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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11387419 No.11387419 [Reply] [Original]

who else actively watching Tether Implode?

>> No.11387434

I'm prepared

>> No.11387449

holding PAX on Binance right now and watching the USDT/USD chart on Kraken. If it hits 0.95 I'm sending my PAX off of Binance

>> No.11387450

I'm 100% Tether on binance, so I'm safe?

>> No.11387458


>> No.11387469

>Down to .99 cents.

>> No.11387473

Its at .98 now amd is fine

>> No.11387482

verification even /biz/ is asleep at the wheel

>> No.11387532

Steady decline over the past days, but not imploding so far

>> No.11387545

in case it turns out it wasn't fully backed it will literally implode like bitconnect

>> No.11387555

>Tether fud
Unfortunately indicates a crash

>> No.11387560
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It's about fucking time.

I hope it takes down every other exchange that is complicit in the USDT scam, Binance included. Fuck that CHink.

>> No.11387561

i was absolutely sure this fucking scam would implode much sooner, so it can happen any day or never i dont's care really.

>> No.11387564

Oh shit you're right. This same this same thing happened in January

>> No.11387574

if this turns out to be true crypto is literally over

>> No.11387603

The idea is to STOP you from tethering up

>> No.11387606

bitfinexed blocked me :(

>> No.11387698


I opened an account with them a while back and I got a notification a few days ago that they are suspending fiat deposits.

Sure smells like fucking insolvency to me.

>> No.11387820

What happens if it implodes? Everyone runs to bitcoin? Whole market crashes?

I must know?

>> No.11387835

Why would BTC crash if tether is proven a scam? It's not like it would instantly turn unsuable.
People would flock to market buy BTC as soon as fucking possible as to not lose their funds... The reverse would happen from a crash

>> No.11387847

you lost like 2% of your wealth

>> No.11387875

4d chess anon here... if tether is gonna exploade.. the based time to do it is at the very end point of the triangle

>> No.11387890

I actually believe tether will moon very hard. all that pegging is not very sane. expect usdt around $100 eoy

>> No.11387902
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since yesterday you can't check Bitfinex's Tether / Dollar on Trading View
it's already mooning on some exchanges

>> No.11387915

Yeah but they market buy with tether, leaving the USD price unchanged and probably decide to leave crypto as a whole so they dump their btc on real fiat exchanges.

>> No.11387924

So if tether blowup wont that signal a alt coin bullrun? Everyone will dump worthless tether and buying whatever they can get their hands on right?

>> No.11387949
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You got it. And after that it will crash.

>> No.11387989

This retarded shit again.

Tether going down != BTC going up. If Tether implodes, people will run to fiat as a safe haven (obv since they were "Tethered up" in the first place). Massively increased trading from crypto to fiat is what will cause the price to collapse.

Your logic assumes USDT=USD is a law of nature, which it most definitely is not.

>> No.11388003

it's much easier to buy btc than cashing out though, I will personally flock to btc if shit really hits the fan

>> No.11388078

I'm 100% in PAX in my own wallet... am i safe ??

>> No.11388084

Pretty much this. If everyone is going from tether to tether to btc to fiat....most will just stop at btc since btc will fucking moon. Beside lots people are trading dark money and never plan to cash out so btc/alts/stablecoins is where the buck stops...or until they can get into another usd backed token.

>> No.11388098

lolwtf is this chart?

>> No.11388121


You’re safe until the US govt. shuts them down for securities fraud (which is coming and has been rumored for months). Everything about tether is a scam.

>> No.11388138

>been rumored for months
you mean bitfinex and his sock puppet twitter accounts.

>> No.11388140

> ...since btc will fucking moon.

The logic of this... Look, when Zimbabwe's currency collapsed, an apple whet from being maybe 1 Zimbabwe dollar to 1 million Zimbabwe dollars.

But here's the point: people holding apples (like maybe an orchard) didn't suddenly become hyper-wealthy.

Christ give me strength.

>> No.11388164


Bitcoin and the whole market would crash because now people no longer have the illusion that their money can be kept “safe” by tethering up, plus it means a top 10 coin and the exchange that provides it would go to zero, ala Bitconnect. People would cash the fuck out when the market dips instead of just tethering up and buying back in a few days later. That means dramatically less cash in the entire crypto market, leading to a cascading series of lower lows. There are other stable coins promising the same things as Tether now, so it wouldn’t be as dramatic as it would have been a year ago, but it would be bad for the market like another Bitconnect or Mt. Gox situation.

>> No.11388167

he ment short term, everybody will be orderbook buying the shit out of btc and at that moment a lot of people might still believe 1 usdt=1usd

>> No.11388169

My impression is fiat is fleeing, the lifeboats are full, if you get out with less than 5% loss in nominal tether dollars you're early

everyone else is fucked

>> No.11388190

Lmao you think btc would pump if it was realised that the entire market is propped up by fake dollars being printed at somebody’s computer and the whole space is a literal Ponzi scheme

> some people

>> No.11388191

>never used tether
>do not have vested interests in FUDing Bitfinex
>do not follow cucks on twitter that are mad they sold pre-bull run so are emotionally invested in "getting back" at bitfinex

Who /comfy/ here?

>> No.11388209

you can always buy tusd, the guys behind it honestly back it with fiat even if crypto collapses

>> No.11388211
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What if the imposion of Tether will be the catalyst for the upcoming capitulation phase?

>> No.11388218

guys whats going to happen to my link?

>> No.11388230

I met an €ternal bagholder last weekend, he's convinced last weekend was the bottom and we are going up


I think we are going to take another 90% leg down. Fomo WILL BE replaced with fear of not getting or fast enough, FONGOFE

>> No.11388251

In the scenario of BTC $2k every other ERC20 shitcoin will loose another 70% of value for example

>> No.11388268

I fucking hope tether implodes, it will be the spark for BTC to hit 10k+ and move into bullish territory.

>> No.11388294

Technically Tether cant possible implode in any way or form without the BTC ledgers integrity is destroyed -> double spend etc..
The only way it can implode is the psychological part in the brains of people: dont trusting it anymore as a dollar pegged asset

>> No.11388315


I sold 45000 tusd when this retarded market pumped it 1.28 last may

I do think the liquidity famine that is coming will push these coins through the roof but to profit you are going to have to sell out through their fiat mechanisms so this will not be liquidity in the system but net outflow

the reason for the premium of Twitter based exchanges is because coins are being moved to fiat exchanges and selling pressure is high

Some amount of the volume on exchanges like Binance on eth ltc, etc etc are just buying for the p purposes of quick transfer to first exchanges to cash or to mitigate risk

The descending triangle represents a market whose mechanism for pumping is failing like a bilge pump on the titanic, eventually water floods the engine room, no more mechanism, it goes into free fall, the mass displacement of the ship is neutralized and begins to sink.

what we are seeing is structural failure of the crypto ecosystem. Tether not holding a peg is one, stablecoins soaring value is another, and simple prices falling is another.

all these veteran oldfags aren't wrong about shit going to zero. A lot of people will capitulate (jump off the ship at the last moment). The wise know that means certain death by hypothermia in 5 minutes, and they already got in lifeboats. The real smart ones helicoptered away at 10k+.

The titanic analogy is a good one in the sense that there aren't enough lifeboats for everyone. Let the market hold bags, get the fuck out while you still can.

>> No.11388317

fuck me. i cant afford for my bags to get any heavier

>> No.11388337


>bounces off $6k 5+ fucking times
>thinks it is going down 90%


>> No.11388338

>muh tether is a fraud
fuck off bitfinexed, nobody likes you

>> No.11388344

fuck - this made so much sense what you wrote. and you dont even mentioned the gox sell off next year.

unironically market selling everything is the only right thing. MSM was all over crypto boom last december and didnt lost a single word about it ever since. like literally not one article. i get the feel they will report it again about their called death of crypto when btc heads to tripple digits

>> No.11388356
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cool, I don't follow fudders and news either, the way I found about this was it turned out my balance slowly shrinked by 2% in value over a week. picrelated blue line - btc tether, red line - btc us dollar, you have to spend a hundred of those chips more to buy bitcoin now

>> No.11388359

so what are you proposing? just getting out all together and wait on the side lines for another year?

>> No.11388362

Wex. An exchange that halted withdrawals. Thanks for having a laugh.

>> No.11388364

hey man, I'm just looking for a way to save me balance here, I'm not retarded to believe in some x100 gains or golden bull run in a short term

>> No.11388397

You dense mother fucking retard. He's saying that the demand for btc would be temporarily higher, due to everyone buying up the order book to get out of tether. It won't be a lasting run, but it will drive the price up to ridiculous levels.

>> No.11388410


my basic proposal is there is no reason to hold onto a depreciating asset

if you are a gambler, get professional help

>> No.11388411

I'd like to be a bit more apocalyptic than the other people that replied your post. If tether crashes, all major exchanges will go down too. Binance, BitMEX, OKEx, Bitfinex, all of them will disappear with billions of user funds. We're talking about a crash that will bring BTC to 100$.

>> No.11388415

>in case it turns out it wasn't fully backed it will literally implode like bitconnect

So many markets use USDT for trading against other crypto that if USDT collapses the whole market is completely fucked.

>> No.11388416

Cash is king for the rest of the year

>> No.11388424

Thanks fren. You understood my post.

>comparing apples to bitcoin
I dont even have a face for this.

>> No.11388425

Fuck me i made a little money trading shit coins. I cant afford to hold cash on coinbase just to get fucked with taxes

>> No.11388427

If you don't hold your own private keys you are never safe.

>> No.11388447

Tether is a disaster waiting to happen. It's only a matter of time. People extrapolating the past saying that nothing bad will happen because nothing bad has happened yet is a logical fallacy.

You have an unreputable entity printing money and buying real assets with it. They have every incentive to be dishonest and then throw up their hands at the end to say they got "hacked" or something ridiculous. Your money isn't insured. There are no guarantees here. You will lose everything.

>> No.11388452

>They will vanish
It really depends actually. If they are solvent they are fine. Anyone holding Tether just gets fucked.

If the exchanges have been doing what everyone suspects them to be doing and SELLING COINS THEY DON'T HAVE for various reasons then they are all fucked. A lot of smaller exchanges like Bibox list low caps and fake volume and then endlessly dump the price by selling large sums of coins they don't have into any volume the coin gets.

Exchanges like that are just going to fucking vanish when people actually try to remove their coins all at once only to find out they have been manipulating the market and the coins they were trading didn't exist.

If Tether falls it will literally remove 95% of the scam exchanges.

>> No.11388453

stop it carlos

>> No.11388470

I only trade on dex am I safe? All my trading volume is on etherdelta, idex and waves dex.

>> No.11388479

You're "safe" if you're not holding Tether. However if USDT crashes it will likely lead to a crash of everything. So in that sense, none of us are safe.

I general DEXs are the way to go. People will figure that out, they just need to lose a lot of money first.

>> No.11388497


you don't have to hold on coinbase

tusd is as good as usd ( maybe better with coming volatility )

I don't know anything about pax. there are a few collateralized stablecoins coming online.

If you kyc yourself you can buy stablecoins for a dollar. Stablecoins will always have value. they are going to be the standard for smartcontracts where deals can be made without the risk of slippage. I think there will always be a market premium for them.

the stable coin market cap is tiny but they are gaining

>> No.11388511

>might still believe 1 usdt=1usd

Yes, incorrectly believe. That's my entire point. BTC isn't going to fucking "moon" because Tether is collapsing. My apples analogy is bloody balls dead on accurate.

>> No.11388514

Thoughts on DAI? think for the discussion btw?

>> No.11388529

not insolvent but will get shut down for money laundering. simple as that

>> No.11388542

i just googled PAX and the first couple articles are talking about a backdoor

>> No.11388547
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Fucking this. The january tether FUD was absolutely insane. Reddit, /biz/, everyone freaking out that it will be any moment and it will crash to zero and anyone in it will lose everything. I listened like a retard, didn't tether up and ended up losing $180,000 in the crash. At least I was smart enough to tether in April and still kept my $120,000

>> No.11388582


tether serves a vital market function of creating liquidity pools. the exchanges make shitloads of profit off the trading volume.

There is a black swan possibility of some government sanction on Tether, sure. But in the sense that it's a stablecoin with a use case (exchange liquidity) and secure (Omni layer) is also a reason it's not too bad an investment.

To be clear, I think crypto is going down, but I think it's as likely tether will go back to 1.00 because nothing has fundamentally changed about belief in tether (fundamental) and the stablecoins are going to stay above 1.00 for it's intrinsic redemption value.

What I am saying is that proof has a slightly higher premium than belief as a fundamental for a currency. But belief can totally blow away theoretically while proof is resistant. When belief is high, it can support $2billion in liquidity and it does so on a regular basis. If belief cracks because of some black swan, regulatory crackdown, server seizing exchange raid... who knows what happens... exchanges probably totally halt trading.

I am just speculating, the chaos in the market would be insane.

>> No.11388614

I looked into DAI, it's just too complicated.

I was balls deep into nubits when it imploded, I got out without too much damage. Its complicated rube goldberg three way stabilization scheme reminds me of DAI, not that it's exactly the same, but that it's complicated.

The collateralized scheme is just simple which makes it resilient.

>> No.11388631

This, tether pumpet since years ago, its not magical to go from 0 to 20k.

>> No.11388914
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>because nothing has fundamentally changed about belief in tether

except the exchange that is issuing them is having trouble with banks

>> No.11389314

They received supoena: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-01-30/crypto-exchange-bitfinex-tether-said-to-get-subpoenaed-by-cftc
Might take two years but bitfinex is going down.

>> No.11389361

Lol this market is in for a rough couple years. Oh well, guess it's time for me to wagecuck then buy everything hella cheap

>> No.11389411

>collateralized scheme
Even these scare me tbqh.

I don't really want a decentralized stablecoin, I would much prefer digital banknotes issued by a central authority who has made a legally binding and auditable promise to back every single one with the corresponding real asset.

Yes, not perfect either, but at least it won't implode in a black swan.

>> No.11389460

Tether fud is a sure sign of another leg down. We 5800 again boys.

>> No.11389963

More like two months

>> No.11391319


>> No.11391345

It's easier to cash out than watching BTC falling in value next after Tether implodes in a domino effect. No amount of shilling can convince people to keep holding.

>> No.11391833
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>loads the tether fud

This is actually bullish.

>> No.11391853

yeah, right man. usdt market price is already 0.979, the same as in january. but in january there was an extraordinary situation - considering the bubble was popping and the overall chaos. what's the matter now?

>> No.11391876

true, cashing out is relatively easy. pouring my fiat back onto the exchange though if btc starts to go up is a whole different matter. the unstoppable force of "whatif" keeps me in the market

>> No.11392182

Tether is worth maybe ten cents on the dollar and we're all fucked is what's the matter now. This is what happens when people print money.

>> No.11392253

Last shakeout, that is the matter now. Just sell everything you stupid goyim, it's gonna crash another 300%!!!!!1!1!!

>> No.11392277
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>> No.11392294

>In this moment, I am euphoric

>> No.11392310 [DELETED] 

jokes on you, im true usd'd now

>> No.11392328

i just switched to trueusd, so probably not. Its on binance also so its easy.

>> No.11392354

So alt bullrun when?

>> No.11392408

fuck it. just took all my tokens of exchanges. im not sitting around for this shitshow.

got a $1k short on 20x leverage on bitmex so if anything does happen, at least ill get out with something

>> No.11392418

>muh if tether crashes the whole market crashes

You guys are honestly the /pol/ IT'S HAPPENING of crypto. Remember when everyone said Bitconnect collapsing would bring down the market in a tidal wave of lost confidence? What actually happened? Fuck all. Bitconnect went to zero and the market carried on. If Tether goes to zero it will be the same thing. The tether bagholders get fucked and the market picks up a new stablecoin and it's business as usual. There will certainly be solvent exchanges who will pick up volume if the rest go under. Please stop with the ciclejerk doomsday predictions.

>> No.11392471

god, wex is like the revolving door anus of the crypto space. every scammer and russian drug lord shows up here, blows his filthy load, drops a $50 on his way out. how is this place even operating like this still, esp. after getting assblasted by the Feds last year?

>> No.11392488


>> No.11392502
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It is reverse psychology. It will be the opposite this time. Remember, trust nobody on /biz though....

>> No.11392505

did you switch before of after the crash? because tusd price is 1.05 so added to that 2% lost if I switch that will make 7 percent of balance lost and I'm reluctant to do that just yet

>> No.11393000


The market will implode. There's not enough actual magical internet money for people to cash out, and no one will want to be saddled with worthless less magical internet money.

It's called a bank run, anon.

>> No.11393159

Nothing is going to implode, at worst bitfinex allows one-time withdrawal through a lawyer, like they did last time.

>> No.11393198


Last time, they took 36% of everybody's money.