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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11146567 No.11146567 [Reply] [Original]

i think i'm in big trouble at work

>be me, start reading /fit/ and going to the gym after work
>end of the day go into the work bathroom to get changed
>strip off and put on gym shirt
>realize i left my fresh underwear and shorts on my desk chair
>don't want to put work pants or underwear back on just to go get them
>no one was left in the office so it won't matter
>put on shoes so i don't need to walk on the bathroom floor
>walk through empty office to my desk in my t-shirt and shoes
>hear the front door keypad and voices and my heart stops
>i know who it is from their voice, two women (one old, one young)
>frantically start trying to put on clothes
>can't get the underwear over my shoes
>realize i'm out of time and give up and run out through the fire escape
>almost certain they saw me running through the office in just a t-shirt and shoes

what do i do know? that was tuesday afternoon. i didn't go to work yesterday and i have two missed calls from work and i don't want to check my email. i only got this job because the only girlfriend i ever had got her dad to get me it. i am scared.

>> No.11146582

They most likely have security cameras around the office

>> No.11146727

hahaha kys anon

joking aside, just come to work tomorrow and brush it off if/whenever someone mention it

>> No.11146750

If that was me I could never go back. Do your resume of buy kneepads.

>> No.11146764

This. Lolololol

>> No.11146815

Just go in /bigballs/. If anyone asks about it just own it. If no one mentions it you just go on with your life. Also KEK

>> No.11146829

The worst that can happen is you get fired. Which is what's going to happen if you keep skipping work you lazy shit.

>> No.11146832

This is your defense anon. You're story will be backed by video

>> No.11147052


No one is this stupid

>> No.11147807


Really this place never ceases to amaze me.

Seriously though: kneepads.

>> No.11148345

Don't be an autist and say it:
>Went to the restroom to change into gym clothes
>Forgot pants
>Walked to your desk because there was no one there
>People arrived
Pretty harmless story tbqh

>> No.11149358
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Go back to work like nothing happened but bring cheese whiz cans (4). Sit down in the bathroom and duct tape 2 cans securely to each leg, nozzle down. Then, remove the safety packaging. Then, tape the nozzles in the 'fire' position so that you leave double trails of cheese everywhere. RUN through the office. BONUS: anyone chasing you will fall in the cheese.

>> No.11149382

sexual harassment. exposing yourself to coworkers