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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 75 KB, 453x604, 5213_1218842275067_4074220_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11183263 No.11183263[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do any femanons browse /biz/?

>inb4 kneepad girl

>> No.11183266

femanons are a myth

>> No.11183267

there is a couple cunts in here, they usually get mad at the robot wife poster

>> No.11183278
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y-yes @_@

>> No.11183279

Sure, there may be more femanons than you think. We just don't announce it because it adds nothing to the conversation, unless you're explicitly asking.

>> No.11183286

fem anon here unironically

>> No.11183291


>> No.11183304

My tits are flatter than a pancake, trust me you'll have a better time getting off to Sergey instead.

>> No.11183307

This, tits or gtfo

>> No.11183309
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>tfw no crypto gf

>> No.11183310
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Sergey is pretty easy to get off too though

>> No.11183312

What coins are you holding?

Im male

>> No.11183316

Doesn't matter, we wanna see them

>> No.11183318

chad here can confirm femnons exist as i've had intercourse in IRL.

>> No.11183342


Lets just say that if CNN knew i was posting on /biz/ and /pol/, they'd report on it tomorrow.

>> No.11183348


>> No.11183363

>I’m totally important and relevant for something other than my tits

>> No.11183368


show butt

>> No.11183374
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Huh. I always thought you were a male who ironically pretends to be female on 4chan because your trip has "girl" in it

>> No.11183377

Sure you are, now post tits or gtfo

>> No.11183389

Honestly surprised femanons on here. Only group of people on here who get more shit than pajeets and nogs.

>> No.11183391

Mmmmmmm *smacks lips* but mlady pancakes are a delectable flavor for the pallet. Why in fact in glorious Japan they are quite big 0w0. Ill gladly lick your syrup

>> No.11183397

I don't want to see Hillary's tits. Pls no

>> No.11183409

It's kind of tame compared to some boards
/biz/ is a place of realism and most shitting on women here comes with a kernel of truth

>> No.11183428

Some guys are into that.

>> No.11183475

I'm going to believe you're Sara Huckasans until proven otherwise.

>> No.11183495

Hai XD

>> No.11183509

What if she's Ivanka Trump tho? I can fap to clothed pics of Ivanka.
If you're Ivanka >>11183342 then post oc lingerie pic with a sign for /biz/

>> No.11183515

kek this. Only roasties get that toastie when they hear about how worthless they are.

>> No.11183519


I'm actually into that. One of my exes had a b-cup and the finest ass in the world. She felt insecure about them but I honestly loved it. Bonus: they wont drop down to her knees when she's 40.

>> No.11183525

That just means you are skinny. Guys like skinny girls.

>> No.11183529

Friendly reminder that femanons with dicks are not femanons

>> No.11183579

i used to fuck a chick with a cups and an amazing ass shaped like a peach. a nice ass is way better than having big tits

>> No.11183582
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Flat is justice. Now tits or gtfo, you attention whore.

>> No.11183624


>> No.11183631


>> No.11183933
File: 1.15 MB, 1310x1050, :biz: attention whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11183938

notice how all these dumb cunts were here when the market was up

>> No.11183953

I think the femanons left when the no begging rule was instituted

>> No.11183958

Lol moron, women don't post ANYWHERE they can't have a selfie-avatar and an inbox where they can get messaged by hunky Chads.

Attention whores the lot of them, all share the same few jocks.

>> No.11183982

Yeah well here all we’re interested in is the report on your tits

>> No.11183990

There were a lot of asshurt roasties in that thread where anon was looking for '4chan for women.' You can shake them out if you say something like 'women can't contribute to intellectual discussion.'

>> No.11183996
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posting in hope of this becoming an epic bread

>> No.11184005
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>> No.11184023


Unironically, you've all seen my tits allready.

>> No.11184040

So then where’s the harm in posting them again?

>> No.11184059

Taylor it's you?

>> No.11184086
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I dont recall such thing, maybe posting them again will refresh my memory

>> No.11184088


Because it's nice being anonymous for once. Believe me when i say there are quite a few "famous" people on 4chan for that reason alone. Being able to interact with other people without "journalists" and photographers swarming you everywhere you go feels liberating to say atleast. It gets old really quick and you're not missing out on anything. Believe me.

>> No.11184097

That's hot.

>> No.11184100

I was about this.

>> No.11184104

Aubrey plaza, shut up.

>> No.11184131


>> No.11184163

Shit repost for shit rethread

>> No.11184209

It’s Lena Paul you faggots

>> No.11184262


Why is /biz/ the best board in the world? Just when I think I can't like it more I find more reasons to stay.

If I actually make it I'll be shitposting with the lot of you thots.

>> No.11184293
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RKG is literally a terminally ill man who posts here all day

>> No.11184349
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>imagine LARPing this hard
>imagine wasting perfectly good dubs like this
>imagine being more retarded than linkies

>> No.11184372
File: 168 KB, 915x960, 1519451912912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are nolinkers around right now

>> No.11184422

Most of /biz/ aren't braindead

>> No.11184432

>Telling lies on the internet

>> No.11184434

Very subtle humblebrag there in all three of your posts, fuck off and kys already roastie

>> No.11184444
File: 371 KB, 1200x1600, 65590AC0-7928-46C9-841E-0BBF8F41D672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are still kids pumping their allowance into scams like LINK

>> No.11184458

Checked, linkies on suicide watch

>> No.11184485
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>> No.11184499

Gunna need some kind of proof or more hints. Are you a pornstar?

>> No.11184501

kek. pretty much everyone here then

>> No.11184516

ok got it! now open pussy pls sir!

>> No.11184648
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>> No.11184727

Since when you came to the abyss?

You know that once here it lasts forever, right?

At the end what things you would like to do but cant because of fame yada yada?

>> No.11184747

This and sage

>> No.11184890

Sounds like you arent coping, still living with the illusion that LINK isnt a scam?

>> No.11184925
File: 7 KB, 627x98, linkfud49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you next year motherfucker

>> No.11184952


>> No.11185013

The question was if any femanons browsed /biz/. Do they still have to show tits if them revealing to be femanons adds to the conversation?

>> No.11185028
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>Number 7 will never be your gf
Why even live

>> No.11185068


>> No.11185078
File: 1.04 MB, 652x651, 1529883363517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ARK-chan probably sold

>> No.11185086

she looks like a 12yo boy you pedo faggot

>> No.11185115
File: 2.99 MB, 174x200, 1436127424997-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does indeed

>> No.11185138

You embrace the basket weaving culture while trying to bend the rules that make it
TITS and TIMESTAMP or go to plebbit bitch

>> No.11185139

yes. im lonely and looking for a biz bf

>> No.11185140

Quads of truth.

>> No.11185158


>> No.11185279

L O N D O N ?

>> No.11185466

Where ya from , female sirs?

>> No.11185495

Get a load of this fucking guy. Actually no. Don't.

>> No.11185519


Fuck that other guy, please be in London.

>> No.11185532


>> No.11185542

That girl looks so like a 2007 to 2010 Emo girl who listens to avril lavigne and green day.

>> No.11185543

I’ve heard a few women talk about 4chan in public so, yes.

>> No.11185554


>> No.11185558


Kek. This reply alone makes you unironically fappable.

>> No.11185565


>> No.11185582


Kek. This is how you cringe.

>> No.11185596


Katie Perry, is that you?

One of us. One of us. One of us.

>> No.11185637
File: 191 KB, 604x404, fatmods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. What the fuck happened to this place?

>> No.11185641
File: 9 KB, 204x247, 1533814826442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a girl. next dubs gets my pic of me in sexy dress

>> No.11185648



you degenerates. this is why grills dont announce that they are grills.

that having been said... nice.

>> No.11185669

Show us your shithole bitch

>> No.11185672

reminder that anybody who is blunt on the internet like this will always be a trap

>> No.11185682
File: 26 KB, 600x450, 1534304097608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not dubs, but 69 is good enough.

>> No.11185709

Kys faglord, they gotta prove they are female or else they are just traps

>> No.11185710

OMG who painted your nails? They're so pretty.

>> No.11185727

Man what the fuck

>> No.11185893

Vanessa Hudgens?

>> No.11185939

I'm curious... do any femanons own LINK?

>> No.11186096

No-one gives a fuck about you, Sarah Silverman.

>> No.11186238 [DELETED] 
File: 2.84 MB, 1920x1080, CHAINLINK.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do i count? ^^

>> No.11186250

>trust me you'll have a better time getting off to Sergey instead.

Challenge considered...

>> No.11186276

God bless and protect all anons for this devil succubus trick.

May Jesus save all your souls.


>> No.11186277


Hey Taylor ;^)

>> No.11186279


>> No.11186285
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This' but a sausage fest.

>> No.11186287

wow. what a brave woman.

>> No.11186352

Swift or from Billions?

>> No.11186376

Taylor Swift is that you?

>> No.11186401


>> No.11186414

Everyone already knows she posts on 4chan, that'd be too easy.

>> No.11186440

If it is just know that I love you Taylor more than anything in the world and seeing you on the reputation tour was the highlight of my entire life. <3

>> No.11186444

I browse because of my male friends crypto memes.

I just here to mine your rare pink wojaks and help-helpers.

>> No.11186469

Martin Gore from Depeche Mode? Man you looked so good in your twink homo outfits and dresses. Loved the last tour. Great concerts. Love your music.

>> No.11186470

Serious question, why do people unironically do this? There is literally nothing cringier than falling in love with a celebrity you've never even met.

>> No.11186480
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>> No.11186525

Mommy milkies

>> No.11186551
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>> No.11186693
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My GF goes to /gif/ and /pol/

she said there is a girls version of /r9k/ or some shit on 8-chan if you bois want to go there

>> No.11186716

Fuck you Corbyn

>> No.11186731



>> No.11186780

If by girl you mean disgusting fat man looking for attention then here you go

>> No.11186804

fuck now I want a biz girl to sit on my face