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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 112 KB, 696x464, Mt.-Gox-Locks-up-1.3-Billion-in-Bitcoin-BTC-Until-Next-Summer-696x464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11169083 No.11169083 [Reply] [Original]

any mt. gox creditors here? when do you think we will get our btc btc cash back? on reddit they're saying the japs should start paying out by the q2 of 2019.

*fingers crossed*

>> No.11169232

Thats when you want to be all in xrp

>> No.11169305

Mt gox creditor here. You'll receive nothing faggot

>> No.11169647

Mt gox creditor here, we plan to pay you guys back with shitty bitcoin forks, as we see it, is forked off bitcoin so it's the same shit right?

>> No.11170661

I've got 0.004 in there. Is it worth trying to get it back?

>> No.11170673

>Mt gox creditor here, we plan to pay

You don't understand what is a creditor... how could yo pay anyone.

I'm a creditor. I've been waiting for 4 years, I can wait more, I'm not in a hurry. If I had to guess I'd say 2020.

>> No.11170674

everything they dont pay back to you goes to the jap that tried his very best to crash the market to sub 1k levels. Give them nothing, take from them everything.

>> No.11170685

>goes to the jap that tried his very best to crash the market to sub 1k levels

wtf with all the newfags. Karpeles is french dumbass.

>> No.11170702

unironically and literally never

>> No.11170710

the trustee overseeing bankruptcy proceedings is a Jap, karpeles has nothing to do with the bankruptcy proceedings

>> No.11170717

It has to happen dude, this is the law, the bitcoins are waiting... The only question is when.

>> No.11170730

Oh yesI see, he actually thinks that the trustee will get the rest of the money at the end of the proceedings...

>> No.11170758

You're an idiot. The trustee is Kobayashi.

>> No.11170765

well, the guy is not exactly working for free, I have no idea how Japanese bankruptcy laws actually work but I do believe he is technically entitled to whatever monies that are left in surplus as a personal profit

check out the mtgox legal cooperative, they are planning to sue him to get as much out of him as they can after he is done covering btc, btc cash, and fiat liabilities

also check out /r/mtgoxinsolvency on reddit karpeles posts there regularly under the user name MagicalTux

>> No.11170777

karpeles should be entitled to absolutely fuckall after all he's the one that fucked this shit up. The trustee is the fucking jap marketselling what was it every single bottom in the graph up untill they forced him to stop.
newfag with plebbit spacing calling people newfags. get the fuck out basedboy

>> No.11170789

those idiots locked me out of my account with their retarded password reset rules

>> No.11170795

You're so fucking dumb... You don't understand what is a trustee. This is just a judge.... He will get nothing out of this...

>> No.11170804

karpeles is entitled to nothing but still made it out of it all wrong 200 million USD I believe despite being a massive fuck up, and will most likely be fighting civil law suits till the day he croaks

he seems like a nice guy though and says he doesn't want any more money whatsoever , he regularly helps users on /r/mtgoxinsolvency whenever they have questions

>> No.11170817

make sure you follow the directions to file an off line claim via snail mail, the dead line is 10/22/18

>> No.11170846

Alright onions-jeet just keep telling yourself there is no upside to someone conveniently dumping btc in that manner when he had offers on the table from at the very least kraken if im not mistaken to buy the btc otc for more money than he got dumping this shit like he did. Unless ofcourse he was somehow incentivised to drop it like he did, but that is impossible because luckily for us you can't short bitcoin right?
and he deserves to be fighting those law suits. nice guy all you want doesnt change the fact that you fucked a lot of people out of their btc and caused a multiyear bear market

>> No.11170987

You won't get a single sat, you delusional faggot.

>> No.11170997

when you get your btc are you thinking of selling? more holding?

>> No.11171016

When the coins will be released the market will tank. So it will be the worst time to sell. I will hold obviously.

>> No.11171025

i'm going to hodl and use whatever fiat comes my way to buy BTC at the dips

>> No.11171054

Tfw the 1.87 BTC I lost there is like 12 grand now

>> No.11171060

what makes you say this? the mt gox trustee is sitting on a mountain of fiat cash he made from when he sold some btc earlier this year, and should be able to compensate people who had btc in their mt gox wallets anywhere from ~12% to 15% of the original balance.

>> No.11171074

lmao faggots will get nothing yeggggg we wont give you shit, imlivin on private island thx

>> No.11171076
File: 135 KB, 1200x1200, 1537146191613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

e-excuse me goxfags ITT

You have been around since 2014 hence you probably have experience this market and its cycles. What is your prognosis for BTC in the next 5 years or so? Is this time really different?

>> No.11171103

honestly i don't know, i'm not an expert but i believe long term btc will probably go nowhere but up due to the mining cartels refusing to sell their btc at a loss, so therefore long term it will continue to go up. whether or not it will truly moon i don't know. all i can say i've seen the price crash to pennies from highs of $20/btc on two separate occasions in my life time. so if there is another price major contraction (like a real, serious crash), just keep on buying. but mind you i say this as a person who already profited handsomely via fiat multiple times (10x) over my initial investment anyway.

just hodl. beats playing penny stocks for sure.

>> No.11171127

Thanks man I always appreciate feedback from oldfags. I've been around since around 2016 so I've only lived through my first full mkt cycle, but the new wave of posters on this board seem convinced that this is the end & "its different this time" and after a while it becomes difficult to withhold from buying into that.

>> No.11171163

i haven't really been paying too much attention to crypto lately, i kind of just started tuning it all out around 2017 with the never ending deluge of scam pajeetcoins and the entire concept of crypto entering the normiesphere and becoming popular with boomers even.

all i can say for sure is that you newfags have no idea what "real" crypto currencies crashes are like.

also what does /biz/ think of litecoin? i'd keep an eye on that one. along with monero and bitcoin cash.

>> No.11171190

Well the fact that it isn't crashing as hard anymore just indicative of the market maturing? So the way upwards wont be as drastic (10-100x) anymore either, right?

I sold my LTC back in 2017 but accumulate a lot of XMR regularly. BCH not a fan but would buy if i could time their elaborate pumps eg Doge

>> No.11171216

>Well the fact that it isn't crashing as hard anymore just indicative of the market maturing? So the way upwards wont be as drastic (10-100x) anymore either, right?
true. but in the long term (>5 years) i'm confident that btc along with non scam cryptos will only continue a steady upward climb. so 10x to 100x gains are realizable imho. in the long run anyway. if only because of the upward price pressure the mining cartels will exert on the price. the entire sector truly still is even today in its infancy, in terms of utility and overall market cap. and i don't say this as an optimist either.

>> No.11171270

Looking at it from the perspective of the power miners is actually really interesting, most other contemporary crypto enthusiasts use the USD (and other fiats) devaluation as a primary price mover of crypto. What do you think about that?

>> No.11171303

what do you mean by "devaluation"? devaluation as in inflation of usd?

eh. i dunno. i suppose people could be interested in btc as a hedge against inflation from usd. but the miners have costs they have to cover at the end of the day in fiat.

>> No.11171330
File: 167 KB, 1080x1144, Snapchat-2112698965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creditor here who literally gave up trying. They have 5 BTC I bought @12usd kek

>> No.11171349

why give up? just make sure your paper work is squared away by 10/22/18 and stay up to date with new developments. no point in throwing in the towel.

>> No.11171519

>gave up trying

Trying to do what? You just have to fill in a form and wait. But you're larping probably, otherwise you would know that.

>> No.11171581

People have been having trouble with the system in place, apparently it's a major pain in the ass

>> No.11172447
File: 115 KB, 768x768, bitcoin cash vehicles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i expect at the end of 2019 and i expect max 17% of my claim (same for everybody)

that percentage is just a guess by some random dude on reddit, the calculation was based on how much was assumed to be left compared to what was on mtgox before the site went down

>> No.11172827

>tfw won't be able to exploit the bear market to buy btc at a discount with fiat that mt gox returned to you at least until the end of 2019
feels bad man