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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11148880 No.11148880 [Reply] [Original]

When NANO is $1,000, you will remember this thread. You won't be able to face it. The more you think of it the more you try to suppress the memory deep into your subconscious, only for it to return even stronger. Every waking moment will be haunted by your memory of these words.
>why didn't I buy
>why didn't I buy
You will desperately attempt to escape your fate by distracting yourself with music, internet, maybe a fap, then as soon as you cum, in the aftermath that repressed voice will return
>why didn't I buy
>why didn't I buy
>why didn't I buy
At this point you're no longer able to contain the regret, all your hopes and dreams could have come true. You knew the facts, you saw it coming, you read this thread, and you still didn't buy. You turn to anything to escape the pain, drugs, self harm, furry porn. Years go by, you can't even recognize yourself. You are a hollow shamble of who you could have been
>why didn't I buy
You've tried to kill yourself 4 times, but something keeps you here. As if you deserve it
>why didn't I buy
One lonely day things were finally looking brighter, you'd panhandled enough to finally afford a haircut, you've been to broke to afford drugs so you're almost clean, and you even reconnected with some family who are considering letting you stay with them until you get back on your feet. You don't even notice the voice anymore
>why didn't I buy
Then while wandering, you see the headline: NANO $10,000
That was the last day of your life anon
Buy nano

>> No.11149018
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All in

>> No.11149051

dude you are just asking for the Nano autist to come and schizophrenically spam your thread with shit pasta.

I give it about 5 minutes until that incel shows up.

>> No.11149058

I bought 200 as suicide insurance at this level.

>> No.11149267

Why didn't I buy in

>> No.11149292

still collecting. almost got my stash.

>> No.11149337

It will reach bitcoins market cap from today, but it will take some years.
Reasons are simple:

Why it will reach it:
Best single purpose coin (currency) out there. There's nothing better.

Why it will take years:
Only after some years and prices over 100$ people will start trusting it's security. that's bitcoins only advantage at the moment.
Give hackers and billionaires a few years trying to exploit nano.
If they fail, nano = 10000$.

That's also the reason nano will not have a competitor cause it will by then have years of lead in gaining trust.

Buy it.

>> No.11149350

cup and handle on the 1h

>> No.11149377

One day nano cryptocurrency will be worth $1000 per coin

>> No.11149399

im also very convinced it will gain a lot of value.
I'm that guy who sent it to friends and they sent it to other ( super retarded ) frens.

if those dumb fucks can use it, anyone can.

and i've got them messaging me that they want to buy more nanos from me.

just so fucking easy and fast.

BTC XMR NANO r my main collects.

>> No.11149420

>NANO $1000 per coin
I want to believe.

>> No.11149455

Also the most important thing a lot people can't realize yet:

Soon, brainblocks will have created a fiat ramp for nano. Together with brainblocks point of sale the following is possible:

Merchants can accept Nano via their smartphone and get USD via the brainblocks exchange. Automatically.

They can choose to take the nano or take the USD equivalent.

Do you even realize what impact that will have?

That the biggest thing ever happened in crypto.
Send nano -> receive dollar !!!

>> No.11149570

check all the dubs in this thread.
dubs of truth. nano will be a big player.

>> No.11149697

They're only dumb fucks because it's stupid easy to see nano's value. Nobody else is even trying to compete with nano