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11391372 No.11391372 [Reply] [Original]

When crypto is up people believe it's going to take the world by storm and make them rich. When crypto is down people believe it's a scam and they're angry and depressed.

Yet in both instances crypto is the same. Only the circumstances surrounding it change. If your opinion

People who let their emotions dictate their entire view of the world are irrational and weak. They're the same people that turn to religion and homosexuality when incarcerated.

Fundamentally nothing has changed about crypto since January. Just the weather.

>> No.11391382

still doesn't make hoping for $100,000 btc any less delusional

>> No.11391424

>Fundamentally nothing has changed about crypto since January. Just the weather.
I agree. It was, is and will always be a scam.

Only a madman would accept cryptos when it's value can crash soo hard.

>> No.11391629

I didn't read your queer post and I don't give a shit. Who do these brappers belong to?

>> No.11391640

this, sauce the brappers op

>> No.11391669
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>> No.11391678
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>> No.11391684
File: 1.60 MB, 964x1422, ASSES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11392030

God I'm so fucking horny. I've never felt so sexually frustrated before. I just want an ass like that right on my nose. I just want to smell a woman's asshole for hours.

>> No.11392054

A true master of instinct. If one can cease to control all of those petty and distracting urges, one would be able to see through the storm.

Not even control, but, allowing them to flow thoroughly and openly. To not dwell and just be.

>> No.11392076

Should I just get an escort, guys? I'm so goddamn horny but will probably never get laid.

>> No.11392138

I highly recommend that you tame your bodily urges and remember that you are in charge of them, not the other way around.

>> No.11392147

Because believe me when I say, these pictures are extremely enticing for a reason.

He who becomes the master of his circumstance creates even greater one.

>> No.11392160

Its going to happem. We will make it so!

>> No.11392227


yeah, get one asap. Doing the same now

>> No.11392237

You’re missing the point that 99.99% of current bag holders are impressionable NPCs that have severe buyers remorse/cognitive dissonance over their magic bean purchase ( except these beans don’t even let you meet giants)

>> No.11392250

I'm just too paranoid. Plus I'd feel guilty after. I go on Eros a lot just to fantasize though.

>> No.11392276

It is


Of the


>> No.11392291
File: 193 KB, 1080x1080, 37AEFB12-E9C2-4FB1-A64A-6C5544D6B6F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s always been shit

>> No.11392364

I agree OP. But long term, the weather is guiding the wind and the wind is floating us ashore in a very predictable manner to the moon, quite literally.

5 years ago only a small niche group of people knew what crypto was.

Today only 3 billion? people use the internet and only a tiny fraction of them have crypto, interest, or even knowledge of its application.

In 15 years (sooner I believe) generational CRISIS will have manifested if it hasn't already and the world economy will tank. Millions will suffer or die of XYZ. But the global population will keep skyrocketing (13 billion). Life will continue to find a way.

As these poor or fractured countries lift themselves out of poverty and globalization reforms the world and the global economy, crypto will finally, see it's hay day. All these bumps in the road now will be forgotten or become sorry of myths. And the value today will be so far beyond what we can imagine, I'm just going to call it off-world money.

Hard to say which coins it might be, btc is a good bet. I hope that I'm not too old enough to have forgotten this board, and smile as I depart this cyberpunk waste called Earth for a life in the colonies. The moon? A structure somewhere in orbit wind Earth? Mars? Who can say once we get our act together. The interstates were built in 40 years. History repeats itself. There will always be Frontiers.

Never cash out.

>> No.11392385

Anon hasnt invested in gvt yet
Literally recession proof
Stay dumb, faggots

>> No.11392475

>red pilled

>> No.11392734

What an absolute faggot you are.

>> No.11393608


>> No.11393622
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