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1123199 No.1123199 [Reply] [Original]

Official Ethercuck thread:

Discuss all ethercuck related stuff here. No bashing, flaming, or bullying. We are serious about this new technology and we want you to be serious too.

What do you think ethercuck will go up to?
Whats up with DKeks? Will decentralized keks be powered by cucks?
What do you think of Microsoft offering a ethercuck as part of its CaaS (cucks as a service)?

Website: ethercuck.org
Twitter @ iloveethercuck
Forum : /biz/

>> No.1123203
File: 53 KB, 417x301, i pee on u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think u got dikz in ur butthole fgt

shitcoin sux fat dick

>> No.1123205 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is this, faggot? This shit is gay. We made /biz/ a lot of money from Ethereum. Fuck off.

>> No.1123207

vote now: will ethercuck become a meme

>> No.1123227

Fuck no. Why are you so butthurt? All Ether ever did was make a bunch of people rich. Whats wrong with that?

>> No.1123228

wow dank meme :^)

you're really trendy :^)

I think this will be a new meme :^)

let's make another thread with this meme :^)

haha cuck is a funny word :^)

>> No.1123231
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>mfw i thought ether had just been made to automatically change to ethercuck like t.bh and f.am change to desu and senpai

>> No.1123238

This. "Ethercuck" is just stupid. If you are going to make fun of ethereum at least make it clever. You could have called it Etheredumb or something. This ethercuck shit better not catch on.

>> No.1123246



Grow up.

>> No.1123248
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>> No.1123254

I don't meme. I already told you no bully on this thread. I'm not some nocoiner that you can tell to stay poor. I am the genuine article. I really believe in ethercuck even if you don't. Just research more and read the whitepaper.

>> No.1123308
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>mfw australian
>mfw daily limit is $2500

>> No.1123311
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Please wake me up.

>> No.1123316

>didn't invest back in 2014
>could have made $2mil
>now I'll have to steal it again
welp I guess the ride never ends

>> No.1123758

What is ethercuck?

>> No.1123781

I would explain it but its extremely technical and most people wont understand. I'm probably going to create an ethercuck guide today though so look out for that.

>> No.1123789

Is it too late to get on ethecuck now?

>> No.1123795

Its never too late. This is the future of decentralized keks. Ethercuck is not going anywhere.

>> No.1123803

>Ethercuck is not going anywhere.
except, you know


>> No.1123807


Has anyone cashed out ETH profits as of now?

I am not looking to get shilled (500 in and getting 500 more in a while, just for them giggles) but to actually know has anyone made some actual go-buy-booze-with-this money?

>> No.1123808

Fark yea!

>> No.1123813

You must have the wrong thread. Nobody cashes out ethercuck. We hodl forever here.

>> No.1123816

I cashed out like £50 worth the other week exactly to go buy booze. Thoroughly regret it as those ETH would now be worth £100

>> No.1123824

Great true life story. It had a beginning, some plot twists in the middle, and a suspensful ending. The moral of the story is to never sell ethercuck. Ever.

>> No.1123857
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I don't know if this has been posted yet,but I want to make sure everyone is aware.


These price drops are not because people doubt the value of ethereum. They happen due to the recently allowed, highly exploitable margin trading mechanics on exchanges.

In margin trading, you are allowed to trade with other people's money. The drawback is that if the price drops too low, your trade will be sold at a huge loss, and you will be left with a balance of zero. The trade will be used to give the lenders their money back.

Say Moby Dick dumps 200k ether. The price instantly drops. If they can cause a 20% price drop, everyone trading with 2.5 times their own money is forced to sell everything. The price drops lower. If it drops too much, everyone trading with 2.25 times their money is forced to sell, and it becomes a chain reaction of automatic liquidation.

Whales then buy the huge sells at a big discount and end up with net profit.

If you margin trade, keep a healthy margin and don't leave your screen for a minute! There are monsters in these waters who would love to shipwreck you.

>> No.1123860

Yep. Never trade. Just buy and hold

>> No.1123861

News - from vitaliks twitter - chandler guo angel investor of btc123.com is now into ethereum - china interest

Vlad posted that he thinks ether should be only coin fo gas price at pos

My valuation - 15 million ether used for staking at pos. If have 6000 ether that is .04%. Btc currently transacts 200 million dollars per day. Ethereum should get to that soon by pos i would think. So 200 million x 365 x .1% fees x .04% = $29200/6000/.03 (expected rate of return) = $162 per ether. Seems doable summer 2017.

>> No.1123863


>> No.1123865

Pretty much this. Ethercuck didnt really go down, and people were not selling. It was the margin trading mechanics. The whales just wanted cheap ethercuck so thats why they made you think that it was going down, when really it wasnt. Nobody really had any doubt that ethercuck wouldn't go up, because it always goes up. Great analysis and victory for ethercuck. Glad to have you aboard our team.

>> No.1123867

Why buy any stocks at all? Why does the stock go up? If you own a stock, you don't get a cut of the profit unless they provide dividends. Most stocks don't provide dividends. So why own them? If you're betting long, these are growth stocks, driven by speculation that some day they will provide dividends, and you bought in at a nice price to earn them believing in the growth. So few people see this attribute. So few get why stocks go up at all. It's basically speculation on growth, not earnings.

Now let's think about Ethereum in PoS. Bitcoin will never provide anything like a dividend. Mining versus energy is profitable to a very very few. Basically, bitcoin is only speculation to really no cut of the earnings. Ethereum, however, will operate differently. If you agree to stake, it's as if you put your investment in to "dividend" mode. It's not exactly the same, of course, after all, this is a new frontier for assets, but it's largely the same mentality. The more you build up now, the more you can earn through staking one year from now. Now you're getting more than just ecosystem/speculative growth, you're actually getting a cut of the "earnings".

>> No.1123872

Yes, and because Ethereum is software it has no overhead, and because it is decentralized it has no employees. It literally has no costs. It literally will be a dividend producing machine with a 0% probability of a loss.

The DEVs get paid, but they are bootstrapping, right now as we speak, selling Ether to get the code right to keep this perpetual motion machine going.

Am I going nuts? Am I the only one who sees this as a first in the history of mankind? A machine that produces dividends and cannot operate at a loss?

This is revolutionary!

>> No.1123873

Memecoin seems to be much more stable today.

>> No.1123887

YES. Someone who gets it. Ethercuck is revolutionary. Most normie fools don't even know how to buy it yet, there is HUGE upwards potential and the system is innovative with actual intrinsic value behind it. It solves many of Bitcoins problems. It is Bitcoin 5.0 in some way. People are acting like this is a shitcoin meme with all hype and no real use but they are WRONG. Just because ethercuck can never go down and will always go up it is a meme and bubble? You guys are speaking nonsense. This is no pyramid scheme if you always get money back from the money you put in. Then the next person buys some and puts more money in then THEY get money. Everyone fucking wins all the way down the line.

>> No.1123890

Topkek I love this thread.

>> No.1123894

Is Bitcoin really the same? Bitcoin goes up in value bc of the greater fool theory. Bitcoin is like gold in the way that like gold you hope someone else will buy it from you for more money than you bought it for, for whatever reason.

But neither gold nor Bitcoin produce anything: they are not generative.

Many dApps will run on Ethereum. Some will flourish and some will fail. But they will all pay tribute (in the form of transaction fees) to the great God Ethereum.

Thus, Ethereum will produce profits and be generative.

Ford Motors can be profitable one quarter and take a loss the next.

There will never be a quarter where Ethereum is in the red.

Ethereum will always be in the black and will keep churning out profits (unless there is less than 1 user on the whole system

>> No.1123912

No youre totally right. Bitcoin operates on the greater fool theory and ethercuck doesnt because their markets are not in any way similar. Ethercucks are not comparing the price of ethercuck to the price of bitcoin at all when they say that ethercuck will balloon to $1000/coin like bitcoin did. Good point I guess I just never saw it that way before. There is nothing speculative about ethercuck at all.

>> No.1123915

I'm with you, but it looks like ethercuck took off

>> No.1123925

Ah, we are looking at things differently.

I agree POS is virtual POW. However, this has implications that may not be readily apparent.

Just for the sake of clarity let's say if you own 1 ETH and you use it to stake you receive $100 USD 4 months later.

I own 1 ETH. I do not stake. Yet the price of my 1 ETH will be affected by the POS award.

All ETH will go up and down as a unit based on how much profit the stakers are making.

Why? Because I could sell my ETH to someone else who wanted to stake.

It sounds like only something like 20% of ETH will be allowed to stake and that there will be a lottery to become a staker.

But still the awards that those 20% makes affects all ETH. Thus, profits for everyone, whether staking or not.

Bitcoin transaction fees come from the transfer of Bitcoin itself.

As Ethereum matures, probably 99.9% of fees will come from assets other than Ether paying fees. Ether will be like a toll booth. Ether will be generative. Bitcoin is not.

Bitcoin and Ether do not function exactly the same. They are quite different.

One produces nothing, crosses its fingers, and hopes someone will pay more for it in the future.

The other is setting up shop, building a nation, and taking a small piece of the action of the myriad merchants and others who have decided to dwell there.

>> No.1123942

>profits for everyone
Sounds gr8 m8. I love systems where everyone is a winner. Looks like nobody can ever lose because nobody would ever sell. Why would they if ethercuck is building a nation? I think ethercuck will have waaaaay more merchants than bitcoin did. One day people will be able to pay their bills with it.

>> No.1123960

No. Wrong. Eth is not an asset generating returns for you, it is the currency used to participate in the network. The price of eth will rise and fall depending on how many people need it to pay for dapp services. The price of eth is purely speculation on the future use of the ethereum network. Eth will not generate any return for you beyond speculative rises or real rises in demand. Eth is not different from bitcoins in this regard. The current price of BTC is speculation on how many people will use it for money, the future value should be determined by how many people need bitcoins to participate in the 'money network'.

>> No.1123987

Yo my fellow ethcuckers, when did you go all in?

Me: $1

Feels good to be cucked

>> No.1123997

I was talking about once Ethereum moves to a POS model.

>> No.1124003


>> No.1124005

Stop arguing amongst yourselves. Ethercuck is about love. Lets just all sit back and get rich. Also, never sell. The price goes down if you do that.

>> No.1124009


>> No.1124049


Look into Lisk

Ive persoanlly spoken with the Devs

those who say its a scam is ridiculous

>> No.1124054

>spoken with the devs

Yeah they are on the chatbox on their site "hello can I help yoo". "Plz gib monies we are broke jews"

>> No.1124059

picked me up me some of that sweet, sweet ethercuck today. gentleman, i am strapped in for the moon

>> No.1124061
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No i have spoken with them in developments

you must be new to life

>> No.1124093

Again, Ethereum will be profitable and continue to rise in value so long as they manage to properly implement everything they've promised.

It's still about to enter in the Homestead phase and I'm not going to fully buy in until it enters Metropolis.

Right now their main priorities are making sure the network runs as intended and giving developers the ability to start working on DApps. There are still a lot of security vulnerabilities that need to be addressed. How well they address these issues will dictate the extent of their success.

I still have yet to finish reading their technical documentation though.

The thing is, it'd be smart to cash out before major phases and rebuy during dips that occur afterwards. You never know when some major malfunction will come along and destroy confidence.

>> No.1124098


I think it comes down to how well they implement PoS. If they get reliable, secure PoS it's all over for everyone else. PoS has the potential to be so much more efficient.

>> No.1124106

nocoiners on suicide watch


why do you do this to yourselves , nocoiners?

>> No.1124107

Ok, I have a coinbase account now, and a bittrex account, how do I get eth, and also when should I expect a dip?

>> No.1124110

Link your bank account on Coinbase, then buy BTC. After you get them, send them to Poloniex and then trade them for ETH.

The dip is now.

>> No.1124111


More on current issues:

There's a large proportion of ether sitting in Poloneix and other exchanges. Cold wallet usage is still iffy but the recent official Mist release is definitely usable. Still, it's not as secure as bitcoin and an ether hardware wallet would be a huge plus.

There's a lot of people who are jumping on board simply because of they view it as a get rich internet hype, e.g. the large majority of uninformed cucks looking into it on /biz/. These people leaving so much ether in exchanges counteracts the whole decentralized ethos of ether. Shit's gonna go down if it's stolen. Mt. Gox all over again.

>> No.1124112

Business Forum Community regarding Investments, Passive Income, The Stock Market, Forex Trading, and more

>> No.1124113

>Eth is not an asset generating returns for you

Actually, it is. or more accurately: it will be. look into proof of stake, which is what ethereum will be moving to some time this year.

>> No.1124117

>Again, Ethereum will be profitable and continue to rise in value so long as they manage to properly implement everything they've promised.
This. I've never seen a cryptokek dev promise something and not come through on it. Since all ethercuck devs have a pHD they are not going to just make empty promises. When ethercuck Dapps become mainstream this thing should be worth like a trillion dollars. I dont see it going any other way.

>> No.1124118


I agree with this. I still have to finish learning about PoS, but the conceptual tidbits i've gathered make it seem very transformative.

>> No.1124122

mtgox was a magic the gathering card trading website ran by an obese Jew. poloniex is much less likely to have any serious issues like that . besides, collecting fees on transactions is more profitable than taking the money and running. they made over $50k yesterday on eth trading fees alone

>> No.1124127


It blows my mind how skeptics are viewing this as another meme.

The whole EVM concept is mind-boggling

>> No.1124134

>nocoiners on suicide watch
Kek. This never gets old and its funny because its so true. I think one day billions of people who dont own ethercuck are going to off themselves. That should leave us thousands of ethercucks to rule the world.

>> No.1124136


Care to explain how you do that?

Is it related to margin trading and using other lent eth?

Haven't gotten into the trading side of eth as much as I would like to have.

>> No.1124138

Me too. People should take ethercuck a little more seriously on this board. Good thing we have this thread for srs bizness.

>> No.1124154

they're literally plebs who jack off while reading the economist and imagining themselves as old money millionaires

I'm saying that the exchange itself gets 0.2% from each user on every transaction. they make tens or hundreds Of thousands a day legally without lifting a finger so they don't have much of a reason to steal everyone's shit

>> No.1124160


Ahh gotcha. Misread

>> No.1124274

Bitcoin will arrive on march 10th...wtf ?

>> No.1124283


Should have secured your account with a credit card to buy instantly.

>> No.1124285

This thread is amazing. I'm glad we finally got an official ethercuck thread. Many decentralized keks were had in this thread.

>> No.1124492

Fuck this shit.

Just got off work, decided to drop another $200 in ETH.

Shit stopped dipping cot damn.

>> No.1124500
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Btw guys, any speculations on how the price will change during Homestead?

If everything goes smoothly I think by the time it hits Metropolis, all the normies will have caught on and it'll be up to $20/unit

>> No.1124509

Price will drop after homestead, because the homestead release is already weighted in the current price and everyone will want to sell to normies during homestead. The same reason why price falls on iPhone announcements.

>> No.1124513

as an ethercuck i admit im just speculating, as soon as i hit from 0.1 to 1 btc in profit im out of the game, btw i started in early feb

>> No.1124515

>tfw already profited over 5 euros since first buying yesterday

>> No.1124516


So then the idea is to hope for a huge surge when Metropolis is announced?

>> No.1124518
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Share you ether holdings

>tfw only 63

>> No.1124521

Dubious logic m8

Im certainly not selling a single one.

>> No.1124522
File: 166 KB, 396x409, 1453551090292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see the breakout yesterday (1 BTC = 50 ETH)
>want to immediately get more eth
>decide to sell old stash of btc
>download new client / pick up from where i left off
>starts downloading / stalls
>relaunch client / "No block source available"
>redownload entire blockchain
>finally finishes this morning
>finally able to transfer everything
>1 BTC = 40 ETH


>> No.1124523


>> No.1124527

The fuck? Did you buy at <1$?

>> No.1124528


>> No.1124530

He's full of shit.

>> No.1124534

>Just set up Coinbase and myetherwallet
Is it even worth buying £50 of Ether

>> No.1124535

>27k USD in ethercuck

>> No.1124537

No worries, mate. You can still profit 50x most likely. ETH will cost in the hundreds years down the road.

>> No.1124546


>> No.1124551


Profit is profit. Just sell at 50% return and spend the £25 on Strongbow or whatever the NEETs drink these days.

>> No.1124553


I mean what he says makes sense. With Ethereum it's not a matter of will it grow but when will it grow (assuming the dev team succeeds). It's a matter of when the fuck will it grow?

We need to start speculating on how the phases will impact its price.

I've looked at its price history and determined that the greatest jumps occur when
1) Corporate backing occurs, e.g. Microsoft, the financial companies that ran simulations on the Ethereum Network
2) Phase initialization (March 1st was around the time Homestead announcements were made)

Right now we're sitting in a period between phases so you'll most likely see sporadic dips, relatively large increases when more corporations get on board, and the biggest increase when Metropolis rolls out.

However, in response to the guy who compared this to apple:

KEY DIFFERENCE: We're in beta mode. Metropolis marks the transition from beta to official. By then, Ethereum as a platform will be highly secure, thus attracting normies to it. Right now, your average wannabe coiner sits confused without the lack of guidance on how to purchase it securely without risking loss of his money. Metropolis will end that and skyrocket prices further. So I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one.

>> No.1124563


>> No.1124716


I've decided I'm going to drop 1.5grand of extra savings and hope for the best tomorrow.

Please fucking go back down.

>> No.1124721

I think there will be no price drop on homestead. Because. Why?

And i say this as someone with a lot to lose. i'm simply not convinced by the argument that people are gonna sell just as the fun begins.

>> No.1124781
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Might buy more later

>> No.1124850
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>this delusion

Reddit said the same thing about buttcoin

>> No.1124897

I've set up a coinbase and poloniex account.
I'm considering purchasing $150 worth of BTC on coinbase, then transferring my BTC to poloniex and balling out on ETH.
sound like a standard plan?
am I missing anything?

>> No.1124903


>am I missing anything?

yes. a few zeros.

>> No.1124908

This. Dont go cheap on the ethercuck.

>> No.1124917

got it, other than money is my process correct? I'm sure that skilled (insert name for cryptocurrency traders) have other additional tools to facilitate $ transfer and coin purchase. That's fine, I'm focused on the basics.

>> No.1124930


but I hear coinbase might make you wait a week to verify unless you link a credit card or something like that. ive never used it myself.

once you have it, generate a btc wallet on poloniex, and send it to that address from coinbase.

>> No.1124943

I only put $200 in at $2.4.

I should have put $1000

>> No.1124968

Can you not just buy Ether with cash?
I'd rather not wait 7 days to get BTC.

>> No.1124969

Just a quick question guys~
Are you keeping your ETH in Poloniex?
Or are you keeping your ETH in wallet?

>> No.1124970
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I was too lazy to figure it out when it was at 4$. So much regrets. Anyways I followed this image and it was pretty easy. Only get 100$ in right now since that's all I could instantly transact but I couldn't stand on the sidelines any longer

>> No.1124973
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>mfw this whole thread is a parody and eth shills are posting in it like its an official eth thread

>> No.1124974

>you need BTC to buy ETH
>BTC is crashing

>> No.1124979


it's best if you use a referral link and get 10$ bonus. It's for you as well as the person who refers

>> No.1124985
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Nocoiners on suicide watch

>> No.1124989

Why do people use MyEtherWallet?
What's wrong with leaving them on Poloniex?

>> No.1124992


they might pull a gox

>> No.1124996


>mfw nethercucks think their mockery means anything when I am making 10%+ gains every day

>> No.1124998

btc is not really crashing, its down maybe 10% in a week. thats nothing in crypto. you can go cash->btc->eth in a couple hours

>> No.1124999

Link a debit card/bank with circle. Buy bitcoins, shapeshift.io into ether.

Use Ethereum's official Mist wallet.

>> No.1125004


You don't have access to the wallet's private keys. They're basically holding onto it for you like a bank, defeating the whole purpose of decentralized currency in the first place if you keep it in there.

>> No.1125007

Is nethercucks a thing now? Perfect! It makes sense that if there are ethercucks then there would be no-ether-cucks too. Its amazing how clever you guys are. I leave you alone for one day and look at all the great things that you have accomplished. You have made me a proud papa.

>> No.1125009


Kys neet ree ree tendy loving autist speaking nethercuck.

>> No.1125014

I don't think you know who you are talking to. I'm no nethercuck, I made this thread. I am the original ethercuck. If you don't want to buy ethercuck then that's on you. Stay poor nethercuck.

>> No.1125160

Not yet. All of you tards are waiting for it to crash 80% so you can sell the bottom.

>> No.1125164

PS: Going to be funny to watch the "solidarity" shown on these threads go to shit when you're all bidding one another lower to try and liquidate.