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File: 33 KB, 550x365, flat,550x550,075,f.u3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11244896 No.11244896 [Reply] [Original]

wut do?

>> No.11244907

me paying 33% on my income is basically getting stolen 33% of my net worth, they're literally stealing the price of growing up a couple of kids for political bullshit & shite quality education that only ruined my life instead of better it

>> No.11245004

>claims to be crypto millionaire
>too dumb to figure out how to cash out
i am suspicious

>> No.11245041

you got so much money for doing nothing pussy bitch, pay the tax instead of living your life in fear and blaming your country for how sad and boring you are

>> No.11245077

use the crypto to buy gold

>> No.11245135

Leave pussy.

>> No.11245144

physical gold? thought about that

>> No.11245145

Fuck that we took the risk of investing in meme internet money

>> No.11245166

that is bullshit reasoning, I work hard for my other money but I still pay taxes on it.
Im not saying everybody be a goody 2 shoes but this faggot has an easy $1mil. Unless you are fucking stupid with money that's a great start to life, this dude is luckier than 99.9% of people but he's still a miserable faggot irl I gurantee

>> No.11245174

just move to thailand permanently

>> No.11245254

how do i buy physical gold for bitcoin that isn't going to raise a question with fiscus

>> No.11245286

zoomers detected. pay your tax and be thankful that you live in a country that works. the state is no stealing anything, so far you have been "stealing" from the state all your life.

>> No.11245287

Just go to apmex and buy it there with your bitcoin, they ship internationally

>> No.11245290

Another, less exotic option, is New Zealand. 0 tax on crypto, and a comfy western country.

>> No.11245293

fuck that, the state never gave me anything, I coudn't even get food stamps when I was unemployed and need groceries because I was white. fuck the state, ancap for life

>> No.11245302

No one should have to pay taxes you statist dumb fuck. You are both victims.

>> No.11245435
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like seriously, I get so fucking triggered when I see these comments. I was homeschooled, so my parents had to pay the state for an education that they did not consent too or even use; I never got any state benefits when I was broke working jobs to pay my way through college; and I shell out tons of money in plate taxes each year which are suppose to go to the fucking roads (you know that thing that could never exist in a libertarian society) but despite all those taxes the roads are absolute and utter shit with potholes and cracks everywhere.
all you state groveling bootlickers need to be thrown from helicopters ASAP

>> No.11246334

Lmao nope, had to pay tax on all my cash outs last year

>> No.11246474

Move to Switzerland

>> No.11246533

dude hoe oud ben? verhuis gewoon een jaar naar malta, cash daar out, of ga naar een boekhouder, normaal gwn 1-2jaar niet aan je geld komen, versluis wat zodat je kan rondkomen en dan kan je belstingsvrij uitcashen!

>> No.11246723

And remember you need to pay 33% tax on every transaction you ever done, unless you were hodling with 1 coin from the beginning.

>> No.11246739

a trade of 0.1 -> 0.5 -> 1 @ 33% each is no difference than 0.1 -> 1 @ 33%

>> No.11247018

I assume you have to pay tax even if you leave Belgium? It's like that in my country in Northern Europe. If not, then just hold until you can move to a country with zero/low taxes on crypto gains. If you want to invest the money (stocks/property) or buy anything expensive in the future then you'll have to pay taxes (tax authorities will 100% find out about it if you don't). If you've made millions then just pay a couple of hundred bucks for a good tax lawyer/accountant to help you out. That's what I did. 100% worth it.

>> No.11247026

betaal je belastingen

>> No.11247224
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 1534873272432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those taxes let you get clean running water... oh wait you pay for that seperately.
B-but those taxes fund the roads you driv- oh road tax is a thing.
The school you atten- didn't teach you jack shit about how the world actually works and memed you into 40k's worth of degree debt because you had no guidance with what the fuck to do.
Eh, guess I'll die.

>> No.11247248

Yeah but that million didnt come overnight. Op had to fill tax report every year but he did not, basically hes fucked.

>> No.11247257

Just keep your bitcoin longer than one year
no taxes

>> No.11247273

You know thats a meme right?

>> No.11247277


Pretty much what the second anon said. I am paying for the roads/ water/ elec already anyways.Hell i m paying for a billion other things too.I never attended a public school, never used a public hospital and never will , and when something goes awfully wrong and i m forced to use public transport i m paying for that shity service anyways. So yeah fuck you and your income tax.You want me to pay for nigger and immigrants gibmedats and i aint having it.

>> No.11247301

Bitcoins niet-speculatief

We dienen een onderscheid te maken tussen speculatief en niet-speculatief. Wie (al dan niet uit pure nieuwsgierigheid) bitcoins kocht en deze voor lange tijd heeft behouden is niet zozeer speculatief bezig met Bitcoin handel. Een begrip dat vaak voorkomt is ‘het handelen als een goede huisvader’. Wie dus bitcoins kocht en na een jaar met winst heeft verkocht, hoeft in principe weinig te vrezen.

Nope. Just HODL

>> No.11247386
File: 81 KB, 548x816, asuka is not interested.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these people are ok with getting their money stolen from them in order to pay for illegals, niggers, muslims, shitty marxist education, single mothers, shitty fighter jets, and politician's paychecks
Honestly if my tax money went towards better infrastructure, space, and savings maybe I wouldn't be so antagonistic towards taxes. But the reality still stands: TAXATION IS THEFT

>> No.11247396

Okay get in trouble

>> No.11247397


>> No.11247407

you can afford it
who cares?
your protected from plebs

>> No.11247409

Cashed ou 220k straight to my bank account in december
Held since 2013 in private key
Send the cops faggot

>> No.11247412

Okay dodge taxes and see where it gets you

>> No.11247415

If the Elite can do it so can I

>> No.11247419

Bank account? Well they're probably preparing their case already. Lawyer up

>> No.11247426

Also I quit my job to be able to finish my education so I don't pay taxes anymore

>> No.11247449

Yeah these things usually last 10 months lmao
This ain't the US. I can understand why you jelly tho but I'm going to trust the law over some random butthurt faggot on the internet

>> No.11247462

the "Elite" means billionaires with direct connections to politicians, not a pleb NEET with $1 million that still lives with mommy

>> No.11247464

van deze draad is akte gemaakt en kopie verstuurd naar de nodige instanties. Bedankt voor de medewerking.

>> No.11247465


Capital gains tax is a bitch concocted by greedy communists. Fuck them.

>> No.11247470

Nothing is impossible anon, I'm more than willing to exploit loopholes in the law because fuck the government that we have now (I still love Trump though)

>> No.11247546

Fuck you fucking cuck

>> No.11247588

Most banks have analytics set up to flag potential money laundering/tax evasion for suspicious amounts. If you are not larping that amount would get flagged (most Western countries its 10k). You goofed, there are ways to dodge the tax but you can't withdraw to your bank account.

>> No.11247598

it's not dodging taxes if the law says if you don't need to pay taxes on bitcoin held longer than a year
and yes, I was fully aware of that
don't go tumbling and use a decent exchange (bitstamp)

>> No.11247602
File: 146 KB, 396x335, 1530330003694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ banks are full of fucking kikes man,it's like:
(((bank fraud))) is a fucking joke because Drug Dealers and Billionaires alike can do whatever they want. Trump needs to go full Jackson and let the people do what they fucking want. fuck the banks and their limits

is Binance still good? thats my current exchange

>> No.11247606


>Rent an apartment in Monte Carlo for long enough to establish residence there
>cash out
>no tax

>> No.11247619
File: 25 KB, 621x372, Screenshot_20180929_135006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're a little paranoid
banks also have to keep to the law you know
binance? doubt it, it's tethered

>> No.11247621

Fuck I'm jealous. All we get for holding over a year here is a 50% tax deduction. Currently doing my crypto CGT taxes, am an accountant and its still a fucking nightmare.

>> No.11247628

Whatever man, it's my money and I worry that inflation will make it worthless and thus if I had a lot of money on me I would love to take a huge chunk of it out and put it away in as much gold ingots as I can

>> No.11247636

He's Walloon.

>> No.11247637

There is no specific law and you are telling me that you held specific crypto for one year without doing any trades (inc. Tether)?

>> No.11247666
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>> No.11247673
File: 466 KB, 500x375, Satan approves.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job satan, you mind linking me the site?

>> No.11247676

>taxes are bad because I am an idiot or my education sucks
fucking pathetic

>> No.11247682


>> No.11247683

>muh education
Passing standardized tests and boosting your gpa doesn't make you smart. Experiences do

>> No.11247690


>> No.11247702

That didnt answer my question, did you held crypto for more than a year without doing trades? Yeah there isnt any specific law about crypto, it is viewed the same as stocks.

>> No.11247708

Why not spend in crypto? The purpose of crypto is to use it as currency , dollar will collapse in the long run

>> No.11247717

this is me

>> No.11247726

clearly an 18 year old burger that just got his first paycheck. I am fine with someone choosing to not pay taxes in some cases but holy shit at least be consistent. Taxation is theft but you'd be cool with it if it went to better stuff?
Also, the OP is not from a country with shit fucking education and "standardized testing", so fuck off. You'd probably still whine if you lived in a better country though

>> No.11247727

it's also not like stocks
it's like when you buy a porsche 911 and sell it 2 years later but you find it's worth 300% now
this is still not your job
if you go trading multiple porsches every year then that's a profession and you should get taxed

>> No.11247743
File: 145 KB, 439x358, Hitler in manga!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 20 years old and I used to work for a supermarket and I have seen countless niggers and illegal spics with room tempature iqs use the tax money us whites pay through EBT and they feast with their 5 kids as we struggle to feed ourselves and our two children. If that doesn't convince you that taxation is theft, then you are a cuck or a non-white that uses ebt

>> No.11247773
File: 200 KB, 1024x1112, 1512476287234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

notice the date 2013-11-23
right before mtgox collapse
4-year cycle
pic related is also me

>> No.11247800

your site is shit, the passwords they give me are crap and they dont work

>> No.11247805

Thats what I am saying, if you held without ever doing trades then thats fine. For every trade you need to pay 33% tax on the profit. Just saying how it is, fuck belastingen anyhow

>> No.11247815

This fucking kid lol

>> No.11247816

>t. nigger

>> No.11247829


>> No.11247839

Als u de bitcoins ziet als langetermijnbelegging, en de transacties binnen het normale beheer van uw portefeuille vallen, dan zijn de meerwaarden belastingvrij, net als bij andere beleggingsproducten.
Als u speculeert met bitcoins, en dat niet uw beroep is, vallen de winsten onder de categorie 'diverse inkomsten' en betaalt u het tarief van 33 procent. U kan nog wel uw gemaakte kosten aftrekken.
Als u bitcoins beroepsmatig verhandelt, vallen de inkomsten onder de tarieven van de gewone personenbelasting. Zelfs indien u een ander beroep hebt, maar op georganiseerde, op grote schaal of met veel middelen toch in bitcoins handelt, kan de fiscus die inkomsten als beroepsinkomsten beschouwen.


>> No.11247875

hey kill yourself thanks nigger

>> No.11247880

what do u suggest now?
times really arent different - short crypto?
im starting to believe u because the charts make sense. but what about the etf's and futures now?

>> No.11247901
File: 57 KB, 327x137, 1530816317061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay taxes on income
>pay taxes on buying stuff

>> No.11247944

No you fucking Paki. Income tax is pathetic cause public education is only fit for,well , Pakis like you.Any self respecting westerner is educated in private schools not the gang infested shitholes you and your kin pass your mornings.Fuck right off.

>> No.11247954

this, I'd rather sacrifice an arm and a leg to make sure all of my kids go to private school than to have them encounter feral subhumans in public school

>> No.11248045

that was written in december
now is not the time to go short, now is the time to go long

>> No.11248102

You now understand why bitcoin was created in the first place. Don't particpate in ((their)) system. Don't pay tax. Don't put money in the bank. Throw everything you can at crypto for the next few years and in a decade the entire fedeeral reserve system will collapse. Satoshi killed the banks by breaking their monopoly on money. We are the early adopters.

The free market literally fixed it.

>> No.11248259

Move to another country and cash out? USA has 20% tax on long term capital gains for example.

>> No.11248539

I hope so, I wouldn't mind paying for stuff with Crypto and put some of current money away in gold, other rare Earths, and weapons

>> No.11248553

Btw could any anons tell me if a hardware crypto wallet is good? Asking for a friend
here's one I'm looking at

>> No.11249171

Firstly, Belgium isn't a real country. Secondly, it belongs to the Netherlands where you pay 2% or something like that. Dyor, retard

>> No.11249198
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>it belongs to the Netherlands
wrong, it belongs to spain

>> No.11249208

Move to your neighbours aka the netherlands. No tax here :)

>> No.11249242

Fucking this. Don't wanna pay tax? Stop using roads, telecoms, etc. Go live in a shack in the woods

>> No.11249259

Literally just sell bitcoin for cash.

>> No.11249308
File: 37 KB, 400x351, 1530041823104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pls pay for my pension

>> No.11249366

Fuck you. Govt roads are absolute shit. And telecoms are private industry.

>> No.11250386

but what about the cycle?

>> No.11251604

Just came back from spain.
Man you really went down the shitter since you couldnt leach off of us.
Everything that is remotely interesting was built by the arabs.

>> No.11252575

find a reputable broker on localbitcoins.com, don't use the site for the transaction just find a guy listing his phone number or telegram handle and message him. Meet a few guys a few times for small amounts and see if they are sketchy. Always meet at Starbucks, ask for the cash to be in an unsealed envelope, and bring a laptop to put on the table to block peoples view while you fan the cash out (while mostly in the envelope) and check it with a UV/idodine bill testing pen. Park down the block, walk to your car, and make sure nobody follows you, maybe carry mace/gun.

>> No.11253030

open an LLC in the us and transfer the coins as an asset. Sell the coins and withdraw the cash as a salary.

>> No.11253101

That idiot needs to read stirner and get some principles.

>> No.11254219

i did, made mellons in less than a yr, went to a "very good" lawyer, still have to pay up 33%, they haven't really teached me anything valuable yet.

>> No.11255290

set up a corporation and a bank account in a offshore tax haven and cash out to that bank account. trade $300k for cash in hand to live off in belgium and say u won it at a casino in monte carlo. ez

>> No.11255306 [DELETED] 

I heard Zew Nealand doesn't have a crypto tax. Is this true? I'm getting conflicting answers from my own research.

>> No.11255310

t. Rootless cosmopolitan

>> No.11255380

STUPID!BITCOIN IS ALREADY A CONTROLED AND REGULATED GOVERMENT MARKET! Why do you think the futures were invented in the first place?So the big guys could control and arbitrage bitcoin and hence all cryptos.They have been testing their control all this year, everytime bitcoin went down all cryptos went with it. Look at bitcoin future charts and the regular bitcoin chart .They are practically the same!Bitcoin and crypto will no longer give past gains ever again, not as fast as before, now it has become like another regular financial instument it will go up slowly and when they want. Satoshi dream is over.

>> No.11255381

Gib bitcoin pl0x

>> No.11255388

Fly to a different country you dumbfuck. Then cash out from there in local currency from nearest coin exchange. This means you can never go back of course, so plan accordingly, like getting a citizenship or residence in the new country.

>> No.11255390

Money belongs to the government so better think of how they forgive you for stealing 66%. For now.