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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11263426 No.11263426 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /biz/ so fucking dumb? There’s something unsettling about it. You would think a Sports or Fitness board would have dumb posters, and a business and finance board would have sharp and intelligent people.

What the fuck went wrong?

>> No.11263442

y..yeah? well it takes one to know one!

>> No.11263450

>and a business and finance board would have sharp and intelligent people

lol no
permabulls have double digit IQs and bring the average here way down.

>> No.11263458

Teenagers, Latinos, Eastern Europeans, Pajeets, French

All terrible posters

>> No.11263463
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>> No.11263465

The average iq of biz has increased greatly throughout this best market. Many people pretend to be retarded also.

>> No.11263470

w-well, you're not very c-cool either anon!

>> No.11263487

im rubber and ur glue

>> No.11263494
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Yeah that's it we are just pretending

>> No.11263505

the people that come here to seek advice must be dumb as fuck, the people that come here to have a laugh are ok

>> No.11263515

Most of you are just too arrogant to listen to anybody but yourselves so you squander yourselves like idiots reposting the same shit 25/7 and never really absorbing anything.

>> No.11263543
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>mAny PeOpLe PrEtEnd tO bE rEtArDeD hEre AlsO

>> No.11263557
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>it's only going to get worse

>> No.11263582

>Why is /biz/ so fucking dumb? There’s something unsettling about it.
Holy shit lmao

>> No.11263599

> a business and finance board
> board
> 4 chan
> smart

>> No.11263630

>a business and finance board would have sharp and intelligent people

/biz/ has and always be people shilling the bitcoin flavor of the month

>> No.11263639

everyon ehere is 10

>> No.11263666

Cryptokids from reddit

>> No.11264380

>Why is /biz/ so fucking dumb?
pajeets and minimum wage burger flippers

>> No.11264442

>business and finance board would have sharp and intelligent people.
That used to be the case actually. Crypto boom from 2017 changed this place forever for the worse and now it's a playground for cancerous pajeets and discordfags to shill their shitcoins.

>> No.11265440

>Eastern Europeans
we are smarter than your average burger and you know it

>> No.11265471
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So thats what they do, who da thunk it.

>> No.11265473
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>Eastern Europeans
Can you super sleuths help me figure out what country this anon is from...

>> No.11265484

id rather be from eastern europe than a kike jewSA burger anon.

>> No.11265494

Was it ever smart? I'd say 5% of the posters are high IQ people who hate society, maybe a fifth are in the superior intelligence category and the rest range from full retard to above average brainlet.

>> No.11265517

Omelette du fromage négro

>> No.11265541

Almost every single /biz/tard is emotionally invested in whichever coin he happens to own. This makes debate impossible as nobody wants to hear the flaws in their own investment

>> No.11265568

Link is shit and you know it

>> No.11265574

I pretend to be retarded all the time and peoples always call me pajeet

>> No.11265625
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disgusting. fucking pajeets shitting up my internet.

>> No.11265641

Desperation. After the great bear market that started in Jan, we had generations becoming eternal bag holders. In the end they got JUSTed so hard that they would do anything to see a 2x again
This resulted in delusions where they fall for the most obvious vaporware shit or pumps. Their rational thinking is in the gutter due to this traumatic experience

>> No.11265645
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some of us dont have to pretend to be retarted

>> No.11265648

Almost no posters here are Indian.
The vast majority of scammers here are chinks, junglechinks, slavshits and wh*te incels

Indians has become the scapegoat by them to avoid identification

>> No.11265690

>there are a substantial amount of wh*tes with 80 IQ
This is you average biz poster

>> No.11265699


it went to complete shite. i remember i used to lurk for gems here... no longer

>> No.11265726


I FUD my own investments(LINK etc) in here every day. Every day I come in here and FUD FUD FUD. I don't even know why I do it if I'm being honest but I do know that I can't seem to be able to stop it.

>> No.11265729

>1 post by this ID

you guys know what to do

>> No.11265732

they've actually been replaced by just as dumb permabears, which is kind of funny

>> No.11265745

We need more like you

>> No.11265848

/biz/ and all of 4chan for that matter seem so dumb to the average person coming in because they are use to accounts being tied to their posts. On here there is no account and its all anonymous so if i really wanted to shitpost i could literally just reply to someone calling them a fucking dumb faggot and that would be the end of it.

>> No.11266312

People gamble money on a virtual coin worth nothing that fluctuates in value based on nothing but hype. The smart people are all in /smg/.

>> No.11266364

Youve got a couple other things too, /pmg/ seems pretty well informed too, and every once in a while a good crypto thread.

>> No.11266390
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>implying im going to share any knowledge with you retards
I only come here to laugh at u and shitpost

>> No.11266453

Uhhh because half of the posters are NEETs who think Chainlink or Holochain is gonna have a bull run? Because it's the same people who think BTC is gonna make a comeback? Because it's a community of wizards who think cryptos and memes are all that's nessicary to make it?

>> No.11267469

Trap posters