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11278296 No.11278296 [Reply] [Original]

in a digital world where the biggest crypto exchange bounces from country to country escaping taxs and subpoeanas yet still has the blind unwavering loyalty of all of crypto

is it really any wonder no mainstream corporations want anything to do with this shit show. the sooner binance dies the better and it will be worth the bear market it causes

>> No.11278308

decentralized exchanges will take us much closer to the end game

>> No.11278324

Nobody makes you sign up faget.
Binance will become irrelevant without fiat gateways soon enough anyway

>> No.11278503

That's why stellarx will soon be #1 asset exchange

>> No.11279370
File: 47 KB, 636x636, D62AB3F3-3140-49EE-9C02-7B1719AD7D11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this I’m still accumulating

>> No.11279384

binance is gunna get taken down

>> No.11279417
File: 11 KB, 201x250, 1537350967483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please sell your bnb, i dont want to miss the burn pump again it hurts when im not riding the green candle

>> No.11279470

They said the same shit about Poloniex. Exchanges come and go.

>> No.11279489


Not 100% there yet but already so much better, faster, easier than any other exchange.

It's erven quite normieproof

>> No.11279828

nice try chengpeng

>> No.11279905

>decentralized exchanges will take us much closer to the end game
Can you name a few (that also offer a lot of alts)? I only use binance and kucoin for everything I need.

>> No.11279924

idex is the best one. but stellarx just came out a day or two ago and IBM is backing it. its pretty good

Its in its very early stages though so still needs some time to fully realize itself. use idex until then

>> No.11280743

Switcheo isn't bad. There's no volume, but it works easily. NEX has been hyped for 9 months, maybe it will be cool.

>> No.11280891
File: 59 KB, 499x499, 1537533940869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look here come my next 15%. so long buddy

>> No.11280914

>the biggest crypto exchange bounces from country to country escaping taxs and subpoeanas
based chinks keeping the spirit of crypto alive. i swear some of you are just begging for governments to ruin crypto.

>> No.11280948

There is literally only 1 reason binance is the top exchange. And that is because it has the lowest fees. I've seen better UI exchanges, better up times, more shitcoin choices, etc.
FUCK OFF every greedy bastard that runs other exhanges demanding retarded fees. There's a reason robin hood is popular too for the stock market.
You want to overtake binance in volume? Lower your goddamn fees you greedy retarded cucks. I was cucked out so many times and sold at a loss in other places due to fees on poor trades, but binance fees at least make me break even every time I fuck up something.
God damn every other greedy exchange cunt should get fucking shut down and start licking binance balls. Rant end.

>> No.11280960

please FBI leave binance alone!!! please

>> No.11280964

That news article is so fucking based. Kraken has every right to decline their request, and I think they are right when they say that the request is entitled. And then they spin it around to make it look like Kraken doesn't give a fuck, maybe it doesn't. BUT FUCK THOSE AMERICAN PIGS

>> No.11280990
File: 377 KB, 980x752, 1broker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they don't

Registrant City: Denver
Registrant State/Province: CO
Registrant Postal Code: 80201
Registrant Country: US

>> No.11281007

>binance is an obstacle
>people still gamble on another nigger '''''exchange''''

>> No.11281017
File: 168 KB, 729x1000, AMERICANPIGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking Americans living in the land of the ''free'' and ''brave'' are all obese fucks who can't keep their nose out of other people's business. And you don't even dare to stand up for every right being stripped from you every year. You're a fucking joke. Hope this whore of Babylon dies soon.

>> No.11281020
File: 384 KB, 800x618, btc-e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is allowed

>> No.11281024

Spot the chink

>> No.11281029

Thanks for playing retard go ask Mommy for more money ;)

>> No.11281346


the rest of the world thinks like them, you aren't the good guys no more, you never were, your autism is cancer to the rest of us mutt

>> No.11281803

ofc, its chinese. Everything chinese is cancer

>> No.11281813

Im not even american, but i would take american over any thing chinkoid

>> No.11282936

Fuck binance