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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11320430 No.11320430 [Reply] [Original]

Who here?
How many bizrealis up right now, how ya doin. I'll be bumping till I'm out of pics, and I don't have many.

>> No.11320437

Yo I'm waiting for the bullrun kek

>> No.11320456

tfw i quit my job two years ago and now i only have $100k left in savings
>bullrun pls happen

>> No.11320458
File: 283 KB, 1000x1333, 1537042224364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noice, noice I too am waiting for the next lift. Whatcha doin in the meantime

>> No.11320464
File: 440 KB, 1175x1763, 19BCCAE0-4627-4077-BB31-A86649DE4ACB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m high and drunk

>> No.11320476
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Don't stress it I got 2.5k in the bank and shit can be worse than it is now. Just take a step back, breath and get back on your game.
I'm a bit of both too heehee

>> No.11320508

Planning on getting high but I need to finish some work up first. xaya.io - not even shilling this, the board is at ATL so what the heck, why not?

>> No.11320513
File: 149 KB, 1024x683, 4675A6EC-B2CC-4411-871D-D464D4DFDD0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everyone I’m still here

>> No.11320517


will this get me a body and beard like this guy >>11320458

>> No.11320525

Do they eat all of this every day?

>> No.11320526
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I'm always here boys, also fuck I could go for some salmon

>> No.11320529

I'm still here. Still making calls on DGTX, still pissed off that no other /biz/realis are making money off it with me. Also it's 11am and I just started on the sherry to go with moi Sunday roast

>> No.11320551
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Cool bro sometimes I'll work high lol I'll give xaya.io a look but my batteries about to die
Howdy, so am I. Who's the lady?
Yes but only if you work out too.
No just a list of foods in each category that will fill your daily needs, pick and choose for variety.
Tasty looking ain't it
Must be lonely, I'd join you but I don't have a computer, I've been phone posting forever now. I've no clue what you mean in you last sentence though.

>> No.11320593
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Wanted to post a webm that really clonked my noggin bit it's too long. I want to read this often along with some others so it gets ingrained in my head

>> No.11320597
File: 353 KB, 750x741, D56FD49F-3C4F-4EA7-8E5E-5CA9846C7734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no weed

>> No.11320607
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Cool cat I'm saving it

>> No.11320635
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>> No.11320668

>Imagine not being a Bong
Sunday roast is the /trad/ meal of Bongs. I'm drinking sherry while I make my roast, because I used sherry and juniper in the gravy, and also sherry is the patrician choice of morning drinking

>> No.11320673


thanks bro. i’ve been lifting and a /fit/izen for years. haven’t been able to lift in a while with an injury but I’m close to being back. likely only gonna be bro splits from now on but whatever, better than nothing. how’s your training going?

>> No.11320722
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Oh sounds comfy and delicious. I didn't mean to insult with that pick either I'm just high and the la creatura makes me giggle
>Anyone have the other one opposite of this?
Awesome man bro splits better than nothing. Lost 60lb thanks to my job with some bicycling mixed in, just started doing yoga before work and gonna be hitting the gym after work when I get my car title and plated. By this time next year I'll hopefully have made good financial, mental and aesthetic gains
>/Biz/fit/lit holy Trinity

>> No.11321056

>only 100k in savings

Kys humblebragger

>> No.11321119


nice anon. similar story here, i’ve lost about 40 pounds since i got hurt and couldn’t lift, but i look and feel better so i’m not going back to being a bloat lord again kek. also started doing yoga for rehab and walking which im going to keep up when i get back to the gym. hope you get your gains.

>> No.11321661
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Still here

>> No.11321719
File: 169 KB, 1024x768, 3FE7BED8-2485-498F-A6DC-EB520180EB6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m here guys. Together we are stronger.

>> No.11321825

how does someone find time to read these books

am I a brainlet? bcus it takes me like 2 months to get through a single book with work, life etc. getting in the way

>> No.11322644
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Thank you kindly for staying along, how's things going Anon?
He'll yes together stronger, from the thumbnail I thought those were a bunch of 2 liter bottles of Pop
All you have to do is start and like anything you'll get better and faster at it over time to the point where you're reading at actual conversation speed. Consistency is key to anything sticking with you.
Yeah being a bipedal to boat sucks but things are changing now, good luck with your gains too brother.