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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11196124 No.11196124 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11196146

you cant even cash out

>> No.11196183

it's not for everyday purchases.

>> No.11196190

Wtf is it for then? Crypto is literally a meme

>> No.11196211

It's true. Crypto is a meme

>> No.11196222

Buying assets like houses, cars

>> No.11196248


there's plenty of other crypto's that does free instant transaction. Bitcoin is not made for every day purchase it's just the pillar of cryptocurrency

>> No.11196266

Drugs and cheese pizza.

>> No.11196284
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The fees are tiny and will get even tinier. Ten minutes isn't slow. You don't have to use those intermediaries at all. KYS.

>> No.11196296
File: 124 KB, 1810x992, bitcoin is fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11196334

this little faggot would deserve a good stabbing
he's just mad because he sold his bag @5$

>> No.11196337

Ok this is correct at least

>> No.11196344

Tech takes time to be implemented retard.

The internet has been around for decades and only now is it about to reach true, global adoption.

>> No.11196355

saved for future moon missions

>> No.11196366

Bitcoin must be able to store value in order to be an independent payment method, it will need people who believe in it to hoard it as the value is assigned and discovered.
With nothing backing it, Bitcoin must be able to back and carry itself.

>> No.11196368


>> No.11196375
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What coin did you create? Oh right, you are just a jealous bitch.

>> No.11196407

he did not create ethereum

>> No.11196414

Fucks same you're such a dumb cunt

>> No.11196420

All the old people are back.... we bull lads

>> No.11196426
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The core fees will spike with usage again, the real bitcoin can do instant transactions (0 conf). You're right on the intermediaries, however only Bitcoin (BCH) has user friendly wallets.
I use Handcash to pay the kid who cuts my lawn, NFC for tap and pay. No banks. Too easy.

>> No.11196427

idiotic reasoning if you assume banks will collapse and crypto is the new stable world currency. you just need to cash in not out..

>> No.11196446

a cup of coffee and the deed to a house are completely different. it's not like you'd be willing to wait 2 days to drink the cup of coffee you bought.

>> No.11196453

Hey this guy understands. If you are cashing out to usd without a huge base of crypto, you are about to get fucked.

>> No.11196476

Pretty much this. I'd go as far as saying btc is the bank of crypto or will be if it survives.

>> No.11196491

Never forget that a crucial bug was found by a predominantly BCH developer.
BTC and LN are going the way of the dodo bird.

>> No.11196493

That's not the reason I'm calling you a dumb cunt.
But you're wrong again anyway. Lightning can make coffee payments today.
*disclaimer, it's still not perfect, but it works and is better and easier than it was a few months ago

>> No.11196501

bch is pretty much the least shitty crypto for real world use right now. why do people hate it so much? because it won't go on moon missions?

>> No.11196521
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Op is 90% correct

>> No.11196527

based and redpilled skelly

>> No.11196544
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>> No.11196607

Bch is notorious for pump moon missions.
You're right. BCH is the best coin for real world transactions "right now"... Or is it? I can send an XRP shit coin transaction instantly, like bam.

When the lightning protocol reaches a state where the biggest fuck wit on the planet can use it (really not far away in my opinion) then BTC will be unrivaled by any coin. It will have everything. The security and decentralisation etc of the layer 1 btc block chain. (the most secure blockchain out there) AND the utility and convenience of instant and virtually free(way cheaper than Bcash!) layer two transactions.

>> No.11196641

You will sneer at Digimarines; until the day we kick down your door and buy everything you own from you like the tramp you are. And we'll do it with an instant, free, super handy transaction.

>> No.11196651

>I can send an XRP shit coin transaction instantly, like bam.
xrp is great, except that you can't buy it with fiat. You can buy bch with fiat from several places.

I hold no bch (and actually hold some xrp), but if something I want to buy or donate to supports bch, I use it every time.

And yeah, I said "right now". In the next few years that may not be true anymore, but it's true today.

>> No.11196727


>> No.11196729

t. bagholder

>> No.11196834

I'm one of those crypto holders that knows deep down inside that this is the most elaborate pyramid scheme ever created. Eventually folks won't just lose their money, but realize they have beta tested the system for real centralization of the world monetary system. Only you won't have any ownership in it. It's all going to be stablecoins on lightning speed networks between banks.

>> No.11196899

>Crypto BTFO

No. You dont get it. Convince is not the reason crypto is going to take over. Its going to take over because it will eliminate the middle man and in this case several middle men, The bank, visa/mastercard and paypal.

Soon as merchants figure out they dont have to pay 10% to middle men, they will abandon those. That is if crypto can solve scalability and reduce fees to cents.

This is nothing but a desperate attempt for Paypal to cling to life as the noose tightens around its throat. And with their highly disgusting practices of debanking conservatives, good fucking riddance.

>> No.11197116
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Yeah, man! Fuck all the middlemen! Fuck institutions! Fuck banks! Fuck exchanges!

Let's go put our money into bitfinex, so they can demand a haircut when they lose it, push out a 'stablecoin' to maintain absolute control of the economy, and let's keep aiming for the infinite HODL so we can LAMBO after we MOON, while we use exclusively centralized and heavily censored resources to discuss the future of our magical internet money, which is only ever actually useful as a speculative asset, or in trade for illegal things!

Who's with me?

>> No.11197160
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but muh decentralization

>> No.11197227

Lightning will be a complete disappointment just like Segwit was, the expectations are just too high.
By the way cryptos are still to hard to use even if they could scale to 1 million tx/s, the main problem is the core user experience.

>> No.11197254

people chose to convert back to fiat themselves, at some point crypto will be used so much, that they wont convert back to fiat to buy new things, they will just keep the crypto since they can use it directly anyway

>> No.11197377


Handcash is such a gread mobile wallet, i love it and my mom also know how to use it. Normie friendly as fuck

>> No.11197418

Nice pasta ping pong I hope you got a big bowl of noodles for posting