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11374161 No.11374161 [Reply] [Original]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.11374171

audit the (((FED)))
although trump married all his daughters to kikes so he should be impeached too

>> No.11374182

Incompetent people will say almost anything to get ahold of perceived power. They think power is granted not intrinsic.

>> No.11374183

as the financial collapses plays out I think we're heading to a military dictatorship or a communist shithole
the people in power don't care about us, so fight for your rights to bear arms

>> No.11374188

he meant it's a fake quote

>> No.11374195

dropping from 26k to 25k is a lot different than dropping from 13k to 12k, also the dow has been up almost 25% on the year so a few percentage drop isnt the end of the world

>> No.11374199

Don't tell me that...no.

No, they're not actually.

Are they?

Trump's opposition has already taken up the age old cuckservative hobby of pointing out hypocrisy.

My god, they're going to lose for a generation.

>> No.11374223

Black Friday tomorrow

Get ready to buy the dip

>> No.11374259

giving up your rights is the most cucked thing you can do
we've given up our privacy, we're being spied on, we're limited in what we can say in public although that's mostly just social punishment not government
we can't conduct business peer to peer (they just banned peer to peer loan on poloniex)
it's going to keep happening on all fronts until we do something about it

>> No.11374276
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>> No.11374383

The Dow didn't drop, it "corrected"

>> No.11374402

drop is what boomers use also it's not a correction the correction is just starting. 50% value will be lost

>> No.11374410

he means he's a fucking idiot who doesn't understand what he's talking about

>> No.11374520
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>> No.11374562

He's such a 4D retard that he's predicted all of his failures in advance by tweeting about fox's alternate universe Obama.

>> No.11374954

Once automation replaces a large portion of the workforce we'll see the US become a socialist nation pretty quickly. Yall better invest in robots soon, the wealth divide is going to be much larger. You'll want to have enough money to pay for the gradual replacement of your biological parts with synthetics and then eventually the upload to a purely virtual space where you can enjoy endless hedonism as space is colonized by automatons, gradually turning the universe into a huge computer. Hopefully we can find a way to escape the universe, otherwise we'll have to make a simulation of a universe that runs at a much higher speed to find the solution for us.

>> No.11374971


>> No.11375051

I have a fundamental problem with this, mid and long term:
Where the fuck will the money go ?
I get also QT but Co's will make profits, people will want to beat inflation at least.
A 2% real interest is by far satisfactory.

>> No.11375059


>> No.11375171
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>> No.11376312

Hahahaha. What a fucking clown. Guess old Donny is getting the axe.

>> No.11376330

What a brainlet.

>> No.11376426
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>being this much of a brainlet retard

>> No.11376778

Nice come back faggot. That's what's great about how stupid Trump is. You can just go back on Twitter and see all the dumb shit he says and you can't even defend it. He's the biggest joke in history.

>> No.11376800 [DELETED] 
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karma is a bch