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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11320388 No.11320388[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Okay boys and girls, this is going to be a long one. It might not make sense at first but I'm going to explain why TELECOIN is the best and most comfy hold of 2018. You'll have to read it all to really understand why. So strap in put on your reading glasses and let me educate you on TEL

Also? Rank 112 on coinmarketcap. Rising pretty fast.

I'm going to be straight here though. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti—biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.

The EASIEST way to buy TEL is to use forkdelta. Once you're on there you will despoit your ethereum onto the websites exchange, and then it'll allow you to either put buy orders, or buy the sell orders.

Not working? Use more gas. Order taking too long? Use more gas.

Laggy orders, not showing up? SAVE your seed word phrase w/ metamask, and reinstall.

Exchange link >>> https://beta.forkdelta.app/#!/trade/0x31bbd084f5d3f46fe5c0a43d28c8eec7f5c7403b-ETH <<<

>> No.11320395

Nice just picked up 250k !

>> No.11320399
File: 33 KB, 500x483, IMG_7765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop spreading this OP, you're going to ruin a good opportunity by reposting this on /biz/, everyone should sage this thread

>> No.11320403

Why's this going to moon OP

>> No.11320405

Fuck trans people

>> No.11320409

its not so much about a moon (which is potential because of the binance announcment) but there is some sweet arbtiraging you can do right now. Buy the stack for .000003199 , and 4x your gains by selling on kucoin. I know a lot of people are probably doing that instead of HODLing for now. HODL after forkdelta is dried up / more expensive

>> No.11320410

This is literally free money

>> No.11320415

Going to drop 2 eth :`>

>> No.11320417

So that's how you arbitrage.... thanks anon

>> No.11320418

Hodling 2.5mil TEL OP

>> No.11320419


>> No.11320424

Ok what's up with adding the cuckold part i get everything else but the cuckold part ?

>> No.11320428

It's so easy even Trump could do it

>> No.11320433

It's 2018 watch what you say about cucks

>> No.11320449

Stack consists of 5mil TEL 2 btc 52 ethereum and 55k LINK

>> No.11320457
File: 111 KB, 750x1334, Trannerz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you dude get with the times and so being a fucking Nazi it's not 1945 anymore buddy pic related it's me

>> No.11320466
File: 123 KB, 750x1334, Trannerz_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also decided to add one more tidbit you really need to be accepting of others or you'll stay alone my friend =]! Enjoy my tinder pictures sexy! I'm 7 inches hard btw bigger than you probably! Trannerz pride homophobe!

>> No.11320470

Nice just shorted the gook exchange with this shit

>> No.11320479

Holy shit get some help

>> No.11320486

Imagine being poor in on this shit forkdelta is so fucking easy to make it in this bear market kek

>> No.11320490


>> No.11320496

Appreciate the info bizbro will tip you and OP once I make some eth

>> No.11320498

Just picked up 520k much love nigger!

>> No.11320510

Bet. Bet my nigga.

>> No.11320521

Will I make it with 200k?

>> No.11320524

Kill your self freak.

>> No.11320528

Tel will hit binance by Q12019

>> No.11320535

You'll need at least 300k more kid.

>> No.11320552

Spent some time researching and did my own research for once ended up dropping 1.17 eth this is exciting. Just sent then to kucoin, and they took 2 minutes to arrive :D listing them now

>> No.11320586

Poorfag here too bad I could only afford 10k

>> No.11320617

big scam bois
the link is to a different smart contract

>> No.11320633

after shorting kucoin for 2 hours I'm up 10 eth thanks OP!!

>> No.11320647

Off to link threads with ya pajeet! Stay away from tel

>> No.11320655

Fucking elon musk type of moon mission

>> No.11320661

This, pretty nice idea actually, it doesn't change the fact that OP is a fucking pajeet scammer.

>> No.11320677

You're actually retarded not buying this KEK

>> No.11320682

Eu waking up to fud omegaLUL

>> No.11320686

Got 852k TEL not selling my bags

>> No.11320696

This is link to token made by op with the same name (telcoin) but it's not the real telcoin.

>> No.11320723

Pajeets waking up to fud this thread
You can be retarded and believe the fud or make easy money

>> No.11320733

Kek this was the easiest gains ice ever made from a trannylover

>> No.11320753

Brainlets don't under stand how to arbitrage this shit KEK

>> No.11320786

Don't be retarded biz and get 500k kek

>> No.11320813

Trannies should be gassed

>> No.11320822

When did etherselta become responsive

>> No.11320873

It's fork delta a new dev that isn't retarded

>> No.11320875

when they forked the original website away from HTML-illiterates and fixed it

>> No.11320879

not real Telcoin...different contract addresss...when you send to kucoin it will never arrive lol

>> No.11320908

Keep accumulating while the brainlets believe this

>> No.11320925

Etherdelta was fucking awful

>> No.11321611
File: 76 KB, 500x333, pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Curry niggers back at it again.

Pay attention newfags, this is what a scam looks like. Google "super moon 4chan" and you'll get the entire scam series hosted by Jamal and the gang.

Reported for fraud niggers.