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11280765 No.11280765 [Reply] [Original]

>make it
>spend time taking pics of tacky rolexes, bottles of Moët, tacky as fuck cars and private jets to impress normies on instagram


>> No.11280778

after money comes fame.

>> No.11280788

It's a Franck Muller Yachting

>> No.11280792

NPCs don’t know how to actually use the money for a fulfilling life

>> No.11280807

>if I had money... I could be instabook famous!
I’m sure npcs want that even if they were rich despite most ecelebs only maintaining their image as a job.

>> No.11280853

you know that only a small minority of rich people do this, right?

>> No.11281199

instagram thots will ride him for "exposure" or a couple grand, it's a great way of paying to have sex with women who don't consider themselves prostitutes or just getting girls throwing themselves at you generally

>> No.11281258

You have to do something with life

>> No.11281264

It takes a man to enjoy a good car.

>> No.11281285

From my experience from the people i have met like that, they actually don't have shit, the stuff they 'own' is either rented, borrowed or leased and they do it because they are insecure that they don't have it.

The people that i have met that are actually rich couldn't give a shit about image as they have nothing to prove and are actual quite humble, from my experience anyway

>> No.11281294

You know people actually pay like $500 to take pictures with private jets for like 30 minutes so they can post it on there Instagram and pretend they are rich/famous

>> No.11281325

>make it
>spend time making video games and movies because thats what gives you pleasure in life

>> No.11281367

the people who make it but are npcs do that to fill the emptiness
if you make it and actually have an inherent passion for something meaningful you wont have time for it

likewise the people who have that passion but dont have a lot of money wont be impressed by your display of having money, rather they would be disgusted with the way you spend it

the only people who are attracted by that are npcs

>> No.11281380

the sad thing is that it works for getting laid

>> No.11281436


I remember a while ago some anon mentioned that he was acquaintances with a centimillionaire. Assuming he wasn't larping, he said the guy lived very much within his means and you'd never be able to tell his net worth based on his appearance and actions. It's that sort of behavior is what allows you to have multi generational wealth. People who care about retaining their money wouldn't waste hundreds of thousands of dollars on luxury cars that are expensive to maintain and depreciate in value. They'd have one car they can reliability use and invest that money elsewhere.

>> No.11281581

Why don't ANY white people buy politicians?

This is why you lose to jews

>> No.11281602

>a good investment

Pick one.

Might as well buy a women

>> No.11281614

Are you...not aware of how shitty politics is?

This is because politicians are bought

>> No.11281628

because they haven't made it

somebody that's actually made it doesn't feel the need to pretend to others that they have

>> No.11281641


>> No.11281645


Bentley is a poor mans Rolls Royce

>> No.11281692

The salt in this thread is ridonkulous

>> No.11281709

I'm pretty sure they are better than your Fiat Punto though.

>> No.11281714

I would buy a tesla if I could afford it
save on gas

>> No.11282585


>> No.11282668

I can't wait to make it, own a fleet of sports cars and lie about them being rentals

>> No.11282691

That’s the dream

>> No.11282704 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 384x383, ppp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inherit millions
>show your wealth on instagram
>normies flock in because they love ferraris mansions and stuff
>you start getting tons of subscribers
>adviertiser want their brand
>you end up making money off showing your money
>ridiculous 10/10 insta bitches suck your d in exchange of a mention on instagram or something so basically for free

not being rich is a fucking scam

>> No.11282721
File: 27 KB, 385x385, ppp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inherit millions
>show your wealth on instagram
>normies flock in because they love ferraris mansions and stuff
>you start getting tons of subscribers
>advertisers want their brand showing up on your posts
>you end up making money off showing your money
>ridiculous 10/10 insta bitches suck your d in exchange of a mention on instagram or something so basically for free
>once again the rich get richer

not being rich is a fucking scam

>> No.11282745


100% agreed except Maseratis are nice, well made cars and you can pick up a second hand one in the UK in great condition for a very reasonable price.

>Being so bad with money you buy a new car

Unless you're so rich it really doesn't matter, I don't see why you'd buy an asset which is going to depreciate a huge portion of its value as soon as you drive it. I would always buy a second hand low milage car. Under 30k miles and it's going to drive virtually like new anyway.

>> No.11282772

the new continental looks still great

>> No.11282809

Porn isn't just for sex. They also make porn for
>status (Instagram)
>sports (ESPN)
>videogames (twitch)
Our society is becoming based around watching the more fortunate doing the things we wish we could.

>> No.11282819

how do you even gain instagram followers if you are friendless? what kind of pictures should I post to attract bitches?

>> No.11282840

I have friends that do this that are middle class, their IG feeds look like they’re celebs and they’re perfectly normal IRL. It’s weird as fuck. People with real money never look or behave how you expect. The flashier someone is the broker they are 99% of the time, literally.

>> No.11282894

>21 million millionaires in the world
>22 million Instagram users in the world

I think not.

>> No.11283036
File: 505 KB, 1545x2000, 1 btc club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>21 million bitcoin total

>> No.11283057

Invest into the luxury market.
Richfags or their descendants will always throw their money into luxury stuff.

>> No.11283096

It's like pottery

>> No.11283162

Disgusting piss water. Take a sommelier course or two and find out what real champagne is. Same goes for shitty Veuve Cliquot that gets fined millions of dollars every year because they mix non-champagne grapes into their product so they don't have a shortage.

>> No.11283247

There's a billion+ dollar rental industry for renting exotic sports cars, expensive jewelry, mansions, etc.

There's an exotic sports car rental shop a town over from me that literally advertises "$150 for 10 minutes of photo taking with a car of your choice!".

It's a business, they spend a few grand on rentals for the weekend and make more off those posts going viral etc.

>> No.11283356

This desu. I actually got lots of scripts laying around because i cannot cover the cost of props and sets

>> No.11283383

> Our society is becoming based around watching the more fortunate doing the things we wish we could.

>> No.11283506

What the next kind of porn?

>> No.11283513

I don't really want to get CTE playing football desu

>> No.11283911
File: 3.36 MB, 3264x2448, 20180925_124521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a hand that has never done a day of hard work. Girly forearm too.
Pic related for contrast.

>> No.11285293


Ask me how I know you are poor with zero class.

Also the watch pictured is a tacky Frank Mueller. Shit watch. The car is an entry level Porsche, while shit it's not quite tacky.

What's tacky is the desire for fame and projecting a false idea of wealth to people on social media for attention.