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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 22 KB, 250x250, neblio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11184198 No.11184198 [Reply] [Original]

What's the /biz/ opinion on this little gem?

>> No.11184219

Useless. Moreover zero value since it s pos

>> No.11184243

Hmmm, if pajeet is against it then it's probably a good investment

>> No.11184250
File: 312 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180923-135413_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tachyon is gonna be a pretty big update, it's sure to pump at some point and it's supply is so low that it moons more violently than any other platform coin when that happens.

Just chill and stake breh

>> No.11184263

Buy stratis or AION instead. AION will have staking and is 50% below ICO.

>> No.11184267

Not a pajeet, just being honest. He is free to look into it. Idgaf. Kek

>> No.11184278
File: 75 KB, 591x1280, IMG_20180921_141829_202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He probably likes VeShit or some other shitty centralized consensus mechanism

The only way to educate brainlets is to take all their money

>> No.11184303

Oh i got it now. This is a coordinated shill. Sorry, i let you pajeets and slavs do your job.

>> No.11184306
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>will have
Yeah if it is a platform that doesn't even have a mainnet yet in 2018, it's a shitcoin

>> No.11184337
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>type like an ESL
>get mad when people call you out and call everyone else ESL
Never change, /biz/

>> No.11184396

AION main net is live, and also just released their bridge, a major piece of technology. Enjoy your shitty gains from a project copying 10 other things that do it better.

>> No.11184435
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>ask for opinion
>calls other pajeets
>already has opinion in reality, he just hope to unload his bags after 90%drop
>biz never change says

>> No.11184690
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Most /biz/nessmen don't understand this but a successful business is 5% ideas, 95% execution. This is why generally venture capital favors betting on people over specific ideas.

This is why I prefer Neblio, the project leader and main dev alone has already completed more than 20 person teams for other projects. On every roadmap of development, Neblio delivers more than promised and on schedule if not ahead of schedule.

>> No.11184708

so how many TPS now after all upgrades?

>> No.11184791
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Anywhere from 1k to 3k tps depending on what the original mainnet speed was.

An important thing to note is that they've made these optimizations while remaining truly decentralized. A 10 NEBL staker earns the same percentage as a 1,000,000 NEBL staker.

No masternodes, no DPoS, no "proof of authority" nonsense, and yet will be higher throughput than any of those centralized mechanisms.

>> No.11184837
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To clarify, with the benchmarks that were released, mainnet v1 was between 15 and 30 tps, depending on network conditions.

>> No.11184994

I don't know anything about this fucking coin you retard, that's why I asked for opinions. You didn't explain anything, you in tattered English said that it was a bad coin without providing any reasoning. I call you out on this and again instead of explaining your reasoning you keep shilling. Fuck off out of my thread.

>> No.11185044

>no PoW
>zero value besides 100% speculation
What else do you need to know? It is a lottery ticket like every other shitcoin in the cryptosphere, also it has Eth as competitor. Why are you even in crypto? It may give some traction because of hype, after that is another shitcoin, do not fall for the TPS meme. Man i really am honest with you. Now go kys.

>> No.11185061

Also you do not call it little gem unless you have positive opinion upfront. You might want to go back to school and learn some logic

>> No.11185172

Neblio is still under-the-radar, which at this point is their issue.

The 10% staking is awesome, especially when the coin isn't as depressed as it is these days.

Their TPS upgrade isn't what really matters, it's that now they've got 8MB blocks, so you can fit a huge amount of data into each block. Developers care less about TPS than they care about the raw data that can be saved.

I invested in the Potion Owl ICO, that's where the real money's in.

Lastly, the Neblio team needs to grow. Regardless of how much Eddy can do by himself with a C++/QT guru in Sam, there's no way that they can provide enough forward development to satisfy developers who want to use their platform.

>> No.11185261

Explain what Neblio is trying to do? Just be an ETH killer or something more?

>> No.11185305

>being this much of an ESLnigger

I have no idea desu, I don't have time to look into it now so I figured I'd post this and get a feel for it before I started looking into it. I haven't really seen it talked about on /biz/ but I saw some people on Twitter that I semi-trust talking about it, so it piqued my interest.

>> No.11185340

Something more simple than ETH. The original vision of Neblio was to read/write data onto the chain and integrate with Dapps. Do do that, they would use APIs that supported a bunch of different languages.

In December, they announced the Neblio Token Protocol-1 (NTP1), which functions similar to ETH's ERC-721 tokens and the Neblio path went in a different direction. They're still focused on simplicity, but now they have a token economy, like ETH, Waves, etc. Eventually they'll offer sidechains, which I believe are in development right now.

They'll differ very strongly from ETH in that they won't have anything like an EVM for smart-contracts. They'll be be based on Bitcoin's P2SH scripting (like Stratis' smart contracts) and will mimic what Lamden is trying to do. This lack of EVM should make things simpler and more constrained in trying to create smart contracts. Development will also likely be cheaper for smart-contracts, as there won't be as much of a need for expensive audits.

>> No.11185608
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>being a PoW fag
>in 2018
It was the only way to have secure transactions when blockchain was untested 9 years ago, but you're deluded if you think PoW is the only viable algo. The game theory that makes PoW viable works even better with PoS actually.

It's about enterprise using blockchain within existing businesses, Neblio wants to make that simple by being the platform that is easiest/quickest to develop on, mainly through API support for 8 of the most common languages. When they had this accomplished, they also decided to make it easy to launch new tokens and ICO's too ala WAVES. The next update called Tachyon is going to increase tx/s throughput by 120x roughly to futureproof the project.

So it started out as an ease of use platform for enterprises, but because they were so quick to get things done, they incorporated some of the best selling points from other "ETH-killer" platforms. Some of NEBL's development afterthoughts are other platforms only selling points actually. They have yet to figure out how to hype their project though.

Awareness is definitely the biggest hurdle. I'll worry about their team size if they miss a deadline but until then, if they want to keep more of the profits and can keep up with the roadmap more power to them.

>> No.11185661


Buy USD if you trust other people than faggot

>> No.11185680
File: 251 KB, 500x517, 1537422084617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the best technical explanations I've heard. I forgot to mention why they wanted big blocks but everything is spot on. Sometimes the most important developments are not the ones that are overtly shilled, moonboys get excited about tps throughput but the dev-minded people realize that when you increase block size, all kinds of new dApp possibilities open up.

Great job anon no homo

>> No.11185987

So would you guys rate this as a longterm hold? Does it actually have potential to maybe beat out ETH?

>> No.11186041

>Longterm hold
Yes, but you'll want to monitor it if anything changes.
>Beat out ETH
No. Not in terms of total market cap or the number of adoption.

Neblio will be successful long term however, and will likely a higher ROI than investing in ETH. I never expected NEBL to break 100k sats, so I think there's a lot of upside.

But as others have stated above, the size of the team could be an issue, and how they're able to market to developers (not us speculators). I'm still holding onto my stack and have no current plans to sell.

>> No.11186061

Cool thanks. I have to look into it on my end obvioussly but it what you said is true then I'm glad I found this coin

>> No.11186613

use to hold 100k have barely anything now. there exchange was more disappointing than waves. can't see it going anywhere

>> No.11187534
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The Neblio DEX is a project of an independent dev who isn't affiliated with the official NEBL team. It's not a selling point like it was supposed to be with WAVES, just a small bonus feature.

It's easy to launch tokens on Neblio, easier than WAVES even, but ICO's and token economy are not the main focus. Also, WAVES has 10 times the market cap of NEBL to give you an idea of how undervalued Neblio is as a platform.