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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11284848 No.11284848 [Reply] [Original]

Has it reached the bottom? $3 seems to hold pretty well

>> No.11284898

Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh !!!!!!

>> No.11284909

Not selling this at 25 bucks was the biggest mistake of my life.

T. 9000 omg with a dca of 8.85

>> No.11284914

Just look at all the other utility tokens and you'll find your answer
OMG has been overvalued since ICO

>> No.11284981


Omisego was so bad at executing that they outsourced to imapp. A contracting company that built golem

>> No.11284993

$3 with no product, I think $20-70 is realistic once the network is up and running. Not the $700 teeka told us......

>> No.11285023

he told in 5 yers timeframe

>> No.11285030


Rofl product don't mean shit when they have no partners.

God I'll mail you a fucking postcard with 100 bucks in it if this bag of shit even gets to 20 bucks again.

Fucking feel like a retard Thailand world exchange. Jun manletgawa..vitalik promoter

>> No.11285040

I got fucked in the ass by this coin :(

>> No.11285069


We all did. Jun literally just sold this shit and made a roadmap based on ethereum and cosmos. I hope neobag takes his manlet ass out. I legit lost at least 6 figures on this shilling Thailand leprechaun

>> No.11285129

damnit it's still over double in sat and over 6x in usd when I first bought it. I could have been rich if I only listened to myself last year. I seriously had about 1 week depression because I didn't go all in last year

>> No.11285146

absolute scum of the earth team

>> No.11285178

Really? vitalik, poon,

>> No.11285203

Mr scamagawa, I don’t feel so good

>> No.11285212
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genuinely curious as to what his skateboard collection looks these days

>> No.11285223


Vitalik is focusing heavy on sharding and Casper.

Poon is a basedboy faggot who collects project advisory shares then market sells. T. Lightning network, plasma, and now his new day company shakehand.

Jun scamegawa is a private investor on it too.

Dude the same exact shit in the stock market is happening in crypto. People with connections sell bullshit and band together on more bullshit to make more money.

This faggot Jun needs to be curb stomped. Doesn't it make you faggots mad that this manlet chink is wealthy beyond all recognition on selling snake oil and not doing anything?

At least Joseph poon conceptualized an idea. Jun hasegawa is set for not doing anything.

I'd love to lay his jaw on a curb and curb stomp his little head until his teeth fly everywhere and his skull cracks. Fucking lying manlet.

>> No.11285224


>> No.11285271

cool down neobag200kg, omg is still ranked 22n cmc. fundamentally its still strong, it has already 10xed from ico price

>> No.11285291

it would be ranked 40 if they didnt release 40m tokens to sell on everyone

>> No.11285292

None of you have the patience to make it.

Anyone following this space can EASILY tell that OMG is by far the most professional and competent team out there. They would be worth waiting for if it took until 2025

But it won't be that long.

>> No.11285300


Not neobag. Why do you all assume people who call out this scam team are neo or the mugger?

It would be rank 30 without tokens unlocked. What fundamentals? Making a wallet that a basic coder can make in 3 months and then copying and pasting the staking code from eth?

Give me a fucking break. And fwiw 10x ico price is still a 90% loss from ath. You see how strong coins are only at a 50% loss in the bear market?

Well omg is another shit coin. I really want to see Jun die from a horrible skateboarding accident. Bonus points if he fractures vertabrete in his spine and is confined as a quadriplegic.

>> No.11285319
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>> No.11285372


Absolute delusional retsrd.

Omise paid for the biggest names in eth as advisors many of which have done Jack shit. Roger ver lol....

Face it nobody likes Jun and he is a cancer that needs to be eradicated.

Worse than justin sun. I hate knowing a skinny manlet is set for life on loss. It boils my blood to see that faggot well off because he tricked vitalik.

Fucking degenerate lying manlet. I'm going to kill his ass. Yeah if neo isn't arrested I'll kill him instead. I will kill that faggot golden retriever plasma too.

Give me my fucking money back you chimpanzee fucking third world subhuman Thailand ugly ass inbred cromagnons.

Give it back right now..I'm going to use a spoon to gauge juns eyes out to plasma then use a 9mm to kill that faggot dog too.

>> No.11285402

reported to fbi

>> No.11285410

lol. who asked you to FOMO during Jan you fking idiot? you deserve to lose it all!

>> No.11285428


You know you want to see Jun suffer too.

You know from an evolutionary standpoint this third world talentless snake oil selling monkey banging retsrd got rich off of vitalik.

Report me to the fbi. I'll redeem you and anyone else who got justed on this subhuman project.

>> No.11285433

For everyone saying they got fucked over by this coin, please tell me which coin survived this year and is doing so great? I hear eth is doing really well.....

>> No.11285435

>Anyone following this space can EASILY tell that OMG is by far the most professional and competent team out there.

2018 rock year!

>> No.11285486

You got only yourself to blame for being brainlet that bought when price was pumped, during bull rally.

And it also seems that you don't even know what dollar-cost averaging is.

>> No.11285489


Didn't fomo in Jan. Bought Aug 2017 and at a 70% loss because this manlet faggot is your average thailand middle-class peasant who took every chance he could get to shill vitalik.

Respect to cz from finance. A master's degree holding businessman who delivered the real world exchange. Not retsrd $2usd massage for an hour third world waste of gene pool.manlet Jun hasegawa who deserves to have all.of his teeth ripped out without numbing medicine and a pair of players.

I can't wait to see him bonded by rope in a chair as I pull out each tooth with pliers. 1 by 1. Reeeeeeee ok I admit it omise only rittle transaction a day and token sale.used to market omise.

Too late.jun. I rev up the chainsaw and make a clean Incision on his neck. Not decapitation but a slow bleed out.

Partnership confirmed with the hardware section of home depot.

>> No.11285499

other projects founders didnt miss deadlines and give false promises on twitter
look at charlie lee he told everyone he sold

>> No.11285640

>professional team
>addresses a 4chan troll personally

They are like little kids playing business.

>> No.11285667

>Partnership confirmed with the hardware section of home depot.

>> No.11285703

they are willing to use investors funds to send neo to counseling
that is pretty based

>> No.11285858


Neobag is a hero. He may have been retarded in overinvesting but he called out these jungle gooks a long time ago.

God bless that man. Even James Edwards the migger was right about omg

>> No.11286358
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>Anyone following this space can EASILY tell that OMG is by far the most professional and competent team out there

>> No.11286375

remember when these japs made up a "hard spoon" to get people to hold through this pain?

remember when cosmos said it would be done by may?

>> No.11286386
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but what does the coin as it currently stands DO? WHAT DOES IT DO GOD DAMNIT

>> No.11286441

There’s going to be a day where this token moons and doesn’t come back. Till then, patience.

>> No.11286459

where is our elec airdrop
it is worthless scam too but still

>> No.11286508

Will I make it with 4k OMG?

>> No.11286513

Justin Sun is based. I mean Justin Sun is a competent scammer that did it all himself. Jun is just riding on Vitalik with his scam.

>> No.11286540

What's up Cryptonovice93? How you doing

>> No.11286548

will I make it with 200 OMG?

>> No.11286599


This. Justin sun was at least independent. He spelled out tron was bullshit instead of raping vitaliks name

>> No.11286739

holy kek im ded

omg threads literally ALWAYS are gold

>> No.11286814

Fucking kek
neobag you are the best poster on biz

>> No.11286835

>Partnership confirmed with the hardware section of home depot.

>> No.11286888


>> No.11287001

Nothing in this shit project makes any sense.

There's no demand for a "currency-agnostic crypo blockchain gateway world exchange", and even if there were, this team couldn't build one.

They're limiting themselves to ETH and ERC20 technicalities now, focusing on scalability, but the far bigger issue will probably be volume. And the exchange acquisitions they've planned won't bring any significant volume at all or at best for a very small number of trading pairs.

Even Bitcoin support is only an afterthought that would be added as an extra separate clearinghouse a long way down the road.

>> No.11287028

the team is a fucking scam bro
they are using funds to travel the world pretending to go to workshops and paying for juns skateboard lessons
their biggest achievement at this point are omisego stickers

>> No.11287101

what does cardano do, tron do, bitcoin gold do? the list goes on and on these vaporware coins are in the top 10

>> No.11287386

>shooting Juns dinner

based and redpilled

>> No.11287394

I agree, the whole thing is based on ETH, which is shitty and has no real use case at all. why would you invest in something that depends on ETH when EOS exists?

>> No.11287970
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if OMG makes it, what does that mean for ELEC?