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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 750x417, LeftDonnie_cofounder_RightCEO_Founder_Jun-e1446101071848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11185911 No.11185911 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else just loving watching all the death threats thrown out by Neobag against Jun?

I love the idea of scammers getting what they deserve

>> No.11185992
File: 188 KB, 900x1200, omgscam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Google partnership KEK

>> No.11186058
File: 28 KB, 400x400, pUjwOUXV_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apple partnership confirmed

>> No.11186068

2018 rock year.

>> No.11186077

Not just a partnership but a DEEPER partnership!

Oh herro roundeye we use Chrom dat mean we Google patnah

>> No.11186084
File: 44 KB, 750x417, FaceApp_1537736833316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11186175

jun = the banked
omisegoys = unbanked

>> No.11186221


>> No.11186241

Anyone else find it hillarious the entire team just retweets Kelvin tweets about plasma now? Its like they don't do anything except wait for an intern to tweet shit

>> No.11186256

Jesus guy on the righr looks like a girl I used to date (but failed to fuck). She was chilean, and chileans for some reasons look like asians

>> No.11186291

Literally the amazing Ethereum second layer holy shit scalable decentralized exchange project is surviving on the weed infused ideas of some 20 year old with 2 years of programming experience

If any of this kids ideas actually turn out to be retarded every OMG investor will have wasted thousands of dollars

>but the team? They'll be rich.

>> No.11186296

Tbh those scammers deserve to die. They made off like bandits with the electrify asia team too

>> No.11186332

Network launching rearry soon. Kek

>> No.11186517

This has held 22 nd spot for more than a year. hasnt gone down. so what is your problem? Its a bear market and things will not moon overnight

>> No.11186537


It'd be much lower if the teams tokens weren't unlocked.

Also fuck these assholes it should have been top 15 st least with the amount of lies they spewed. It's. A college intern research project as they all sold already in July

>> No.11186606

They literally haven't done shit in an entire year.

They squandered EASY TOP TEN potential with the team they had. They lied to everyone on the partnerships they had, refused to do ACTUAL marketing because muh decentralization muh community, and refused to do competent hiring and are left with literal camp counselors coding plasma.

Fuck this project

>> No.11186660

This whole fucking market is pure speculation with ZERO use cases till date. Why is ADA values in billions? What about TRX, EOS etc etc?

>> No.11186673

Atleast OMG has a business behind them

>> No.11186689

They relentlessly shilled their project which OMG supposedly morally stood against.

Which is fucking bullshit because they sold their stakes anyway. And you can easily justify shilling because muh economic security.

They lied
Refused to shill
Exit scammed
Refused to hire talent
Are letting stuttering potheads run it
And not even communicating anymore

It's literally the worst possible combination of things

>> No.11186788

I've always wondered why people would say this as a argument. Has it not occurred to you that this means they are most likely looking out for themselves and maybe don't give a shit about their token? Businesses already don't give a fuck about their people and for some reason people still suck corporate dick. They aren't the exception. There is literally still not enough information about the ONE thing that their token is supposed to do.

>> No.11187370


>> No.11187659

Anyone else just want their money back, break even at this point?

Fuck staking, these fucking liars dont even know what to do but copy and paste from ethereum or cosmos.

>> No.11188126
File: 112 KB, 712x539, partnership_confirmed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irrefutable evidence of an Amazon partnership.

>> No.11188274
File: 153 KB, 1200x675, omgedance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every ICO fucker has made off like a fucking bandit. It's all a joke to them. Travel around the world, spend free money staying at nice hotels, attending pointless conferences, eating fancy foods, taking stupid pictures and flaunting it in investors faces, regulation can't touch you.....

......and best of all you still have supporters that will attack anyone that doubts these scam ICOs are FUDDERS and TROLLS

>> No.11188388


Exactly. It's all a fucking game to them. Do a token sale, motivated at first then drag along until they unlock and the team sells for fiat.

Proof of work should mean proof of delivery. 2 year lockup minimum not 1 year for delivering a wallet

>> No.11188447

I hate this space.

Imagine the absolute state of crypto. A technology all about """incentives""" which pays its projects 100% of the investment up front and completely destroys the incentive to actually give a shit about it.



>> No.11188574


Its pretty dumb if you think about it. A company in Thailand tells u they will let u control 70% of their network "decentralized" in the height of ethereum mania, while having a 5 page risk section on how the otkens could become worthless if the project doesn't pan out.

Fucking kek. I also hate Joon Scamegawa and hope he gets karma delivered to his ass for shilling literally all year on broken promises, but ya gotta admit we were dumb as fuck for believing him