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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11248608 No.11248608 [Reply] [Original]

What’s your excuse for not going all in. The risk reward ratio is on your side. Be like Paul Allen and become mega rich.

>> No.11248617

Only 62k? Definitely not gonna make it, friendo. 100k is suicide insurance

>> No.11248626

I only have 49k and I’m nearly all in. I haven’t done anything enjoyable in a long time because I keep buying link and losing money :(.

I really hate life.

t. Poorfaggot

>> No.11248633

so, no 1k eoy.

>> No.11248638

1 of 186 or kys

>> No.11248648

This. A insurance stack with 100k link should get you $50k when link hits the absolute top in a bullrun.

>> No.11248649

1k eoy 2025 maybe

>> No.11248651


I don’t have one because I’m all in

>> No.11248656

Currently sitting nervously at 109k stinky linkies.

Tell me I'm going to make it senpai

>> No.11248668

this is where im at, living paycheck to paycheck, only at 46k LINK havent done anything enjoyable for a long time. Want to hit 50-60k LINK

>> No.11248674


100k stack is not an insurance stack kek.

>> No.11248738

Dont wait for it. Could have bought for 80k now stuck with 50k . Fuck

>> No.11248741

Wtf you all rich people. Only 35k here and literally all in.

>> No.11248776

>tfw can barely get 8k link

>> No.11248889

kek i have 200 link

>> No.11248896

also on 8k link mi bri, these people are fucking sad cases and sickos. make sure you have other coins; good uns as well as moonshots. anyone trying to be a moon boy that doesn't have dgb or 0xbtc is a total faggot

>> No.11248912

I can't be the only one that plans to live exactly how I live right now even if link does moon.

>> No.11248928

Trying to remain 'disciplined' and only put 25% of my stack into LINK, max. So that's around 50k linkies. I was all-in during the rise from 4k to 6k sat so I figured I should count my blessings and diversify while I can. 50k should be enough to make it, hell even at $25 per LINK I'd be making it, and on the black swan chance that Chainlink goes under I've still got enough BTC and XMR to stay above water.

>> No.11248927

I think the perfect risk reward is 50-60k Link.

This shit could fail too

>> No.11248933

i might move out of my parents house but idk i like my mom doing my cleaning and cooking

>> No.11248941

i dumped all my link at 80 cents. TA tells me there wont be a recovery for at least 1 year.

>> No.11248950

That's me, I don't need lambos or top shelf escorts, I just want my time and energy back from the corporate jew. I might shop at a nicer grocery store and eat out more often, buy myself a nice OLED monitor or something, but that's about it.

1.5 mil after-tax net worth is when I start cashing out.

>> No.11248965

I'll live close to what I do now, but I've unironically wanted a lamborghini since I was a child. I come from no money, currently make six figures in the midwest, so I'm not suffering. But it's still not enough.

>> No.11248999
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> TA tells me

>> No.11249027
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>all in with 22.4k stack at 18 yo
$200k would give me a passive income of median salary in my country. $50k would make me really comfy and I could start a startup in the Summer without the need to get a job. Although I'm not gonna sell until we hit mania or something. $200k is nice, but $5-20m is on another level.

>> No.11249074


Because CL looks like extremely overshilled and overmemed shitcoin ponzi.

I'm not implying that you can't make money off of ponzi schemes, it's just you'd have to be very cautious and dump at the right time, before it implodes.

PS There was this funny moment like a few weeks ago when /biz/ was broken and didn't display any threads. Guess what, memelink price dropped off a cliff that day. Its value is supported by fanatical autistic shilling and memes and nothing else.

>> No.11249087

10k linker here, but comfy, because still ahead of 99,99% population.

Please guys dont crash its price with your massive stacks, let small dogs make it too :) Thanks.

>> No.11249190

all i want is have 10k and i`m still at 4k
fuck life

>> No.11249227


>> No.11249326

Tell me more about Paul Allen guy?

>> No.11249350

100k link all in by the way. I know I’m not a genius I just hope I’m not full blown retarded

>> No.11249353

super comfy here. the desperate Del(p)hi FUD makes me even comfier. the sheer amount of effort they're putting in is pretty amazing to witness.

>> No.11249395

I asked Sergey in the telegram if 10k LINK will be enough to make it.
He replied "The team have 50 million each, what do you think?" then a crying laughing emoji.

>> No.11249428

I was at 4k for months and I got a wagekek at the beginning of summer and i'm at 12k. 20k is what I want now. Doubt I will get there before mainet though.

>> No.11249459

lol there’s about 100 regular posters tops on this board. You’re delusional if you think it’s just /biz buying it

>> No.11249491

paul allen got wealthy by being partners with the biggest software pirate on earth, bill gates, not stocks or cryptos

>> No.11249520


20k stinky linkies here. I could accumulate more but am choosing to enjoy life in the mean time. I'm still buying some bitcorn with every cuckcheck. My goal is to hit 1 full bitcoin and after that I'll just play the waiting game. 1 BTC + 20k in the stink should have me set up pretty nicely a couple years from now

>> No.11249578


and for every poster there's like 10 people who are in read only mode.
I'm not implying that only /biz/lets are buying CL, because it that were the case the price would go to 0 and it didn't fell that low.

>> No.11249638

31k here, 20yo student. I'm not all in but let's just say that I'm keeping this investment a secret because my friends and family wouldn't exactly understand the "risk" I'm taking.

>> No.11249639

Real deal 104k wallet here.
Mooning wont make me go on a hooker spree or anything crazy.

Im not trying to boast but im already successful 38 M , 20 yrs married, 2 children in college, no mortgage, no debt, Good health, net worth of over $10 million $7 million assets $3 million liquid.

Link wont change my daily habits when we achieve singularity.

It will have a greater effect on my grandchildren and great grandchildren

>> No.11249661

Biz does NOT control the price of Chainlink. I've been here daily since last September and I've also followed the price of Chainlink daily. They aren't in correlation

>> No.11249679

I want to be like you man, I think we younger and poorer guys will be at a much higher risk to screw our lives up if/when we get rich in a couple of years. Any tips?

>> No.11249704
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up to 42k to date. price target at .9c

>> No.11249720

I read what link does and I am not impressed. Smart Contracts have no real world application that would ever make this cost more than it does now.

>> No.11249802

Who is then? Link is unknown outside of 4chan

>> No.11249820

You read that bro? Nice. Don't invest in things you dont know anything about. Lurk more

>> No.11249833

Maybe they don't need a community and they're just some random people across the globe. How the fuck should I know? I just know that there are more people to this than biz. A lot more. We are a minority.

>> No.11250129

i'm going to buy real fucking food (like butcherbox), a water filtration system so i stop absorbing chlorine/fluoride/ and all the other toxins they pump in the water, and diversify into property, precious metals, index funds, and move up north (i overheat and start sweating way too easily down here in Texas)

>> No.11250269

Taxes in rome were incredibly small. 1-2 days of working per year at the start of the empire when the wealth was being created.

Citizenship was also extremely hard to get and desirable. To pay taxes meant you were a citizen, had legal rights, and large amounts of power.

Today taxes are forced slavery based on the local you were born under, and you have to work 120 days a year to pay for it. With extraordinarily minimal benefits.

>> No.11250518

>tfw all in but only 675 coins

Why must I know about the next 1000x but be dirt poor

>> No.11250553


Absolutely wrong. Automatically executing derivitives will be worth a shitpile of money, and it's a matter of when, not if.

>> No.11250576

Texas is not in Rome, pajeet.

>> No.11250585

I’ve seen 186 referenced before, what’s it mean?

>> No.11250613

20k and 0.2 LP. Pretty happy with that.

>> No.11250624

This. Can read more if you don't post.

>> No.11250625
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>> No.11250629


>> No.11250689

It's 190 now.

>> No.11250690

>Citizenship was also extremely hard to get and desirable. To pay taxes meant you were a citizen, had legal rights, and large amounts of power.
still applies today faggot

>> No.11250723

Saw that faggot at lunch. He’s a downtown fuckboi in Louisville, KY

>> No.11250943

Based and Romepilled

>> No.11251300
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I've been almost entirely demoralised
I failed my engineering degree and I'm currently a fucking neet
I feel like I will cash out at £100k to live in a van like a hobo
t. 40.5k linklet

>> No.11251339

>With extraordinarily minimal benefits.
Yeah not like the days of ancient Rome when it paid for incredible innovations that we don't have today, like flowing water

>> No.11251355
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15k LINK and 0.6 LP here
godspeed anons