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11256695 No.11256695 [Reply] [Original]

This is so stupid to do. If Bitcoin becomes all that people think it will become.... it won't make gold any less valuable.

The issue is with fiat currency.... not gold. You can't make it anymore because of sky rocketing cost of living which is made entirely possible because we went off a gold standard.

Gold has been de-monetized by governments already, yet its still valuable today as it was 900 years ago.

Just a reminder you are a low IQ brainlet if you are trying to compare the two.

>> No.11256707

Gold is STORED ECONOMIC ENERGY. The entire world could be utilizing crypto tomorrow for everything.... and gold will still be just as valuable as it was 2,000 years ago

>> No.11256897

Gold has always been valuable, ever since our ancestors dug that shit and melted it into shiny things. That's never gonna change until we get atomic alchemy working to an affordable state or a huge asteroid literally made of the stuff drops on us or the moon. I'm hoping the moon so then space stocks explode like mad.

>> No.11256905

who said btc would make gold less valuable?

ive never heard anyone say that

>> No.11256931

Pajeet ID

>> No.11256950

Bitcoin is the new gold? People say that all the time.

>> No.11257023

>This is so stupid to do. If Bitcoin becomes all that people think it will become.... it won't make gold any less valuable.
of course it would it's much more convenient at what gold does than gold. so obviously it will push it down hard.

>> No.11257035

nobody says its going to replace gold though, it just replicates gold in a digital way by having a limited supply. gold will always be valuable

>> No.11257037

>and gold will still be just as valuable as it was 2,000 years ago
except it's not it's worth less and less each year because it's mined at an exponentially increasing rate. if you wish gold is highly inflationary not as brutally as fiat but it's bad. meanwhile many cryptos are inherently deflationary. you can't even compare the two you are right.

>> No.11257094

>nobody says its going to replace gold though
i do, crypto can't do what gold does and gold can't do what crypto does. so gold will be a cheaper raw material for high end electronics and crpyto takes the monetary role of gold. it's the best for everyone.

>> No.11257110
File: 36 KB, 460x450, 1ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking "store-of-value", "inflation-hedge" shiny-rocks faggots.

If you want to hedge inflation, you buy A+ rated bonds. They are safe, they retain their value. If you buy Gold, you're gonna lose 50% of your value of the next decade, while inflation rises.

Fucking idiots