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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1136124 No.1136124 [Reply] [Original]

>I am where I'm because of hard work

>> No.1136134

Lol OP, making all these threads aint gonna make you as successful as me.

There is a reason youre poor. While you are making these shitty bait threads, I am working making money.

Just look in the mirror you peasant.

"The harder you work, the luckier you get.". -every rich person ever, and they are right
So have fun being a poorfag

>> No.1136138
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>working for making money

top kek

No one ever got rich by working, son. Prove me wrong.

>> No.1136150

Martin shkreli

>> No.1136166

Top keks

He had a trust fund set up for him

>> No.1136169

Nigga I bet you think Marc Zuckerberg is some self-made college poorfag.

Get real

>> No.1136217

Delusional workcucks can't swallow the redpill.

>> No.1136219

Hard work is a requirement of life, even for the non successful peasants. Working smart is the only thing that will get you places.

My dad is 50 and he works a 13 hour shift as hr for housekeeping as a hospital. His job is basically basbysitting niggers but he takes it really seriously and pushes his peers to do the same. There are hundreds of thousands of people that make more than his 60k/year and work less than him.

>> No.1136220

Did you ever tell your dad what kind of a huge cuck he is?

>> No.1136223


His parents are janitors he came from poverty.

>> No.1136228

He knows. He talks about suicide a lot but he'd never do it. He had us three kids, so he likes being cucked.

>> No.1136237

>Martin shkreli
You read about this guy and you think - what the f.... am I doing with my life? And the answer is pretty clear - once you've bought into slave morality which is pushed onto you from cradle to the grave its hard to change your thinking. What a world, slaves all throughout answering to other slaves to trickle everything up to 0.1% at the very top. Nitzche was right.

>> No.1136252

>working hard, having kids and caring about others is being 'cucked'
What is wrong with you people?

>> No.1136306

Working hard is a choice though. Working smart is really about what your odds are and whether or not you get lucky.

Your dad can pretend he is doing something "serious" but I've been in all kinds of positions where the pay is low and its low for a reason. If it was hard work, even if it takes very little skill, most people cannot do it at all and the value of the position goes up. If you just stress out about some simple task for 13 hours it might even seem like you're working hard, but you won't convince anyone else of anything besides you being a weak piece of shit.

It's not a requirement at all. anything will be challenging the first year or two, but people who stay behind can usually exploit all kinds of shortcuts in low wage work, especially if the pace of the tasks is slow or the responsibilities are shared. Constantly finding and being able to do "hard work" throughout your career is something that cannot fail to make you highly successful because the opportunity is ridiculous out there. I don't work hard at all and neither do most people in bioengineering. We just read papers and hope to meet government deadlines for our grant money with 60 year old methods on whatever might have a market. We do some more advanced shit for fun. The moment someone takes their job seriously in this field and becomes a leader/speaker/mentor etc, they are swimming in money. im sure your dad is competent for more than just babysitting, anyway.

>> No.1136311

sez who

>> No.1136372

>Startup oil company, buys old used up wells
>develop 'new technology' to extract oil
>get $1.8 billion line of credit
>take loans
>go out of business
>enjoy wealth
>rinse/repeat every 7 to 9 years

>> No.1136376

>No one ever got rich by working, son. Prove me wrong.

No one ever got rich posting le /r9k/frog either.

>> No.1136514

>Nitzche was right.
about wat,wtf is u talking about?

>> No.1136559

>working hard at not working hard

>> No.1136866

>making below 80 grand for a 13 hour shift isnt being cucked
Only uk and us posters should be allowed here.

>> No.1136908
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>tfw only make 120k per year

When the fuck am I gonna get rich?

>> No.1136925


Ya mayne das how it werks bro

Ya jus get da loans $$$$$$$$