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File: 62 KB, 909x440, SMV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11168900 No.11168900 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a coveted asset?

>> No.11168926

Im in stealth mode until I get loaded off crypto or inheritance money comes in

>> No.11168929

as a female in her 40s i find this chart inaccurate, my floppy vagina is just as valuable as a rich 40 year old man.

>> No.11168952

I believe this. My 50 yo mom gets hit on every fucking day.

>> No.11168993

20 years from now on i will be 40 , based on the chart the best possible value you can get at 40 is a 15 year old, FOMO in now /biz/ in 2018 if your not invested in preggo women and HODL for 15 years you will never make it

>> No.11169019

Since I turned 30 girls have been throwing themselves at me like never before. Damn it feels good to be a boomer..

>> No.11169027

peak at 15 seems a little bit too muslim for my liking but otherwise its accurate

>> No.11169164

it should be called "relative sexual market value" the male one at its peak doesn't even reach half of the female peak in absolute value

>> No.11169208
File: 30 KB, 470x470, 1537548575260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chart is beta boomer cope

>> No.11169218


tangentially holomarked with proportion to ratios of attractiveness and eugenicistic fitness for reproducibility as an utilitarian measure to counter singularity
Fame live forever yolos before until it hits the fan
Happiness correlatively not relative at the core

>> No.11169236

>best possible value you can get
Chart just starts too late

>> No.11169396

People with no self-control/willpower. After spending time with a myriad of male whores I can 100% tell you they are incapable of thinking past their dick and they are incapable of overcoming lust. By whore I don't mean a literal male prostitute but dudes that fuck regardless of circumstance. In a relationship? Fuck it. The chick is married? Fuck it. This is a weakness that can be overcome, none of you will believe me but this same "Chad" I'm talking about, all 3 of his serious girlfriends have hit on me while they were together and I turned down all of them due to my own person. It is possible and important to become your own man by overcoming the ultimate temptation and being able to realize it is nothing more than an intrinsic lust that is very easy to succumb to and is very enticing. Rise above and show yourself what you are made of, also buy ETH

>> No.11170415
File: 46 KB, 500x404, 1409119990972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy
there will be no stop to the endless hordes of unattractive used up women lining up for my delicious betabux
I'm sooo excited

>> No.11170437

I'm 30 and single, what now?

>> No.11170445

There is no longer any point in time where the blue is above the sink because of how many men are running around vs. women. There's too many of us.

>> No.11170480

I'm in my 30s and get tons of small signals from girls, and I know I'm attractive, but I'm an absolute fucking retard at making the first move so I usually just go out, get tons of girls dropping small signals, then go home alone.

>> No.11170525

This is a boomer cope. At 40 it's not so easy to be engaged with a 20yo chick as movies or internet make you think.

It's still seen as some kind of weird fetish and not something socially acceptable, except for very open minded cities like new york

>> No.11170606
File: 1.35 MB, 1506x1125, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this chart is purified cope. EVERY vagina is pursued by a near infinite demand no matter what

>> No.11170625

How do I trade this?

>> No.11170639

it is if you made any money

poorfags shouldnt be getting laid anyway, so they are irrelevant to discussion

>> No.11170641


Why would you trade an appraisal

>> No.11170658

no i'm gonna decline soon lol
guess being on the top is not so great in this regard.

>> No.11170693

Tell me how the family of 18yo girl let's say from texas would accept a 55yo boyfriend

>> No.11170790

Kek no, females drop so hard because you can not really have kids with them at a later age. Same problems do not occur for males. And who the fuck would want to settle with some used up whore at 40 topkek have some self respect.

>> No.11170803

She's 18, who gives a fuck? She can do what she wants.

>> No.11170826

Sometimes I feel attracted to older women like that because I might want to try fisting their ass or something.
They still have use.
>the absolute state of society

>> No.11170958

>this is what hillbillies raised in broken households actually believe

>> No.11171049

if the texan is rich happily

>> No.11171118


Lol, keep meming.

The male curve should be at most 1/4th the height of the female curve at it's peak.

>> No.11171125

She and her family would still prefer a wealthy Chad Thundercock 30yo manager rather than a 55yo bitcoin milionaire

>> No.11171129

for pnd, not for going long.

>> No.11171250
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>> No.11171687


It's just averages, some women are attractive late into their 50's but most will go before then

>> No.11172008
File: 56 KB, 499x320, fine_wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Focus on the long play, it's about finding someone who's personality & look will age well. Women like Marissa Tomei and Mary-Louise Parker are both in their 50's and they gorgeous. It also means you have to better understand in yourself what you are looking for, sure someone who is traditionally "hot/sexy" is fun for now, but that is usually short lived. I love women who are cute, typically these kinds of women have a beautiful spirit radiates from withing that seems to some who defy time. It's kind of spirit I'd marry to do my all to cultivate, nourish and protect, as a man should.

>> No.11172064 [DELETED] 

The chat is photoshopped.
The original RationalMale chat has the woman peak at 23.

That said, it's true that the older I get, the more pussy I get, especially with 23 year old chicks.
t. 33yo boomer

>> No.11172080

The chart is photoshopped. The original RationalMale chart has the woman peak at 23.

That said, it's true that the older I get, the more pussy I get, especially with 23 year old chicks.
t. 33yo boomer

why looking for a woman who'll age well if you can unironically always date a younger one? Zero reason not to date a 30yo if you're 55, assuming you're lean and not poor

>> No.11172093

You're not nearly as desirable as you were when you were 17.
It's just a fact, roastie.

>> No.11172095
File: 303 KB, 1032x1242, EC7637CD-C912-47DE-A98D-B0B54004115C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else will be hitting the town to get some fresh young pussy tonight? 27 yo boomer here and you know I will. Kek as someone who actually interacts with women I see 0 of them going for 30+ dudes when they are still riding the CC.

>> No.11172158

As you get older you'll want some stability in your life, especially given that personalities can clash. It's also a recognition that you understand you will age as well, and with it comes the lack of energy to pivot your entire life around someone or try to adjust your own habits from zero with every new relationship again and again. I'll take comfort over novelty any day of the week, and it only becomes stronger as I get older.

>> No.11172277
File: 76 KB, 634x419, manlet_gains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with that pic is that it's simply true that it's easier to get with 20yo girls when you're 30 than it is when you're 20 yourself. I know from experience. So...

Must be like the mother instinct that kicks in at some age, because I'm 33 and I don't feel it. Of course, entering relationships again and again is exhausting, but staying with someone is too. There's too much to do in life and young people are generally less bitter and more fun and explorative to be around than older ones. Especially women.

>> No.11172305

>t.zoomer virgin
after a certain point their hot bodies don't make up for their vapidity and lack of agency. Girls are barely even human until about their mid-20s. Also if you're not planning on settling down with a family at some point you've been JEWED, and looks have nothing to do with finding a good wife/mother.

>> No.11172308

>thinking that's actually a 40 year old woman

>> No.11172329

>Must be like the mother instinct that kicks in at some age, because I'm 33 and I don't feel it
I just turned 32 and I can get where you're coming from, it kinda of hits us each differently. I'm a dude but having growing up watching the internet pretty much effect every facet of the dating/sex world has made me not only more aware of all the bullshit out there but also how much energy can be spent spinnnig your wheels just for fun until that one day hits and suddenly you are desperate to get your life in order. I wish I had come to this kind of self awareness when I was in my 20's but I just bummed around school playing video games and hanging with friends, most of whom have now scattered to the four corners of the world which gave me the perspective of how fleeting non-invested relationships can be. I'd say do whatever makes you happiest in life just be mindful of when it might be best to make the switch to something more grounded as so to avoid any unnecessary heartache. We're all trying to find our own slice of happiness, and there'll never be a one-size-fits-all approach to that, we got to tailor it to our own needs and the first step in that is just to be a little more conscious about the world around us and our place in it.

>> No.11172343

This is demonstrably false and even the opposite to the truth if you compare the most desirable men in the world to the most desirable women. There are men who could get literally any woman they wanted (think celebrities). The same is not true for women.

>> No.11172347

burger detected

>> No.11172358

It doesn't matter though. Farmers keep the good bulls alive until old age because they can still provide value. Same with humans. Once a woman gets into her 30s, her ability to properly produce offspring diminishes rapidly. The man can provide value well into his old age. Feminists hate mother nature. Kek

>> No.11172589
File: 598 KB, 598x898, select_Zizek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was an autistic jester most of my life and made my math PhD and have a nice job now. I don't get the claim of >>11172305 that 20 year have somehow less agency than older women. As far as I can see, young women are prettier, happier, less demanding and less restricting of your life decisions. You can spend <$200 on a nice weekend vacation with a 20yo that you fuck in some hotel room next to some lake and spend the evenings reading books. If I do that for two decades and not make a family, then I'm apparently JEWED because of some /pol/ ideology where calculating forces work against gods plan or something. I'll see if I regret "the boomer life" or whatever, but right now I see that people who marry someone at 26 are getting memed out of so much easy pussy. A lean groomed man with a stable life is catnip for varying girls of any age and who's now jewing themselves by throwing that away by simply falling for the settling meme before 40. Where's the fucking logic.

>> No.11172613

>tfw realizing manlets are unironically 97%+ of world population
>tfw realizing this means manlets are sexually selected by women to breed with overwhelmingly more than lanklets
wait wtf i thought manlets don't get women wtf is going on

>> No.11172635

so I should marry an 18 year old at 38?

>> No.11172648


yes, until they get old.

>> No.11172698

>Women peak at 15

Umm no sweetie???!? 15yos aren't WOMEN and they aren't sexually experienced like a true 30yo woman would be. Who wants a thin 15yo virgin when you could have a 30yo WOMAN who's been with 100+ guys? Obviously the 30yo has more sexual experience and can please you better you're all fucken SICK for wanting to fuck 15yos you INCELS.

>> No.11172708

25 and the plateau has been real
There are a lot more opportunities that pop up now. Compared to when I was 18-19, I'm dirty (usually see qts coming home from work) and try little but things work out far better..

>> No.11172858

3/10 bait
Made me response

>> No.11172867
File: 5 KB, 179x145, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on with that little bump in the female curve before it meets the mens curve? Image is too low res to read those words.

>> No.11172904

I didn't have a hook attached to that bait, I threw the entire bucket of worms in the water.

>> No.11173134

photoshop artifact

>> No.11173211
File: 113 KB, 936x560, 1532901390355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11173332


Of course a kike would shill teenage girls

>> No.11173362

>6’4 checking in
Delet this

>> No.11173464

I will anon, thank you for the wise words

>> No.11173489

6'2" here, bow before the king of manlets

>> No.11173519

6’2’’ master race checking In. Time is on our side and women will only crave us more

>> No.11173666
File: 906 KB, 1274x712, 984398547843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively speaking 14-16 are the most attractive ages for females, to the point that it's been proven by clinical studies. For thousands of years this has been undisputed and thought to be such an impartial truth it was never worth arguing. At least, up until 100 years ago when the feminist wave pushed their agenda in the late 1920s.

>In the United States, as late as the 1880s most states set the minimum age at ten to twelve (in Delaware, it was seven in 1895).[10] Inspired by the "Maiden Tribute" articles, female reformers in the U.S. initiated their own campaign,[11] which petitioned legislators to raise the legal minimum age to at least sixteen, with the ultimate goal to raise the age to eighteen. The campaign was successful, with almost all states raising the minimum age to sixteen to eighteen years by 1920.[5][12]

Anyone who honestly believes 14-16 year old girls aren't capable of having sex are outing themselves as have never experienced hot, young, sweaty, teenage sex themselves. Until a mere 100 years ago it was the standard to find love and marry before the age of 20 years old, and it was bizarre to marry after 25. Statistically speaking your great grandparents married around this age as well, just ask them.

I had another multiple-paragraph post typed up about the age of fertility, but I'll spare that by stating some quick facts with citations easily found through google:
>Fertility peaks between late teens and early 20's. Women are 10% less fertile at age 27 compared to age 17.
>After 35, women only have a 30% chance of becoming pregnant any month.
>At age 40 a woman only has a 5% chance of becoming pregnant any month.

I'll say this as non-condescendingly as possible; it's an absolute pity, maybe even travesty, to have never experienced young love.

>> No.11173682

>Thinks money will change his sexual market value
true loser right here folks

>> No.11173693

Fuckk of my board you nasty piece of used goods shit

>> No.11173720
File: 92 KB, 985x850, Screenshot_20180921-205054-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>42 year old Boomer checking in

>> No.11173777


>> No.11173806

so a prostitute then?

>> No.11173819

>thinks looking okay but sleeping outside gets bitches
Idiot, everybody.

>> No.11173821

Mine's always at 0

>> No.11173859

>thinks you have to be rich to have a house
>still thinks money will change his sexual market value
>remains a virgin and poor
complete moron right here guys.

>> No.11173881

I know 30 year old boomer drowning in young pussy is a meme but I'm 33 and I had to turn notifications off on my dating apps cuz they were constantly flooding my homescreen

>> No.11173933

NYC fag here. I agree this chart is a little off 35m/25f is the sweet spot.

>> No.11173961

>thinks everyone from a poor background has a house in their 20s
>doesn't think having money to buy a house and live normally wouldn't increase his sexual market value from someone who's destitute poor and sleeping under a bridge or some shit
>remains stupid (or sheltered?)
complete moron right here guys.

>> No.11174002

so if you line up two 30yo guys with comparable looks, one is middle class the other is a millionaire, women would go for both 50/50? you're either in high school or you live in a 3rd world country.

>> No.11174032

Absolutely based and checking those trips

>> No.11174148

Yeah keep believing that you balding soft-cock cuck.

>> No.11174460 [DELETED] 

Checked. Also this chart is only accurate for men if:
>you're a high earner
>you stay /fit/
>you keep your hair
So 99% of you fags are disqualified

>> No.11174463

I'm 35 and /fit/. It is highest it has ever been right now. Girls actually approach me and say lewd things out of the blue. Fucking bizarre how the tables turned. Only problem is i am less interested in dating or sex now. Seems like some kind of cruel joke that my libido decreased as my sexual appeal rose.

>> No.11174480
File: 333 KB, 2419x1000, Sexual_Market_Value.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's photoshopped. Heres the real deal.

>> No.11174782

Heights have increased in developed nations over the last couple hundred years
Give it time

>> No.11174898

It just boils down to biology and you're preconceived notion of what a man is in conflict with what biology wants us to do. I think it's stupid of you to judge someone for doing what he has been programmed to do for hundreds of thousands of years. You sound like some beta cuck white knight.

>> No.11174909

how is this relevant at all

>> No.11175002


Absolutely based and redpilled.

I'm 25 and still a virgin (guy). I've always felt fucking confused by the state of current society since I was a teen, where guys and girls having huge amounts of casual sex is normal. It should be noted that BOTH genders are at fault, men just as much as women if not more.

I see all the /pol/ faggots complain about women but then they discuss how they should just pump n dump women when they're young because "they're all just whores lol" - That's only because of faggots like them that women turned out that way. The sexual revolution between the 1960s - 1990s is the reason women these days are the way they are. Combine that with an ever increasing focus on materialism and people literally only care about fucking each other. We're animals.

White people after WW2 completely fucking upended society and universal values of self-control, chasteness, femininity, virtue, purity, etc. There's a reason you still see those values in asian societies to a certain extent, but it's damn near extinct in the west.

>> No.11175030

Plato said pretty specifically that women should remain virgins until twenty and men should wait until twenty-five. Keep saying its a modern phenomenon and not just your own depraved mind trying to justify your mental illness.

>> No.11175513
File: 1.27 MB, 2280x4008, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_darjeeling_reley__c6df02bfe788551350edcc153eb5ea65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it is only going to get worse. Honor is a part of the human survival strategy, now when we don't need to survive anymore like before, it is basically useless. I get sad when I see the current state, I really was not meant for this kind of world, it is hard for the heart.

I too remained virgin for maybe around 25, but I lost it then, but not for any casual fuck.

But I have some advice, if you only look around for problems you will always find them and be sad, focus on yourself and make your life good, you can't let outside influences control your life like that.

>> No.11175575

I'm unemployed and I live with my parents

>> No.11175739

26 y/o NYCfag here, really funny/aweome observing this trend unfold daily. Girls my age and older almost seem to act more and more like pubescent teenage boys. Dating/hooking up now is almost unbelievably as easy as college. Better yet, once girls are a few years out of college they seemingly start to be more forward and initiate convo out nowhere. Life is good boyos, just gotta show up.

>> No.11175798

So basically at 30 we are equal?

>> No.11175922

In this state you're at a negative SMV. Only way to acquire sex is by paying for it.

>> No.11176064

>being ugly and poor
ugly and poor people here everyone. Point at them and laugh

>> No.11176099


Thanks. I know it's not good to be pessimistic forever. I'm in the process of becoming more fit and picking up some physical hobbies. Maybe I'll find a girl with whom I can share a mutual bond/happiness.

>> No.11176137

>Girls my age and older almost seem to act more and more like pubescent teenage boys.

This is what happens when human beings have no pressure to become an adult and are coddled their entire life. I really hope we don't turn into some idiocracy-style society.

>> No.11176146

underrated post

>> No.11176193

Absolutely based

Except in the past 10 or so years it's become a huge problem to act on that biology. We're also biologically programmed to hunt but you'd have to be extremely low-iq to do so without a (((license))).

>> No.11176226
File: 136 KB, 962x720, abisad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>X has become useless
>it's sad that X is gone
Sounds inconclusive and unnecessarily conservative.

You know how Plato has a section against book "technology" because books would make people not remember and retell whole stories from memory anymore - people would lose that capacity.
That totally happened, but from a moden perspective, to have book technology is a higher gain than the loss of memory capacity.

Similarly, if honor or any other trait developed to survive were actually useless, then you shouldn't wine about that. That said, it's not really a strong argument - people were always degenerates, things go up and down.
Of course the pill had a huge impact on what women can do, it averaged out male and female gender actions. For the worse, one may easily argue, I'm in line with that too.

>> No.11176229

see this arabs and the japs got it right
38 year old men should be marrying 13 year old girls

>> No.11176241
File: 93 KB, 735x359, plato_on_books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11176771


>> No.11176826

show proof

>> No.11176905


>tfw 26

Holy shit looks like I am aproaching a bullrun in 2 years.

I felt a noticeable difference upon reaching 23 as well, I had much more success with women then than I did before, but I've platuea'd since then. Can't wait to rise again soon.

Also I work with a bunch of 20 year old bar sluts and I can tell that chart is true. They get all the fucking attention and I am just the one guy there that is ignored by half the fucking chicks. Fucking white women man, at least all the asian girls love me. I guess white girls will like me when I hot 30.

>> No.11176938


32 year old autist here

Can somebody explain why 40 is peak for men? Am brainlet need help

>> No.11176940

>You are looking good tonight, ladies.

>> No.11177437

40 is only the peak if you are financially successful or in other way high status as a man. It's because you're still relatively young while also having high status.

>> No.11177712

No. Girls only want Chad. I've been really down these past couple of weeks. I'm in my mid-20s now and I genuinely believe that I'm going to down a virgin.

>> No.11178745

Plato said things that are rationalized. Read Spengler its not always a good thing to do what is "rational." Socrates deserved his death.

>> No.11178806

redpilled satan

>> No.11178919


Holy fucking shit go to Thailand and see a whore.

I dunno why people get so hung up on finding a virgin bride.

>> No.11178978


>tfw raised by dumbass christian parents who sent me to a christian school full of prudes and our sex ed lessons were full of horror stories of people got STD's the very first time they had sex and died just a few months later
>tfw then moved to a country town in Australia and fucking no one is around to fool around with

Fuck life man. Not even if I make it with Link will I get to experience young love. Closest I had was when I was 14 and had this small thing with a girl in highschool, but complete lack of experience, education, not a word from my dad on what to do with a girl and the aforementioned sex ed ruined all chances of fucking her. Fuck man. Sometimes I hate being an anglo saxon, why are we such an anti sex culture?

>> No.11179015

>Holy shit looks like I am aproaching a bullrun in 2 years.

Just make sure to stay in shape. It doesn't work if you let yourself get flubby.

>> No.11179065
File: 46 KB, 434x327, zoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are the early adopters