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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11290096 No.11290096 [Reply] [Original]

If you call yourself an entrepreneur, it means you have no skills.

No, you're not cool for hustling. It means you're a dumb loser that wants to get rich quick.

>> No.11290113

How is this supposed to help anyone?

>> No.11290120

Get hard skills and go into the work force. Neither crypto or "the hustle" is a substitute for a real job.

>> No.11290151

Ragie wagie detected

>> No.11290186

So what does it mean when this dumb hustler is more well off than your average wagie? Are wagies ever scummier than successful investors?

>> No.11290190

>It means you're a dumb loser that wants to get rich quick.
>implying getting rich quick isn't what everyone wants.

>> No.11290191
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 1538422652735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but unironically
OP is a crab in a bucket

>> No.11290194

hahaha wtf

>he made more money easier and faster than me consistently what a dumb loser

>> No.11290200 [DELETED] 

im 31 and like everything in the back of my mind since i was a kid that told me about how salty stupid people are is just truth

>> No.11290205

Fake it till you make it.

I can get rich quick giving bjs on the corner to middle aged asian men but I don't. Opportunity cost.

>> No.11290222

I make 6 figures as a software engineer.

>> No.11290256

You better tell the people who employ you that entrepreneurs are not cool and they have no skills, see how they react

>> No.11290267

Fuck off, pol

>> No.11290268

>I make 6 figures as a software engineer, im totally not a wagecuck who learned an arbitrary skill based on the market demands so i could secure a safe steady future working for mr noseberg, i hate entrepreneurs that employ me and keep me fed and allow me to afford my cuckshed

>> No.11290269

Is a nigger better because he can work the fields better than the white man?

>> No.11290271

They'd laugh at me if I called them an entrepreneur. Most of them are software engineers themselves that eventually shifted into management.

Face it, the only people that call themselves entrepreneurs are college drop outs with zero skills and very little capital. Bill Gates never called himself an entrepreneur, he just did work.

>> No.11290276

what do you call somebody that did get rich quick then?

>> No.11290286

Why do you hate hard skills so much? Is it because it takes more than $200 and a business application to obtain?

>> No.11290289

I'm not talking about your balding wageslave managers.

>> No.11290295

It's just a label, but even labels serve a purpose. It's like saying "He's not a chef, he's just a line cook that happens to fully manage the establishment menu".

>> No.11290296

Lucky (arbitrage).

>> No.11290306

You've been browsing social media too much, bro

>> No.11290324

I'll let you in on something. The CEO of my company has a post-graduate education (Masters). Most "Entrepeneurs" haven't even obtained an Associates degree.

Yup, I've seen too many tweets of Patrick Bet-David videos.

Except "Entrepreneur" is specifically vague language meant to obfuscate the fact that the person has no skills/attributes. It's like how you see business jargon inserted when plan details are not present.

>> No.11290359

I'm an "Entrepreneur" I guess, but I have a degree and skills.

I think you are overgeneralizing, do you mean all people starting businesses or just all people starting meme businesses?

>> No.11290371

>Except "Entrepreneur" is specifically vague language meant to obfuscate the fact that the person has no skills/attributes.
It means what it means, not what you want it to mean to fit your narrative; https://www.dictionary.com/browse/entrepreneur

Just because someone runs a small business from their home garage, it doesn't make them a no-skill loser; you have to wear a lot of hats for that to even work, let alone make a profit in the process.

>> No.11290432

Everybody’s an entrepreneur until they actually produce something. Then they’re whatever they produced. “Entrepreneur” as a word is basically meaningless today because it’s a placeholder

>> No.11290545

Much less likely to get aids running a business than blowing fobs out back though

>> No.11290688

Nobody who makes money from anything other than owning something is actually rich.