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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 738 KB, 284x288, 764F98AB-CF7A-4F81-8FE4-FA59D429F8BC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11181502 No.11181502 [Reply] [Original]

>longed 25x ETHUSD at 201
>just sold at 500% gain
>meanwhile biz is shilling shitcoins everywhere
Holy fuck biz stay poor
I enjoy watching you niggers at biz be poor
Video proof: https://youtu.be/cFdxPGoSubA

>> No.11181541


>made one good trade
>thinks he is Gordon Gecko

I made more than 500% betting on Trump to win the US presidential election back in '16 faggot.

>> No.11181547
File: 249 KB, 500x375, A29244F1-3E7F-4793-B6E9-7B9B606E3DFD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my 6.5 inch fatty faggot

>> No.11181562 [DELETED] 

why is nigger music so catchy

>> No.11181570 [DELETED] 
File: 955 KB, 330x245, 5E3E43C5-3ACC-4E99-AF46-6F5AD674869E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I listen to this song every time I make a gain, I always feel so nigger but I’m white asf it is catchy though

>> No.11181574

what's the exchange to do that?

>> No.11181576


>> No.11181584
File: 9 KB, 255x251, 0D18DF95-DE72-4B11-8509-596983254AD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too retarded to do reliable TA
>follows some assburger Pakistani TA genius on TG
>advices everyone to long ETH between 175 and 199, and take profit at 250 and onwards
>”meh, ETH won’t do any good I guess, let me short and long BTC”
>his predictions were 100% correct
>I could have longed like OP and not gotten liquidated at all

>> No.11181585

>gambling in crypto and being satisfied with a measly 500%
Your risk:reward there is obnoxiously bad, makes you look retarded. If you’re not making $1MM from $1k you’re legitimately just a degenerate. This whole game is about retiring early off of an incredibly high risk play. Not making peanuts because you got lucky once. Anyone can do that.

>> No.11181597


>> No.11181604
File: 2.05 MB, 514x205, E7B4C0B4-C4A9-4D00-86E2-7C44AA000841.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahaha I wait on signals you stupid fuck it’s 99.9% accurate with my indicators, I’ll never tell what I use it’s worth millions. Last 3 trades over 200% gains. Get cucked bitch boi

>> No.11181610
File: 3.17 MB, 480x352, 724E2DB3-1125-4581-9FF2-439FBBCA32D0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck that shit dude go learn about better indicators and never lose again

>> No.11181641
File: 246 KB, 1026x1253, Senza titolo-22222222222222222222221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the only thing I have found about

>> No.11181685

Lmao it’s BITMEX brainlet, it was a joke

>> No.11181745
File: 23 KB, 448x336, 1380667648440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/nupol/ detected
/nupol/ is the cancer that's killing /biz/

>> No.11182077


What indicators?

>> No.11182098

>99.9% accurate
>not a billionaire right now
Ok. You are digging yourself deeper into the retard pit. I’m done with you now, loser. Enjoy your pennies.

>> No.11182125

>what indicators

Organized shilling and FUDing are the main indicators of when the market makers are active. Go into good projects and learn their timelines, upcoming news etc and then trade based on that and do the oposite of what organized shilling tells you to do

For example shilling shit when it has no news out there, threads telling you to hodl when prices are going down etc

>> No.11182139

I dont mess with shitcoins

>> No.11182234

I’ll never tell you what I use. Shit is worth millions. No one told me what to do when I started earn your way. >>11182098
Retard I been at this 8 months I will be rich soon stay poor

>> No.11182254

careful there, i hear he has a robin hood account and everything

>> No.11182278

Aside from missing out on that ETH, I have managed to turn 1k into 1 BTC from margin signals
Also made 4k from 800 on Binance thanks to his signal. All this since August 23rd which is bretty good in a bear market

>> No.11182288

Can you give a hint? What kind of indicators do you use? You don't have to be specific.

T. got into trading recently and trying hard to learn as much as possible

>> No.11182304
File: 101 KB, 1024x954, 94FD6423-667C-46A3-9E40-C6E0FB41D923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t dude it’s like having a golden ticket I was told by someone who’s a 5x millionaire and I’ll take it to my grave. Goodluck I’m out of here

>> No.11182317

Fuck off then

>> No.11182366

>premium signals
Get the fuck out of here

>> No.11182371

I, for one, am crushed that I won't be learning the secret of the nazi gold.

>> No.11182374

imagine thinking eth would go to double digits...

fucking /biz/lets you never learn

>> No.11182390


>> No.11182652

>>longed 25x ETHUSD at 201
>>just sold at 500% gain
the price hasn't been over 1000 since January

>> No.11182709

I also got some gains but not x25 because im not a crazy fuck

>> No.11183502

margin trading if you're not pretending.