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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11182399 No.11182399 [Reply] [Original]

How fancy are the offices where you work?

>> No.11182433

Mine isnt really fancy. No azn hookers with fake tits :c

>> No.11182441

>desktop computer
>mommy brings me tendies sometimes
nothing fancy, but decent

>> No.11182458

I work at a university where the female/male ratio is 70/30, but the few men that study here are disgusting indonesians, indians and africans, so the toilets are really fucking bad.

Got my own private office with clear view of all the cuties though

>> No.11182462

>Implying I work

t. neet

>> No.11182464

Work in a giant gov. building. It's old, outdated, but they have newish computers and a pretty good sized gym.

>> No.11182471


>> No.11182503

I feel you fren.

Half the people who work in my office are poos or some other type of Muslim shit skin. At least once a day I'll walk into the bathroom and see a toilet clogged up with an ungodly amount of shit and enough toilet paper to dress yourself like a mummy.

>> No.11183452

At least they go in the toilet. I work in a lab at a university with tons of Chinese and they miss the toilet all the god damn time. Both men and women.

>> No.11183506

>be me
>work as a scientist at a national STEM type lab
>learn from the janitor that an unnnamed Chinese female visiting researcher consistently shits and pisses next to the toilets, presumably to avoid having to sit on the toilet seat
What do?

>> No.11183561

I dunno. We were surprised when we found out the female bathrooms were worse too. I have no clue why we even let the Chinese in when they steal so much from us.

>> No.11183613

I really don’t get it either. My only consolation is that none of the work we do has any real value, so whatever they steal is of no consequence.

Thanks everyone for paying your taxes btw.

>> No.11183809

I'm glad to know that there is someone who is not a total mouth breathing retard at one of our national labs.

>> No.11183827

Oh I got fired for insubordination and now I work for a startup; true story. Sorry.

>> No.11183842
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>> No.11183894

>I work at a university
Have the short shorts been extra ridiculous there too? I have seen so many ass cheeks this year compared to prior years.
I followed this one thot up the stairs and felt like I owed her a tip by the time we got to the sixth floor.

>> No.11183921

Oh. I'm pretty close to quitting my PhD program too actually. My PI is great and half of my group is great, but the department as a whole is awful and the students they admit each year get worse and worse.

Yeah, I've noticed them a lot more this year as well as an increase in problem color hair. Even among the middle aged women, but hey, Star Wars Americans, amirite?

>> No.11183929

My office is awesome, beer on tap, prime location

The only problem is I either pay $87/mo to spend 45min. to an hour taking 2 busses and a subway to work, or pay $250/mo for parking and a 20 minute drive

Been doing the subway for a few months, going to start driving in next month to see how I like it.

>> No.11183955

Based on what I've seen the past 2 years, it's become socially acceptable to show ass cheeks with shorts.

I enjoy the view, but it's disgusting to think about how many swamp whores bare asses that sit on the same chairs/benches that I do. Also, obviously it limits the dating options, as you should never date a girl who will show her asscrack to the public.

>> No.11184025

Yeah it's fucking mind blowing. I've noticed that to most guys it only achieves the opposite effect though. Girls that dress more conservatively for today's standards are becoming much more attractive in the eyes of me and many friends.

>> No.11184043

>Also, obviously it limits the dating options, as you should never date a girl who will show her asscrack to the public.
Also this. Girls like this immediately downgrade themselves to pump and dump material to any guy with a sense of self-respect.

>> No.11184116

Yup, you have to assume any chick who thinks its acceptable to literally show bare ass in public is getting piped by different dudes every week

>> No.11184424

That's interesting to hear and kind of makes sense because, as a mid thirties boomer, I can't peel my eyes away from the brappers, yet when I look around to see if the other dudes are equally entranced, they aren't looking at all.
I thought maybe it was because they were afraid of oppressing the girls by looking at them without first getting written consent.

>> No.11184439

I'm currently unemployed

>> No.11184559

You're not even human if you work in an office.

t. Plumber making $200k a year while your balls and sperm motility dwindles by the second while you sit in that faggot chair

>> No.11184725

Why not bike? You could probably make it in under an hour for free, show up to work feeling awake , and get in shape

>> No.11184840

i am maintenance personnel for a major industry. i can work in my very large office i share with1 other person or i can be in the field, outside. i can do anything i want so long as my testing gets done and i respond to troubles in a timely manor.

>> No.11184872

I don't feel like showing up to the office sweaty or musky, and we don't have showers.

Also, in a month or two it will be icy/snowy until April.

>> No.11184902

Ive been thinking about getting a cheap street legal dirtbike to get to work.
Gas savings would be tremendous.

>> No.11184924

Too fancy, you can't open a window ._. living in the world of only air conditioning

>> No.11185032

At least you have windows.

>> No.11185067

I'd pump her up full of egg juice.

>> No.11185711

Yeah, especially girls that habitually post about themselves on social media. I said something similar to a girl I was talking to, too many girls wearing short shorts in public etc etc. She replied with that's all they sell now.

Honestly I think it's a conspiracy by the (((trend setters))) to empower the #metoo movement, since these girls think guys won't take advantage of them when they are both drunk out of their minds.

>> No.11185781

If you really search you can also find longer shorts nearly everywhere. I find really short shorts kind of disgusting when sitting in a public place thats why I personally buy longer shorts.

>> No.11185842

>She replied with that's all they sell now.
I asked a girl why girls wear $80 leggings instead of shorts to the gym and this is what she said. I replied with "well i see girls wearing longer shorts like mid-thigh to play soccer all the time" and she goes "oh but those are ugly".

Basically it comes down to "shorts that show your ass crevice are trendy"

>> No.11185855


>> No.11185863
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>> No.11186183

Because it would feel real nice.

>> No.11186209

people actually get shit done with beer flowing? whats the policy on when you can have one?

>> No.11186549

Nudity is not allowed on this board, please take your trash to /b/

>> No.11186587
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>> No.11186631

It depends on the company. At a smaller startup guys will start hitting the keg at like 2-3pm. We start around 5pm, because when your company gets larger, you don't want things to get too rowdy before most of the real work is done for the day.

>people actually get shit done
Yup and I'll tell you why. You pay your engineers to work 8 hours a day at $50+/hr. Maybe they show up at 9-10AM, and leave around 5-6pm. But if you get a beer or two in their systems, and they'll start nerding out with other engineers, and spend time trying to work out bugs, and then they look at the clock and go "oh shit its 9 o clock I gotta get home"

Startups save TONS of money by having beer, because they get highly paid engineers to basically work overtime for the cost of a couple beers.

>> No.11186637

you can still see her nose ffs

>> No.11186724

anon is shitting on many threads, loosing focus because of image with human flesh, possibly afraid of personal moral failure due to exposure

>> No.11187526
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Never thought of it like that before. I would think they would be nervous about lawsuits, but smaller 25-50 person startups it makes a lot of sense.