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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11149876 No.11149876 [Reply] [Original]

I got Hasegawa'd

>> No.11149881

We all did. Hopefully you sold earlier rather than later.

>> No.11149983

The project is solid, they are about the product, not hype

Wait till the product is ready, if they succeed, the pump will be huge

>> No.11150085

You hurry roundeye ?

>> No.11150194

>if a bunch of college freshmen autists invent a highly complicated new technology perfectly, you'll make money
Phew I thought it was risky

>> No.11150204
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>they are about the product, not hype

>> No.11150506

Really nigger? OMG is not about the hype?

>> No.11150518
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>Wait till the product is ready, if they succeed, the pump will be huge

>> No.11150527

I bought my omise at ,70 cents and 1,5 in June 2017. Still 4x :D

>> No.11150563
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From 35X ath...
Jun'd !

>> No.11150572
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>> No.11150627

literally the biggest scam of 2018. he said at the beginning of 18' : HODL



>> No.11150727

Started buying 10 of these a week after they dumped below $5. If I end up with 1000 of these, then I'll be a millionaire.

>> No.11150826

lmao me too

>> No.11151738

I want him to suffer like I did. Every sleepless night. Every night where I doubted myself for investng in a chink gook piece of shit foreign company Fuck that he gets to live a life stress free. Ill fly there with a handgun and kill him myself. Mark my words. If this is not $20 before EOY Im going to thailand and I will murder him. I mean it

>> No.11151782

and if you think Im kidding you are sorely mistaken. I lost my dignity, my pride, my wife. I will murder him, I dont give a fuck anymore. he will die by my hands. I will fucking kill this 5 foot one piece of fucking shit. I went to thailand in 2017. I will go to the omise office and ask to speak to hr for a job interview, specifically jun. then i will kill his scrawny ass in cold blood infront of his entire company as he groggles on the floor in his own blood. Feel my suffering, my pain, my disdain, you lying motherfucker. eye for an eye

>> No.11151802

i chuckled heartily

>> No.11151803


>> No.11152184

fucking kek

>> No.11152234

im fucking dying. this anon has provided keks in every omg thread

>> No.11152276
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what are we ganna do? This is REQ levels of JUST. Literally have to 6x just to break even. 600% JUST TO BREAK EVEN. AHHHHHHH

>> No.11152370


im not kidding. i will serve life in prison if this faggot manlet doesnt get this coin to 20 usd by december 31. I dont care anymore, i just want to see him suffer. if I get him in a room alone I will take the wheels off his skateboard and shove them up his asshole

>> No.11152388

the absolute madman. what about joseph poon?

>> No.11152402


checked. Idc about poon. he wasnt the one saying everyday build get shit done. network launching soon. I want jun specifically to pay for his sins. hes not going to get a free pass at life as I sit here in a constant state of anxiety. fucking pad thai street vendor shitting asshole

>> No.11152413

Holy shit. Kek. You only got yourself to blame for giving him your money. If you wanted a sure thing then you should have put your money into treasury bonds.

>> No.11152439

how much did you lose bro? when did you buy in? what pissed you the most? the apple stickers? the google deeper relations? the 4x delayed mainnet? the false revenue reports?

>> No.11152486

Absolutely based and redpilled.

>> No.11152491


I lost time, potential profit, my wife, and my meaning in life. I bought in the summer of 2017, worked my ass off researching it everday. It only did a small roi in the biggest bullrun in history.

Could have literally bought anything else in the top 25 and made at least 5x. BTC was 3k when i bought it and then i transferred to omg. Litecoin 12x'd from my initial too. but i transferred all of that into omg, which is now at a 66% loss from my buy in last summer in 2017.

I want this faggot to die. He caused my more pain than I ever felt in my entire life. And his advisors all sold for not doing a single thing. How is that right? I worked and paid for my tokens and those faggots had their face on a website and made millions.

like i said if this token is not 20 dollars by end of year im going to thailand and Im going to shoot up the office. Not every employee but Im asking for an interview from hr to speak to jun and i will unload a full 9mm clip into his body.

>> No.11152513

Spoken like a looser who invested more than he should have in a shitcoin...

That's like going to a shithole country and being mad the hotels arent 5 star. People like you are sad little men.

Im sure you just all talk anyways.

>> No.11152523

reported for fud

>> No.11152527


>that poor english

You're either a pajeet or jun himself. Better take out a life insurance policy jun. you're going to die before 2019 if you dont get your project launched asap

>> No.11152534
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>> No.11152552

Never put all your eggs in one basket.

You are just fucking stupid and you deserve to stay poor

>> No.11152566
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/our guy/

Do what's right. Those chinks can't keep getting away with this.

>> No.11152588

honestly, same.

>> No.11152596


>> No.11152608

We all did. Biz deserved OMG.

>> No.11152622
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bout at $13 when does the JUSTing end :(

>> No.11152701 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11152754

This is the best OMG thread since 2017.

>> No.11152764
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I got the same haircut hahaha

>> No.11152837

Neo? Holy shit you're famous man.

>> No.11152860

Quitting dairy healed my acne.

>> No.11152918

This project is full of holes anywhere you look. Huge management and technology problems, and no clear plan or direction.

They casually added a 100%+ of time to their original plans that promised staking in June. Running back and forth like headless chicken between different intermediate prototypes. Tendermint, Cosmos, Plasma, PlasmaCash, More Viable Plasma, Big Black Cock Plasma, PoA, PoS, etc., and even so nothing useful is ever materializing.

The only notable work so far has been in Plasma, but even that is full of open research items, has few capable developers, and is just a building block without significant competitive advantage anyway.

If they can pull off Plasma it will take many more months or years before they have a viable "user facing crypto exchange network", the necessity for which they only recognized 1 month before the originally planned release, if they can pull it off at all.

IF anything useful is delivered, with an inevitable huge delay, the staking rewards will be the next disappointment.

This is crazy overvalued.

>> No.11153143
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>The project is solid

>> No.11153312

Plasma is being developed by a bunch of disorganized bumbling college freshmen who do their shitty plasma calls and say absolutely nothing

And what the fuck happened to the centralized exchanges they were going to buy?

It would be so easy to make a centralized exchange for OMG so at least the fan base could latch onto something while being scammed along by Joon Scamagawa

>> No.11153416

>And what the fuck happened to the centralized exchanges they were going to buy?

I think there's a nontrivial probability that they didn't think this through at all and just made it up for the blog post in April.

If you get to the details of how to technically integrate with these exchanges, how to ensure a certain sufficient transaction volume and sensible spread, deal with existing wash trading as well as technical issues - this whole exchange idea could well be a nonstarter they won't pursue further. They may then look for alternatives at some point, like some sort of deal with Binance or whatever else would at least work.

Another possibility is that they slowly and casually start looking into exchange acquisitions, since they have no set deadlines and no urgency to get anything done since they were already paid by the ICO.

>> No.11153586

>And what the fuck happened to the centralized exchanges they were going to buy?

The price of their token tanked and they can't afford it anymore.

>> No.11153698

Is he Japanese? If you can make this situation big enough, he'll be force to make a public apology to save his >muh honor or his parent and community will shame on him for life for scamming people

>> No.11153848


he gave his word on the reddit when people started calling him out for the japanese dog he is. But still Id never take this assholes word on face value again after ever single tweet was a lie in 2018.

seeing this babbling baboon present at edcon was bad enough. he cant even speak coherant english let alone read off a tablet like a god damn third grader

>> No.11154000

This. He literally just giggles and fumbles through Engrish for his "presentations"

The team smartly put a stop to having him on stage

>> No.11154014


neobag2000, are you still upset you got banned from the reddit page?

>> No.11154077

>implying getting banned in plebbit isn’t an honor

>> No.11154111

I believe you

>> No.11154124

Does OMG deserve us? That is the new question

>> No.11154401

implying neobag2000 can't take it like a fucking man
he's acting like an irate bitch on his period

>> No.11155006

the funny thing is if OMG can actually manage to eventually deliver their networks and if their NDAs/partnerships aren't hot air, this still unironically has the potential to be a $1,000 token

>> No.11155088

This is some bagholder delusion. Vansa was literally begging for partnerships in that 1 video with Vitalik and the guy from Coinbase

>> No.11155138

Well, she should. Even if the NDAed partnership is all four FANG stocks, they need the rest of the world to get on board.
Anyways, Coinbase is definitely important since they have a NY bitlicense. But I doubt they want a DEX to succeed, because they're obviously running a fractional reserve and will not be able to account for every last satoshi they have custody of.