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11220746 No.11220746 [Reply] [Original]

tfw asian
>low test
>high iq
i can program in 6 languages and spin up pretty much any of an "ideas guys" idea in less than a week but no motivation to pursue anything because low test. is it worth taking those roids that body builders take?

i just want to /make it/ bros ;_;

>> No.11220761

>high iq
pick one

>> No.11220836

is everything on 4chan said ironically? Jesus.

>> No.11220850

You you fucking newfag

>> No.11220853
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>is everything on 4chan said ironically? Jesus.

>> No.11220864

wrong, my IQ is 178°F

>> No.11220871

your retarded. most of 4chan is people who legitimately have asbergers or some other socialising disorder but are smart. If you take out the normie boards like pol, tv, b, average IQ on 4chan is probably higher than the general population.

>> No.11220882

OP, buy TRTL. It's a guaranteed x1000

>> No.11220898

There are literally more people on 4chan than there are assburgers on the planet.

>> No.11220912

you fucking nigger shit spic loving faggot. What the fuck did you just say? Turtleshit is a yellow bricked keylogger. fucking cocksucking virgin. kys.

>imagine being this dumb

>> No.11220930

This, I feel average intelligence on 4chan and I got a 31 on my ACT

>> No.11220964

Did you get tested as low test or are you just assuming?
>is it worth taking those roids that body builders take?
Just TRT if you need it. If you're young it's pointless to shut yourself down.

>> No.11221008

Is that good or bad? I don't understand American grades.
I do think the people that browse slower boards probably are above average intelligence if you can filter the obvious idiots and kids.

>> No.11221033

eh never been tested but its pretty obvious. Can only grow a few strands of facial hair, look like a twink, dont put on weight easy, small frame, childish face etc. etc.

thanks will look into it

>> No.11221041

Good thing you're a nigger so I have a way to make fun of you. You're not gonna make it, still love you though.

>> No.11221045

Lift weights and stop feeling sorry for yourself you worthless faggot. You don't need fucking TRT unless you are a literal 30 year old boomer.

>> No.11221056

>Can only grow a few strands of facial hair
Could just be genetics

>small frame, childish face
Also genetics. You're Asian dude.

>dont put on weight easy
This is a symptom of too much testosterone. Low T men get THICC like aging women.

>> No.11221082


Errr, only 6 programming languages ? Only noobs programmers brag about how many programming languages they know.
I bet you don't even know one in all its deepest aspects.
I advice you don't brag about such stupid shit, it is ridiculous. Come back with some real achievements before claiming you have a high IQ.

>> No.11221221

>"Can program in 6 languages"
>high IQ

>> No.11221292

Every pajeet can program.
All people have to do is hire 6 of them and one white 30 year old boomer to check their work and the company blasts off into prosperity. They pay the boomer slightly above minimum wage and the pajeets minimum wage.

We are finished. We have no value. The world doesn't need us.

>> No.11221487

natural tes goes up

>> No.11221796

Most likely you are going to hurt yourself, lift naturally for a few years first, eat keto, and build a base of muscle. Then if your little yellow heart desires go ham.

>> No.11222249

>Your retarted
I stopped right there

>> No.11222316
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tfw doomer

>> No.11222322

So you look like a normal asian and like most twinks that can't gain weight you probably eat like a 16 year old girl.

You didn't even mention dick problems m8. You probably do not need TRT.

>> No.11222357

this. being a shitty polyglot means nothing. if you know how to program in one language, you can basically program in any language. gfto

>> No.11222370
File: 1.87 MB, 760x323, it is your destiny.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get boob job. take estrogen. it is your destiny.

>> No.11222378

Start taking DHEA. It's a straight up steroid that is legal via loop hole in the U.S. but almost no where else. I take it right now and it's a very significant boost.

>> No.11222379

Do you have a sister

>> No.11222383

this is me but I'm 30yo. I'm not a boomer... right?