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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11402858 No.11402858 [Reply] [Original]

What business would you think would be great to start in 2019 /biz/?

>> No.11402926

Ass eating business

>> No.11402933

Neck rope wholesaler

>> No.11402975

Why can't this board taking anything seriously outside of crypto?

>> No.11402981

Gotta admit your post made me kek

>> No.11403006

How can you ask such a broad fucking question and expect a good answer from an Indonesian spice trading forum? How much money do you have? Do you have any skills? Then take the money and the skills to start a service people will pay for you dense turd.

>> No.11403059

Alright so I don't want you guys to steal this because it's an original idea that hasn't been posted on here before. I'm going to post it anyway because I think this has serious prospects:

>buy kneepads(you can find a cheap pair on amazon for $14, maybe cheaper at Walmart)
>suck as many dicks in a day as you can and charge $1 a dick
>only 14 dicks in and you are already net zero
>work up to 300-400 dicks a day and you are making making $300-$400 a day and you are making $2k a week($104k a year!)

You may need to invest in some lube to hit those numbers but I think once you get good you can really turn this profitable. You see, your low prices are going to be what makes you desirable over your competitors. If you decide to put in some overtime and work weekends you might even be able to make a little more.

>> No.11403111

Dropshipping site for used dragon dildos

>> No.11403148

how much $ do you have
what skills do you have

are you retarded what kind fo question is this