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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11228213 No.11228213 [Reply] [Original]

The VP of product Engineering just publically resigned from the company on telegram and they banned him from the chat.

Link: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6451051160043352064/

Sell this shit coin while you still have a chance, this is a genuine bone you are being thrown right now because they deleted all traces of this guys posts

>> No.11228230

>Since the ICO success
this is why icos are scams

why build the product when youre at max profit immediately after the ico

>> No.11228301

This is fucked up

>> No.11228712

He was a contractor that was let go you fucking leaves

>> No.11228763

no he wasnt retard. he was the guy who introduced Wyatt to Brendan the ceo. He was there from the beginning and he resigned because the company is failing

>> No.11228828


Didn't think this was real. Fuck me.

>> No.11228873

Michael here, I'll clear up some points to prevent FUD on a project I'm still invested in.

I was involved at the start and brought Wyatt and Brendan together, I worked on a contract basis to setup the ICO and since I've been waiting on the sidelines with no further work, due to this I decided to resign and put my efforts else where.

The clashing internally with the team came from Brendan not wanting to advertise or push for enterprise agreements till the main net was launched, Wyatt and others strongly disagreed and felt the projects success would heavily depend on steady growth, due to this Brendan stepped down as CEO of the project.

I am on the fence, while I agree with the team wanting to advertise and bring on some partnerships earlier, it was mainly Brendan who I worked with on a contract basis.

Due to Brendan leaving I cannot see myself getting any more work so I'm stepping aside and keeping out of any drama between 2 friends.

In saying all of this the project is going well, short term we should see greater success and I'm still holding my bag.

I've said enough for now and upset a few people, as for the FUD this is still a project to invest in.

>> No.11228921

nice larp kid

>> No.11229039

lol nice try PR Team.

>> No.11229046

Bahahahaha.. kek.

You guys are doing a better job of bringing awareness to the project than the marketing team.

>> No.11229047

why should we listen to a man who wears skirts and is a degenerate homosexual?

>> No.11229084
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Loving the opportunity to pick up more cheap DAG. Whales will enter soon as well timed with the IBM/Mozilla partnership. Top kek

>> No.11229098

>implying you can sell without losing half your money

hahahha nice try kid

>> No.11229126

Bag Holders trying real hard. There is no partnership with IBM or Mozilla in the works, anyone who tells you differently is lying.
This company is done
CEO traded investor funds
Their staff is resigning
Probably completely out of money and will never reveal their cash balance (which they should)
Anyone saying differently holds a big bag or part a paid shill

>> No.11229168
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>> No.11229194


>> No.11229219

Jesus Christ kid we get it you got burned either buying the top and losing 60% or you got in on presale big time and got fucked. Your incessant bullshit FUD is laughable. Clearly just an angry teenager or some fat cumt in his parents basement. They just joined hyperledger yesterday for Christ sake. AND the modi alliance. Why would a scam get that kind of legitimacy from these major consortiums. Keep trying retard. You’re clearly the same faggot who start the false fud about “day trading” funds. Kill yourself bro or just fuck off. We get it
You’re bitter.

>> No.11229236

imagine being this delusional

>> No.11229348

Topkek. Either way this situation is hilarious. There is a chance he doesn't want to get sued for breaching his NDA so he can't publically admit to writing that

>> No.11229368

These quad dubs are answer to all questions

>> No.11229424

I just keep filling my bags. This FUD is amazing haha

>> No.11229434

Pretending the team refusing to answer a yes/no question about CEO trading investor funds is no big deal. Pretending VP of product engineering quitting and confirming the rumors isnt a big deal? Hyping up partnerships that dont matter LOL fuck off shill

>> No.11229439

It's gone up 18% since these threads started a week ago. Not suspicious at all.

>> No.11229441

wow you're a genius

>> No.11229459

No, no you dont. There is no volume on this token, there are no bags to fill. Lies. look at trade history shithead

>> No.11229477

The team pays for a market maker bot, its the only volume they have which is sad. All these guys talking about filling their bags are obviously lying.

>> No.11229513

wen moon nibbas?
sitting on the sidelines still, but it seems like the juicy FUD about the CEO trading with ICO funds turned out to be false after all. Won't stop spergs from sperging though, mr turquoise over here will be back tomorrow with more drama I'm sure, so not setting my buys just yet lol. keep it going

>> No.11229529

yeah it's very low volume, wen binance

>> No.11229548
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kill them all

>> No.11229552

wrong we still havnt got an answer on that rumour

and just today a staff member resigned saying that theres serious fueding and greed going on between staff and he wanted to take his name off the website because its a scam

>> No.11229586

Lies this rumor was never squashed actually its the opposite. They refuse to answer making this all very suspiciously real. There is no reason to not be able to say NO our CEO was not trading investor funds. You cant give me a reason for that unless he was doing it. Its one thing to ignore the question repeatedly, its another to say you wont answer.

>> No.11229621
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>constellation labs hq soon

>> No.11229651

look I get it, you guys just seem emotionally involved in this project to the point where it's appearing on here every day now, it's just a bit much for a project this young / small. keeps me interested though I'll give you that

>> No.11229669

I'm counting on it going lower until the uncertainty clears / the drama dies down, can't keep the dial turned up to 11 indefinitely. that's when i'll strike lol
pls liquidity tho

>> No.11229680

>buying red flags

how do i get a brain like yours?

>> No.11229741

maybe i've been in crypto too long lol
buying red flags has worked for me in the past as long as the project itself is moving in the right direction as a whole. people tend to exaggerate mishaps when they happen and most of the time it bounces back once the dust settles. not something i'd recommend as a primary strategy, but i'll do me

>> No.11229952

These are a bit more than some basic red flags. This is about losing investor money and refusing to talk about it.

>> No.11229981
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they will die soon

>> No.11230001

that's your read on the situation, i'll wait until more decisive information from their PR headquaters or w/e and see what that brings. conflicting stories about why the CEO left now which is fun

>> No.11230202

This project. But no wounder a nigger handling the community top kek. Fuck this im selling my bag lost more than enough on this shitcoin. Cant believe i fell for this bs. Fuck you constellation.

>> No.11230236

Oh wow so it turns out the CEO day trading was just manufactured bull shit. I knew that shit wasn't true. Why is this kid so hell bent on trying to make this project look bad? It's like there some serious motivation for him to take the time to manufacture and hype complete bullshit. Veryyy curious indeed. You wanna talk about something? Did you get burned by DAG? Thanks for the publicity I've been buying for the past weeks. Wouldn't have known about this if it wasn't for this kid calling attention to it with incessant FUD.

>> No.11230240

I dont doubt the team will make a separate reason why the CEO is leaving. Even if proven 100% true they will say it was some creative differences. CEOs dont step down, especially without a board of directors forcing them. He is the founder, this is his startup and vision. This guy didnt just waste the last year of his life working around the clock to "step down" because someone beneath him disagreed with his vision. That lower person is who leaves in the situation, not the Founder/CEO.
I call bullshit

>> No.11230260

This is an absolute lie. Thanks PR team, im sorry your company wont make a statement. This isnt going away.

>> No.11230270

in many start ups the COO has almost as much, or even just as much power and influence as the CEO. just sayin

>> No.11230294

The COO was apparently involved in the trading scheme as well. Maybe an intern can step in and take it over kek

>> No.11230317

who said that? another "reputable source"? lmao

>> No.11230342

Lets see what happens when he has to answer this question. Pleading the 5th I guarantee it

>> No.11230344

haha this is absurd. Theres a team of you bashing this shit acting like it's the end of the world. Theres some sort of motivation for it. Either you got burned or you're into another competing project. "this isn't going away". Why so bitter?

>> No.11230350

like some fucking social justice warrior. You're just trying to make people aware right? This is your duty to the people.. Bull shit. You've got some motivation for doing this and it's not because you're a good person trying to spread awareness

>> No.11230357


>> No.11230376

How many millions do you think investors lost so far? Bear market is one thing, day trading investor funds and telling anyone who inquires to fuck off is going to get you exactly what you see here. The community is toxic, the team is toxic and people like you still looking to offload your bags on to unsuspecting investors is why. Really you have to turn this into a conspiracy theory? Everyone is getting fucked including you.

>> No.11230429

Buddy they have denied the gambling allegations multiple times. Those are wildly absurd and completely unsubstantiated accusations. I can't believe some random 4chan post is so widely believed.

>> No.11230437

Lies, show me where they denied it. Good try

>> No.11230515

how many times can you deny it? A convo with al brown was posted where he denies it. Then Ben (coo) denied it in telegram.. What motivation do you have to keep pushing this? Like give it a rest. You're too agressive with your fudding and it's obvious. Cool it bro. Buy back in if you want. This is a solid ass project that's already accomplished alot..

>> No.11230532

Wot? It was never denied once. Not on telegram, not in an announcement, not ever. Who pays you to post this nonsense

>> No.11230566

>The VP of product Engineering just publically resigned from the company on telegram and they banned him from the chat.
hahahahah imagine if that fucking happend to any legitimate company, the amount of cope that retard pajeet iq coin "fans" have is amazing

>> No.11230587

lame dude.
contract ends.
everything well.
Snorts a bit too much cocaine.
Riles himself up into thinking someone owed him sth.
Tries to squeeze company for more money.
Threatens FUD and press.
legit performance right there lol

>> No.11230656

Thats a real nice story there bro. And I love how the VP of Product Engineering is just a contractor now. Is this a real company? Raise $30 mil and hire contractors for key roles. kek

>> No.11230698

hmmm, I was under the impression that the co-founder (Wyatt) is the one that apparently disagreed with the CEO's direction. same guy who wrote the first whitepaper, so not exactly an underling. but what do I know, I'll let the speculation brew and watch with interest ;)

>> No.11230707

The fact that you're all so motivated to spend your time fudding this shit says alot. What's the REAL motivation is my question? You seem like a disgruntled investor but whatever motivation is clearly driven by something other than the need to spread awareness. Ket's be real you aren't here tryin to help your fellow investor.. You have a clear agenda here.

>> No.11230712
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dude he even said that himself in the tg. he had a contract, fulfilled his duties, and hasnt heard from them ever since. he literally only helped code the ico platform, admittedly said that. then he literally said he got paid less for that than other SF companies wouldve paid.

tl;dr: he only helped code the ico platform. wanted more money. didnt get enough money. -> now bitter and fudding

>> No.11230721

If you buy a coin where one of the spearheads of the team is a black guy named Altif Brown, you deserve to go bankrupt forever.

>> No.11230732

A black guy named Altif Brown who also has diamond earrings. JUST LOL at you imbeciles

>> No.11230788

It isnt fud if the team wont deny it. fud is when people question the tech or the teams capabilities. fud is not when the team is accused of day trading away investor funds and refuses to make a public comment that they didnt do it.

>> No.11230811

Look if the team would just answer questions and be "transparent" like they pretend this wouldn't be an issue. This turned into what it is because the team won't. Your bags must be heavy bro but we not here to protect them

>> No.11230821

let them fud, it's glorious

>> No.11230824

the bigger drama, the bigger the swings ime. embrace it nibbas

>> No.11230850

Oh so you can scoop up the 1 SAT daily volume. GTFO shill

>> No.11231065

u mad?

>> No.11231071

For this amount of FUD and attention, somethin special has gota be a brewin. Seen it before and I'd be dumb not to make a small lottery bet. easiest small bag 10x of the year

>> No.11231102

That would make sense if there was volume, there isnt. Shilling cant save this coin, sorry about your bags bro

>> No.11231113
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>> No.11231131

you keep trying this shit. Does not address the FUD. What funds are safe, is it $3 thats safe? Why he directly avoided the trading investor funds question? Why the whole team refuses to respond to that allegation? GTFO

>> No.11231200

desperate shillers and salty rektfags bitch-fighting over a token in liquidity crisis. match made in heaven
meanwhile under it all, a dag with the only reputation-based consensus algo in the space. waiting for that new wave of capitulation after the december 1st circ supply increase. eye on the prize

>> No.11231216


> the only reputation-based consensus algo in the space

Augur literally has a token called "REP" for reputation.
I am too lazy to go on Google, but DAG is not the first or only one.

>> No.11231229
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Paid Employee

>> No.11231247

Github is updating and the team is still talking so it would seem there is still money friend.

What proof do you have again? A friend that overheard a piece of a conversation?

>> No.11231267

not a DAG, it's a prediction market, and already in the top 50. already got my holds in that range, don't have a use for another play like that

>> No.11231289

it's also just the name of their token, and nothing to do with how they achieve consensus. apples and oranges

>> No.11231312

Paid employee cannot run their trader channel. That is what he does, he is an investor with big bags. Nice try though.
You forgot to post the 50 times the team refused to answer the question directly.

>> No.11231332

You can shill all you want.
Lets see how this plays out

>> No.11231398

RHOC and HOT, desu?

>> No.11231409

Even if it turns out not to be a ceo trading funds shit show - nobody wants to be a part of this project anymore after seing how much they care about their community. Just lol no sane person would join such a shitshow

>> No.11231441

Agreed, fuck this team and their unfriendly defensive community
Everything is fud, no question is fair and banning half their own investors. I'm done

>> No.11231569

i've been tracking this project on here for a few days now and i would bet there's no more than 5 or 6 community members going at each other over and over again lol
I've lurked on their TG channels and most investors there watch the announcements, but don't comment. i've seen shit get way more ugly than this and somehow it doesn't bleed onto /biz. that's why i find this case so curious, a deluge of threads whipping up drama while the TG is largely inactive

>> No.11231639

We've all been banned and they scrub any "FUD"
that should make more sense now. Go try and ask why their team wont make a statement that their CEO was trading investor funds and see what happens.

>> No.11231667

This is coordinated if you want to be generous about it. It's the same 3 people spamming this board. This time it seems like the team has antagonized some of the most autistic people on the face of the planet. There are ulterior motives behind these posts.

>> No.11231668

thats because they ban you for asking. 4chan the decentralised message board almost.

>> No.11231768

I would agree it's probably a small group that's starting the threads. But every investor wants to know the questions they are asking and it's scary the team won't respond to the allegations. I doubt there is an alterior motive. If alot of the funds were lost to trading the company will fail.
Why is that hard to believe?

>> No.11231808

Don't forget CEO disappeared and they won't say what happened. Imho it's probably alot worse than what people here are saying

>> No.11231861

These allegations may very well be true. The fact that the question is avoided pretty much speaks for itself. Even if they are I doubt he pissed away their entire fund or even a significant amount. That would suggest an level of gambling addiction and degeneracy unfathomable if found outside of Fuzhou. It would however be a very bad look so they can neither confirm nor deny these allegations.

>> No.11231906

Its also illegal not only for the CEO who is accused but everyone that knew what he was doing and either participated or held it back from the investor community.
Team members who knew about this also face legal consequences.

>> No.11232037

Illegal in what Jurisdiction? What were the parameters of the private sale contract? They didn't even airdrop to anyone in the USA.

>> No.11232233

Day trading investor funds is illegal in all jurisdictions. Not sure where investors are from but they will have a case against them regardless of jurisdiction.

>> No.11232537

>Day trading investor funds is illegal in all jurisdictions
Not sure I buy that. There are investment vehicles specifically intended for that purpose. I am a noob when it comes to securities regulations but I am highly doubtful that it's just illegal across the board.

>> No.11232574

Yes, if the company was setup to trade investor funds this is correct. This company was not and if it was they have much bigger problems.

>> No.11232601
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>they have much bigger problems.
death knocking on their doors for example