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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 451 KB, 2488x1600, moot_working_at_google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11364389 No.11364389 [Reply] [Original]

>actually like going to the work for its own sake
why did nobody tell me this? it's fucking awesome to stay active and produce something with value
>muh hard work
you're a disease, stop wasting your time pretending it's all bad and awful

>> No.11364431

my landscaping job = all money I need to pay bills and save + vitamin d3/tan + workout and cardio (I bike to and from work) + social opportunities, etc.

Jokes on me tho, I ultimately waste my time making $10 an hr under the table. As far as pleb jobs go, they're all only good for maybe 6 months for learning exp then you better get your shit together and make your own goddamn money. I am fucking miserable working for other people and genuinely would rather die than do it for the rest of my life.

>> No.11364447

We get it moot, you like Google. Not all of us can get into a job like that though.
>pretending it's all bad and awful
That's the thing, 99.9% of it is.

>> No.11364456


>> No.11364471

Once your faggot circlejerk is over ((they)) come by to steal anything of value you've created.

>> No.11364482

>wagie convincing himself his life isn't shit
lol, k

>> No.11364486

>his smile and optimism, gone

>> No.11364499

>it's fucking awesome to stay active and produce something with value
My shit, piss and cum is of greater value than your life, wagecuck.

>> No.11364510
File: 966 KB, 900x1272, sandworm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"i like my work therefore everybody should like theirs even though they dont do what i do"

>> No.11364509

I take away something different from this picture. He looks serene and at peace, like in a movie where the protagonist goes through a lot, and at the end of the movie they skip ahead a few years to show him living life happy and calm

>> No.11364514

>open office

does anyone here work in this setup? is it as cancerous as /biz/ makes it out to be? i dont think i could handle shekelsberg looking over my shoulder every 10 minutes, all day.

>> No.11364522

Problem with working under somebody is that I feel like a used hooker. I do all the work and then my colleagues and boss take all the profit and hand me scraps. This might not be that bad in the US as the wages are liveable there and you can have a comfy life but in Eastern Europe its a fucking feudal enterprise.

Having your own successful business is the only way to make it here and anybody who does that has my respect. Wagies are subhuman as far as I'm concerned. I wish I had the balls to give it a shot but I'm a poorfag.

>> No.11364525

I worked in cubicles and it was already cancerous. Having his own office is top-tier.

>> No.11364545

It's pretty fucking bad. Notice that guy in the back who's not participating in the photo op, he's wearing headphones because it's actually distracting and borderline impossible to work and concentrate in an open-office environment.

>> No.11364566

It sucks ass. I have literally 6 bosses behind my back

>> No.11364596


its hell

>> No.11364600

All those trendy retards tricked into competing against each other in a fake rigged socialist nightmare economy, thinking how great their job is as they masturbate to the shallow banality of their own egos.

>> No.11364612

>fake rigged socialist nightmare economy

>> No.11364627

lol it must be hard to find your own way huh?
you're a good dog, I'm proud of you.
Apply yourself to work for an extra day, not because you kiss ass but because you want to get to learn the company better. Smile at your employer, be friendly and look him in the eye.
You're gonna make it bukko, you're a good boy!
Do this till your retirement and then please die soon, dont get too old.

>> No.11364663
File: 207 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_4922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11364674

libre office is way better

>> No.11364679

The economy is rigged by the socialist bankers. Inside google even more so. The only people to rise up the ranks significantly are ex-government employees and super early employees that float the whole ship.