombers and knifes

>be in Beijing
>Chinese people everywhere, city looks like the destroyed rubble town in final fantasy VII where everyone is starving, lots of Chinese NPCs everywhere, it’s like Street Fighter but with bad drivers from Mario Kart

>be in Brazil
>Monkey NPCs everywhere, it’s like street fighter - but with donkey kong characters

>> No.11419342

> Garbage collector
dude come on
at least I respect those guys