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11315839 No.11315839 [Reply] [Original]

who's going to keep being a NEET once they /make it/?

>> No.11315887

I want to be a NEET that gets laid

>> No.11315900

You're either a neet who made it or a temporary entrepreneur who turned neet after making it. You can't have both.

>> No.11316390

Have gf. Miss neet life. Women are horrible.

>> No.11316395

NEET here, not sure if im gonna make it tho, halfway there at least

>> No.11316419

Already made it, now NEET. It's alright, better than wagecucking, but it's frustrating having so little to talk about with people.

>> No.11316498

how So?

>> No.11316984


gf moves in, gets fat, gets loads of obnoxious tattoos, hitting me up for a kid. have to police her eating habits, complains like a child when I ban donuts from the apt.

Take gf to gym, doesnt follow the routine correctly that I give her, think about splitting up all the time. It would destroy her though, so grim miserable living for me.

Ask bros if they suffer the same fate, they all say "dude dont have a fucking kid!!! I did that now im tied to some horrible cunt for eternity"

neet seems horrible lonely grim, but its actually epic. lift weights, eat healthy, play games without horrible woman standing around like an npc watching, work on cool practical hobbies, read huge books.

basically you are master of your own domain.

>> No.11317018

i can confirm this

>> No.11317186
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 38B3E1AC-D639-4E4C-A5D5-BF68B35856E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want enough money so I can play all my favorite video games without any of the guilt. If a girl likes me for me, than fine, if not then whatever :-)

>> No.11317204
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Yes, play videogames without feel like I'm wasting my time by not earning money like a slave.

>> No.11317265
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it is possible to do all that and still have a decent woman. You need to find a neet woman and break her into her tradwaifu role.
>not having a woman standing around mirin you in your home gym

>> No.11317297

Yep. Everytime I play, I always feel like shit because I should be learning a skill to make money because I have none.

I just wanna wake up when I want, sleep when I want doing that things I want. Truly be in control of my life, not working around someone’s schedule. Why would you want to live like that?

>> No.11317310

What's the point of playing games all day though? Nothing you do carries over to anything outside the little walled garden of your current game. You're literally just doing pointless busywork.

>> No.11317329

Because playing osrs, playing retro games like snes rpg’s and n64 rpg’s are fun bro, I enjoy these things. They make me happy. Play terranigma, and tell me if this isn’t the comfiest game you’ve never played

>> No.11317337

I would also be trying to learn a new language, work out everyday and travel a lot. I don’t have time to be caught up in other people’s bullshit.

>> No.11317344

I like playing modded out skyrim from time to time. Maybe once a year Ill install a new set of mods and play for 60 hrs or so in an immersive fantasy world.

>> No.11317347
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Comfy :)

>> No.11317350


Instead of policing what she eats, police her portions. Get a food scale and force her to only eat 900-1000 calories a day for awhile. Even if she ate 900 calories of donuts she would lose weight (but be unhealthy). If you only want her to not be fat, it's better to do that.

>> No.11317371
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Is fishing at the local river a cool and practical hobby?
asking for a friend

>> No.11317499

jesus christ... is playing babby remakes of dead 2007 games like osrs really the peak of your life?

lmao you manchildren wont learn until its too late

>> No.11317547

Break up with her regardless, if she doesn't respect your desires in a partner while taking for granted what you do to make yourself an attractive partner - she probably thinks she can get away with it because you're too scared to break up. Obviously you don't know people until they actually move in with you and you're lucky to have the experience before having a kid or advancing your relationship to something more legally binding.

>> No.11317640


She obviously doesn't deserve you. Don't be scared, and move on to something better.

>> No.11318145

What's the point of doing anything fun, am I right? Btw, playing games is good for your brain and to avoid Alzheimer's

>> No.11318191
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I know dat feel bro. I know dat feel

>> No.11318215

life itself is pointless bro think about it

>> No.11318311

Once I make it I'm gonna paint for 16-20 hours a day.

My dad was a painter and I want to follow his footsteps even though I fucking hate the old man's guts

>> No.11318418

It's fun busywork instead of non-fun busywork at a job.

>> No.11318515

>Have gf. Miss neet life
Do you actually know what 'NEET' stands for? Having a gf and neetdom aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.11318592

would love to

I have the ambition, but I can't figure out where to start. I don't need to make millions, just enough to travel and not be tied down to a wageslave job