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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11251429 No.11251429 [Reply] [Original]

or is it just a Hollywood thing

>> No.11251470

I have never experienced it but it would not suprise me and the mafia is alive today

>> No.11251483

yea in new jersey and staten island and some neighborhoods in new orleans. it still 100% happens.

>> No.11251507

True story - my grandfather ran a shop and a guy approached him to try to sell him an alarm system. He said he didn’t need it and the guy said he really thought he could use the alarm system. He told the guy to fuck off, came back to his shop one day shortly after to find it trashed. The guy shows up later that day and asks if he wants to buy the alarm system now. He did, and the guy tapes a plastic box to his wall and says “now you’re protected.”

I dated a chick for a while whose grandfather was head of an Italian mob and there was all kinds of shady shit going on though I can’t validate stuff like what happened to my grandfather occurring in modern times.

>> No.11251519

Fun fact: the mafia could never establish protection rackets in Boston because the cops beat them to it.

>> No.11251550

Italy barely makes it into a first world country but compared to plenty of other shitholes, it could be considered a 1st world country. Anyway, in Sicily there are still businesses "protected" by the mafia as far as I know.

>> No.11251559

what do you think forcing you by law to purchase insurance you never use is? The US gov is the mafia, and the police are their collectors

>> No.11251566

Mob loans had lower interest than banks

>> No.11251570


Every strip club is affiliated with the mob or biker gang

>> No.11251576

The Irish mob was half the police force, the degos never had a chance.

>> No.11251587

Why isn't everyone doing this then?

>> No.11251599
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I really hate how the mob is glamorized in media. They are human scum. When I was younger I used to like the shows but after /pol/ I think they deserve helicopter rides.

>> No.11251602

I have seen it first hand in Toronto.

>> No.11251619


2 point vigs are cheaper than bank loans?

>> No.11251643

Because if you don't pay your denbts you lose your knee caps.

>> No.11251669

My grandad had a business with a buddy he started up after they got back from Korea, I'm hazy on the details because I last heard the story ~10 years ago, but the gist of it was he would drive down to Mexico and pay for dirt cheap labor (iirc it was river fishing?) and bring it back to sell in the states. He did this for about a year before he claims he got a knock on the door by some guys in suits demanding him to either stop his business or pay a tax. He immediately quit and opened a beer barn (lol)

>> No.11251712


Also true.

>> No.11251728

Based 11 year old meme

>> No.11251837

Coffeeshops at amsterdam get extorted to hell by east european/turkish maffia. Their tactic is always the same. If they dont pay up, they get a bullet through the window at night so the Mayor automaticalle closes the shop for months. Happens multiple times a mont. Even weekly. Also grenades on the porch of coffeeshops. Thanks to the mayor the threats work

>> No.11251870

the mob aint commies.

>> No.11251910

I've heard of businesses paying groups to take care of the migrant problems around their shops and neighborhoods here. Not sure if I would call it the mob though, it's not necessarily organized.

>> No.11251923


Not every strip club, but many are. I know a guy who’s career is in managing strip clubs. He prefers to work for mafia owned ones because they’re more upscale, don’t put with shit, and he knows they won’t screw with him as long he keeps the business running and doesn’t give them attitude. They’re usually money laundering operations as well as fronts for drugs and prostitution.

Also, the entire global olive oil industry is almost completely mafia controlled and a huge scam. You get a tiny amount of real olive oil for flavor added to much cheaper oils (like sunflower oil) and then sold as pure. About the only olive oil that’s actually real is what’s made in the USA or Australia.

>> No.11251941


No, and banks won’t come break your legs, destroy your property, or threaten your family if you don’t pay up. Mafia loans exist because they don’t use credit checks or ask to many questions so they’ll loan to people who can’t get loans elsewhere and they’ll loan for literally any reason because they’ll make sure you repay.

>> No.11251945


I feel like strip clubs are always having issues. Whether it's the patrons bringing in drugs, strippers prostituting on the side, fights, etc. Why would they choose such a "red flag" type of business to launder money?

>> No.11251965

>About the only olive oil that’s actually real is what’s made in the USA or Australia.
kek'd hard

>> No.11251988


A friend of mine’s grandfather had a similar story about making moonshine during prohibition. He and his brother would make huge batches of moonshine in Kentucky and run it to Chicago once every month or two and sell it out of their car for huge profits. One guy wanted “aged bourbon” so they put some chewing tobacco in a jar overnight to turn the clear moonshine brown and sold it to him the next day at 4x the price. Then one day some big Italians showed up to tell them they either pay 50% tax to them or stop selling in Chicago. They stopped their runs.

>> No.11252030
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Don't know about the mafia, but I've seen a mamasan pay off the cops before.

>> No.11252044


Because in most places, strip club licenses are pretty tightly controlled in the first place, so a few well placed bribes will secure them a license but allow no competition, and strip clubs are huge money makers and rackets, too—huge cover charges, dancers pay to work there, food and drinks have like a 400% markup over other bars, etc. They can pimp dancers out for “private parties” and it’s a legal gray area. Also, it supplies the mobsters with free pussy and it’s not like they give a fuck about what people think.

>> No.11252058


It is. The government actually tests those products for purity and it’s been confirmed as valid by independent labs. The stuff that actually comes from the Mediterranean is only like 5-10% olives, at best.

>> No.11252257

A Mob boss runs the teamsters

>> No.11252328

In America I feel you are more likely to see gangs than mafia people. Gangs are looser and harder to break up.

>> No.11252331

I live in NYC and know without a doubt that this still happens in Chinatown and Flushing. I imagine it's more common in immigrant communities that have deep mistrust of the police.

>> No.11252356

of course anon.

whole italy
whole balkan
any immigrant run high tier club in europe

>> No.11252441

It's totally dead here in Providence.

>> No.11252853

Isn't Providence the mafia hub of New England?

>> No.11252890

Most of what I heard was that they bought properties they wanted to use. By bought I mean they offered money with a threat of violence if the offer wasn't accepted.

As for protection, that's probably more media than reality. In reality they probably just demand a cut in a pseudo tax system, where you pay the tax to stay or they force you out. They might not kill you, but they will if you try to stay.

>> No.11252938

>Chinatown and Flushing.
Wait, what? There are Chinese mobd in NYC?

Do they run strip clubs too? If so, where would I find a good one?

>> No.11253195

>Yea here in a small town in Pennsylvania. >Where my uncle is the regional manager in a paper company.
>(I worked there for a couple of days but it didn't work out).
>There was this one guy who came by to sell him some fire insurance.
>He didn't really want it, but at the end of the meeting he became hostile.
>A truck goes of the road
>There's a fire in the warehouse
>Crazy things happen man
>He didn't figure it out the first seconds
>Some of his colleagues told my uncle he was from the mob
>The two more sane people were on there honeymoon
>So there wasn't a good balance sane/insane at work
>My uncle got scared
>Called the guy back
>Bought the insurence
>After that a colleague who's also a volunteer sherrif
>Convinced my uncle that the guy wasn't from the mob
>My uncle invited the guy out for dinner
>A colleague who pretended to be a mechanic so he could carry a weapon went along
>They talked
>At one moment a woman came to the mecanic asking for help
>Mechanic's face: WTF do i do know?
>My uncle: just fix the car dude
>Guy fucked up the entire car
>My uncle get's out of the insurence deal
>Volunteer sheriff told my uncle he stood up against the mob.
>My uncle thought: YOU SON OF A BITCH
>To bad i dont't work there anymore because i fucked up everybody's coffee orders
>My uncle even spanked me in the end
>It's really crazy working at The Office

>> No.11253298


It's not very common in white countries. Japan and China have mandatory protection rackets.

>> No.11253305

>what is italy

>> No.11253342


>> No.11253343
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I believe In south america this is common practise still in 2018. You either pay or refuse and get killed

>> No.11253449

>He did, and the guy tapes a plastic box to his wall and says “now you’re protected.”
thats pretty funny tbf.
im from jersey and i heard some stories of friends about mobsters extorting people and business owners in the area but that was around ~2009 or so. probably not happening too much today.

>> No.11253529

Eastern Europe
Less rampant than in 90s but still

>> No.11254075

Rhode Island state government took over kek.

"I know a guy" is the unofficial state motto for a reason. The state is small so no one pays attention but it's so corrupt it makes Joizey look honest.

>> No.11254271


Hell's Angels made a fair amount of income from providing "security" for clubs. if you owned a club, you could try telling them to fuck off and see what happens to girls

>> No.11254319

Yes. The jews force us to pay taxes so that the police can come and "investigate" the crime after the fact.

>> No.11254379

Oddly enough, I talked without Morrocan friend about doing olive oil imports. His idea, my laziness in not doing.

>> No.11254465


Not in the South

>> No.11254486

Massage parlors

>> No.11254497

Do they provide sex too?

>> No.11254498

there lots of stories about how in texas people who tried this got shot
even the KKK had little power there

it turns out if everyone just kills the extortionists out right, they arent really a problem

>> No.11254503


oh they're very much around. come to jersey

>> No.11254509

Personally never went to one, but from what I have read, say you have been there before when they ask and dont act like a cop

>> No.11254524

If you replace “mobs” with “government” and “protection” with “taxes”, then yes.

>> No.11254988

Question is, beyond not burning down your house and home, how is paying for protection the same as paying taxes and getting something (yes, it's forced and has some major inefficiencies), but you get Road infrastructuree, schools government services, etc.

>> No.11255009

mike is dead

>> No.11255230

>barely 1st world country

London is a shithole too, so it must follow England is a near 3rd world country as well?

>> No.11255239

died in the 80's

>> No.11255268


>Road infrastructure
can be privately owned and maintained

don't have children yet

>government services
aka welfare state that most of us don't want or need

not seeing how my 48% taxes are doing me a service desu. most governments these days are run by crooks for crooks

>> No.11255287

My friends fathers owned a shop in russia back in 1990s. He was asked to pay protection money, when he didn't hist storage garage burnt down.

>> No.11255304

You never went to school yourself, you absolute fucking retard?

Go start your own state you autark piece of libertarian bullshitter. Taxes serve you. You have any idea how much research gets funded by the state, important things you benefit from.

>muh i can do everything myself. fuck off

>> No.11255346

>what is private education

with the amount of taxes my family has paid in the last 30 years, I can safely say that the "services" has been minute compared to our
forced contribution.

>You have any idea how much research gets funded by the state, important things you benefit from.

Like funding military equipment while other sciences get left in the dust? All money wasted while putting YOUR country in debt

>> No.11255577

This, but I know from experience that even in the Netherlands and Belgium several mobs still do it, with varying levels of success.

>> No.11255611

>Do mobs actually ask people for "protection" in first world countires

Only in America and Italy.

>> No.11255613

because 90% is cash and there's few records.

>> No.11255615

Ignore ancap retards.

>> No.11255628

literally impossible, banks practically produce money out of thin air - for every $10,000 loan they only need to have $100

>> No.11255649

A friend of my running a shop in Antwerp, Belgium got offered "protrction" by eastern european thugs.
A motor gang in a small town I lived in in the Netherlands forced night club owners to pay or they would smash up the place with 50 guys.

>> No.11255657

handjes en diamantjes

>> No.11255670

Fucking lazy degos

>> No.11255685

God, you are retarded.

>> No.11255689

Why are people so mad over coffee?

>> No.11255694

Depends do you count Italy as first world ?

>> No.11255706

Only if they catch wind of you doing illegal business in their territory

>> No.11255714

>Taxes serve you. You have any idea how much research gets funded by the state, important things you benefit from.
Come on, you don’t have to go full ancap but don’t make out that paying tax is the deal of the century

>> No.11255746

Not it's only on the resort's who are still hold by the Mafia.

>> No.11255756

fair trade

>> No.11256305


>> No.11256321
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Made this thread last night im shocked its here still, thanks for the info also how can we go of asking other boards for "protection"

>> No.11256412

Ndrangeta or whatever they are called are the largest organised crime group on earth

>> No.11256473

Exactly. If the mob is big enough, people don't even dare to think about it.
Same shit with other countries with forced taxes.

>> No.11256528

>Taxes serve you.
Whatever services taxes provide you, you could get 5x cheaper from privatized industries. Most people lose more money than the value of services they receive.

>> No.11256551

wow that's deep

>> No.11256576

I think the online version of that is ransomware virusses

>> No.11256579

I remember when I watched zeitgeist for the first time

>> No.11257003

now that I think about it, unlicensed businesses, businesses that don’t have a license to exist, would be natural symbiotes with mafia. what did they do when things go wrong? They can’t go to the police

>> No.11257011

How does this work... Like do the Mafia give you a phone number you can call for help or what?

>> No.11257083

>brown mud people extort each other for money in 2018.

why is south america shit again?

>> No.11257627

>implying /pol/ doesn't already extort this website
If you post PC msm garbage on this website you get blown into the ground with facts and figures.

>> No.11257666

Extortion only happens in 3rd world countries. "Protection money" happens in 1st world countries, but mostly it's done through legal means like politicians selling their services to the highest bidder under the guise of donations and making up laws to protect business interests of the said corporations/businessmen to hamper competition.

>> No.11257690
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based and redpilled reply.

>> No.11257822


>> No.11257954

England isn't a near third world shithole country, it is a third world shithole country. This is what happens when the third world colonizes you.

>> No.11257987

But muh roads.

>> No.11258130

based and redpilled

>> No.11259205

I went on. Road trip and drove on nearly $100 million of roads with less than 5% bring toll roads. Roads are neat when done well.

>> No.11259434

If you don't pay your taxes, a man with a gun will kidnap you and try to lock you in a cage. If you resist, you will be shot. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter if services are being provided because if they are valuable services that everyone wants then there is no need to force you to pay for it. Would you be fine if I broke into your house and stole your laptop if I vacuumed your carpet before I left?

>> No.11259647

Back in the day, like in the 1970s, yeah that was a real thing. The Italian mafia was just like how Hollywood portrayed them. Now in 2018? Not so much.

>> No.11259662

> it doesn't really matter if services are being provided because if they are valuable services that everyone wants then there is no need to force you to pay for it.
It would be impossible to prevent someone that doesn't pay taxes from using roads.

>> No.11259684

They sell ketamine and run gambling dens. Also massage parlors (brothels). They launder shit through less degenerate places of business like stores and restaurants, not strip clubs.

>> No.11259726

Of course... you can fuck them or just get a happy ending. There are Korean and Chinese ones around. It's like 250 bucks for a massage and fuck. big tittied qts as well. I've done it a few times but I'm not a fan, they just want you to nut and gtfo it's not sexy for me. DYOR on this.

>> No.11259807

>DYOR on this
I didn't mean to sound like an asshole by this. I meant that they are extremely common so if you look into it a bit you won't have much trouble finding one. Would recommend everyone try it out even though I'm not a huge fan. I know some people who really enjoy it.

>> No.11260016
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Yes, it's called the IRS over here

>> No.11260028

Not really. Roads are paid mostly with a usage tax in the form of tolls and gas taxes so the people who use them the most pay the most for their upkeep. But this is the most benign form of taxation imo because it's probably very similar to what a free market road system would look like and how much you pay in taxes is directly proportional to your usage.

But the tragedy of the commons argument is invalid when talking about taxes because the government is one giant commons.

>> No.11260414

Do tthey accept bareback?

>> No.11260501

Hypertext transfer protocol colon slash shash double you double you double you dot r u b m a p s dot com

>> No.11260502

Maybe for a handjob... i'm for sex or head i am inclined to say absolutely not but the girl may do it for the right price. You really want to fuck a prostitute with no condom?

>> No.11260529

Yeah i went to one. Nasty litle place on the side of the road in PA. Old Lady took $40 bucks and had me strip in a smelly room. I laid down and she oiled me up from head to toe. Massaged my back. I flipped over and was hard. She grabed my hand and pushed it towards my dick. I put her hand on it instead and she began jerking me. I reached over to grab ger tits and she smacked my hand away. She then took my other hand.. the one that didnt have massage oil on it, and placed it under her shirt. I rubbed her saging tits for a second or two as she jacked me and then came everywhere. She threw me a handtowel and shuffled out of the room (she was like 60). I left a huge tip and bounced.

8/10 would do again.

>> No.11260564





>> No.11261006

I pay an M/C $250 a week to "insure" my small bookmaking operation.

>> No.11261035

They are in a way. Mafia-run services were almost always sub-standard. Who cares about improvement when you can fight competition with death threats and physical violence.

>> No.11261071

This, fuck the mob
It pissed me off seeing The Godfather, how they tried to portray Corleone as a mob boss who got super wealthy by being nice to be people
In reality, the mob makes their money by shaking down Mom and Pop stores for every penny they can get. They are a total leech on any community, worse than niggers.

>> No.11261522


What country are you from, OP? Here in America, they are completely rampant. It's honestly one of the most under-discussed subjects in politics, if not the single most under-discussed. You take one wrong turn, even in Manhattan, and you'll bump into an ethnic mafia. New Jersey has it extremely bad, especially if you, like myself, consider unions (and especially teamsters/ teachers' unions) to be a type of organized crime.

People have known about this for decades, and it isn't going anywhere until somebody hunts down these rats.