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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11129800 No.11129800 [Reply] [Original]

I already made a million bucks in crypto. Still hoping to make a lot more in the future but here's the thing. I bought nothing new, spent no money, did nothing different.

The difference is I like the feeling of being rich knowing no one knows about it.

Anyone with same feels?

>> No.11129850

Just be a rich traveling nomad while you're still young

>> No.11129871

im not that young...gen X

>> No.11129873
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>> No.11129874

one million isn't really making it, but with a bit of luck it might be enough to get rich if you risk it all.

>> No.11129882


I think the same would happen to me. At a million. My target is 5 million then i will do something.

>> No.11129891

Totally relate.
The irony that I live a lifestyle more frugal than my peers while they inadvertently & slowly discover my power lvls...
Truly better than sex

>> No.11129898

>The difference is I like the feeling of being rich knowing no one knows about it.
This is the best way...don't let anyone know about your wealth.

>> No.11129907

>while they inadvertently & slowly discover my power lvls
how so?

>> No.11129938 [DELETED] 

Money represents opportunities to make your life better, it doesn't magically make your life better in and by itself. Unlike what a lot of people on biz seem to think, playing vidya, fucking whores and smoking weed gets old for most people after a couple of months/years. Most people need something to be passionate about in life. For some people it's their career, for some people it's sports, for some people it's their family, for some people it's starting a business etc. Figure out what you want your life to be like in 10 years and work towards that goal. If you're still in your early twenties and don't have a degree you should at least consider studying something that genuinely interests you.

t. 24 yo in college that was in exactly the same situation as you 1-2 years ago (except I made my money from something else).

>> No.11129957

Money represents opportunities to make your life better, it doesn't magically make your life better in and by itself. Unlike what a lot of people on biz seem to think, playing vidya, fucking whores and smoking weed gets old for most people after a couple of months/years. Most people need something to be passionate about in life. For some people it's their career, for some people it's sports, for some people it's their family, for some people it's starting a business etc. This is why most succesful people don't just stop working once they make it (or if they do they start other proejcts). Figure out what you want your life to be like in 10 years and work towards that goal. If you're still in your early twenties and don't have a degree you should at least consider studying something that genuinely interests you.

t. 24 yo in college that was in exactly the same situation as you 1-2 years ago (except I made my money from something else).

>> No.11129982


>> No.11129984

>Thats how much I cashed out. I hope for a few million more.

People really don't realize the dangers of letting people know they have a lot of money. I'm sure some crypto kids are going to flash and boast among their friends and inevitablly somone close to them or a friend of a friend will decide to kidnap and stick a gun to their head until they move some btc to their account. This is just one of the risks. Lots of issues with family expecting handouts etc and false friends. Only weak people need to boast of wealth.

>> No.11130025


Fully agree and am on it already. I'm 40 years old but I always wanted to study film so am gonna maybe do a documentary making course. Still working on increasing my stack now though. I can fund a few docs in the future hopefully. Money id definitely for doing something useful with your life.

Most of the kids who make money don't understand that in a decade your life wont be about smoking weed vidya games and hanging out with buddies. That culture ends with your 20's and if its doesn't then those people will be losers/drug addict welfare cases.

I guess my point is materialism doesn't interest me much. A nicer home is about all I would like in that area and im not that bothered by that either.

>> No.11130039

yes i made 10x what you made and haven't bought any expensive item

buying flashy shit is for low iq plebs

>> No.11130049
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sweet LARP bro

>> No.11130066

All the fucking time

>What do you do anon?
>You mean like work? nothing
>How do you support yourself?
>I made some investments
>What do you do all day
>Sleep in, play video games, read, ride bike, cook
>But doesnt that get boring?
>No its exactly what i would be doing in my free time after work.

It happens all the time. Im humble enough to not flaunt any cash, and the only time its brought up is if someone prys. I should probably just say "i work in advertising" even though that would be a lie.

>> No.11130081
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>> No.11130083
File: 66 KB, 1000x800, Dank+u+quadrubleleaf+forumsite+discussion+frens+for+gut+retings+_09a72f3f2a378af0e941d60c1a07192d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Guess my advice wasn't that relevant for someone your age. You probably got things figured out more than I do. I bought a nice home with some of my money and renting out a room to one of my friends. Hope studying film will make you happy.

>> No.11130088

The thing is, a lot of people tout that money isn't everything. And they are certainly right to say that. But it is only when you actually get wealthy and truly understand it, then you can actually live the "money isn't everything" life.

until then, it goes in one ear and out the other because every single person on earth is trying to acquire money

>> No.11130096

OP if it aint no thang being rich... why dont you go kys cock sucker

>> No.11130121

The difference is that you are now opperating from a position of power. Try not to lose it.

>> No.11130138

all that making it means for a man is being able to use all of your time how you want, and to be able to go wherever you want

everything else is largely irrelevant, including women/hookers

>> No.11130159


I got one confession though. If I buy something small like a camera or bag or something I buy really good quality. Not flashy but a good solid brand or product. But this is only for small price tag items.

>> No.11130179

It's a great haul anon and you have done well, but to live a rich lifestyle and enjoy all the things you thought rich people do you will either need more like 30 million in lump or the ability to otherwise earn millions every year.

The problem with one million dollars in valuable, trusted fiat currency is you still can't afford to spend it on lavishness. The anons here who think they can make it with one million merely intend to continue living extremely frugally whilst not having to work.

You can delete a huge amount of pressure by just being able to own a modest home outright and do some more enjoyable things with your normal income rather than just working for survival, but you can't really live as a king.

>> No.11130212

I plan for more than one million but 1 million has barely been touched so im not sure much will change at 5m plus. I do intend to travel a bit. But I think your concept of living like a king means big homes, big cars, expensive tastes in everything and I'm saying none of that shit interests me much. If I travel I don't feel the need to travel first class and all that shit. I've experienced some luxury hotels and experiences in my past for various reasons and
I don't need that level of pampering fawning service around me.

>> No.11130291

A king could do anything, not merely those normie things. For me now all I am interested in is more money to be able to do more than just buy a fucking lambo. But we need a lot more anon

>> No.11130300
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this is me too.

I live as a nomad, everything goes in 1 bag.

I have more money than ever in my life, and nothing to spend it on. No one knows how rich I am.

>> No.11130335

>million dollars
Sorry but that is pocket change here in Bolivia. You have not really made it

>> No.11130340

What though? Name them.

>> No.11130362

That's because you made it with cryptos. Deep into your soul you know what you didn't get rich through your own skills, just pure luck

>> No.11130367

Once you reach one million, getting 30 millions get's easy.
It's the beggining that is hard

>> No.11130370

I don't know anon, I'm not a king

>> No.11130386

obviously it is easier to get to 30 million from 1 million than 1 dollar, but it is not easy at all

>> No.11130389

I believe OP. The guy I knew who made a lot more than you didn't change ANYTHING in his life except quiting work for good and reading books all day long while his kids go to the best boarding schools.

>> No.11130398

I feel the same way. A hotel is a hotel for the most part, a meal is a meal, an airplane seat is an airplane seat. A shirt is a shirt, and a shoe is a shoe. I think the allure of wealth for me has always been about freedom rather than opulence. I think if you gave most people $1mm they would burn through it on a shopping spree, drugs, women rather than peacing out from work for 20-30 years

>> No.11130408

> unlurks for a moment
You don't know what it's like to be rich, OP, and never will, kek.
t. proud 2011 bitcoin owner, kek

>> No.11130423

The more money I do have makes me hate most money splashing celebrities even more than I do already. These dumb thots walking around with millions worth of jewellery and cars living on yachts and massive mansions in Malibu must have something lacking in them that they need to do this shit once they get some money.

>> No.11130444

You know absolutely nothing about life, at least not in the USA.

>> No.11130460

Exactly. Its lack of imagination to just buy a ton of luxury shit. I'm all behind someone using money to so something great with their lives, run for office, build a business, travel and educate themsleves, create something etc but just buying a bunch of luxury products is purely for the Plebs who think Hello magazine lifestyle is the ultimate making it meme.

>> No.11130471

Care to elaborate?

And no the whole world is not North America and don't live there.

>> No.11130478

Except that's how most people get rich.

>> No.11130498

Making it with Crypto is far more using my skills and intelligence than 99% of wealth which is inherited. How is it not self making it?

>> No.11130557

Most people have to live in society and they have to show they belong to the class they live in by spending money.

>> No.11130602

Some truth to that. But first I don't care and also class is a bit more complex than that. You can be a low earning Documentary filmaker (just for example) and u are gonna be respected more among an upper middle class group than a stupidly rich owner of a chain of hardware stores.

people who judge people by their wealth are best avoided anyway.

>> No.11130612

>You can be a low earning Documentary filmaker
You gave as an example people of status like celebrities.

>> No.11130633

I don't have a problem with people becoming famous for something they love to do, be it music, filmaking, politcs etc. What I hate is Instagram luxury boasting that seems to come with many of these people. They can of course do what they want...its not my problem. I just don't have to respect them for it.

>> No.11130719

Spirituality is the ultimate luxury.

>> No.11130735

Oh yeah?
Do you do meditation and yoga?
Are you on a vegetarian/vegan diet?

>> No.11130867

I have been doing meditation and yoga for years and now I have reached a stage where I feel like I am the king of my world, and this world is my world. The feel is incomparable. Eventhough one can go much much deeper.

I am not larping. When your sahasrar or Crown Chakra is activated, only then you can truly feel and actually become a king. The crown that kings used to wear was inspired from the crown Chakra.

Many intellignet kings realized that such a crown was bullshit and the real crown and kingdom are within. Even Jesus tried to remind people of that. So kings even left their kingdoms - Buddha, Mahavira, and many others.

It takes effort, discipline and right guidance to get there but it's what really counts.



It's good to make enough money so that one need to wage cuck like a slave. But once you have enough then this is what one should pursue, ideally speaking.

>> No.11130886

I'm on vegetarian diet, yes. It is very supportive. But a diet alone won't take you there. One has to align every aspect of their life to that direction. It is not that difficult once you get a hang of it

>> No.11131060

go out and buy some shit you fucking pleb, its feels great. cocaine, gucci flip flps a trip around the world. being rich is not about having money, its knowing how to spend it. this shit makes me fucking sad

>> No.11131064

No offence but thats bullshit about Jesus. Jesus was a fulfilment of a Jewish prophecy of a coming Messiah a chosen one of God. He said he was God basically.

Spirituality is important but I don't subscribe to yours personally. Sounds very egocentric to me. Christ is the only faith that isn't debased imo but lets not get into a debate about it.

>> No.11131075

>Gucci flip flops fills his soul....

>> No.11131157

made $2m from crypto
quit my job, working 2 days a week on something I love
went abroad 5 times this year, will travel more before the year ends
barely waste money myself but my gf is a fucking gold digger and tries to ruin my financially, I literally can't believe how stupid women are sometimes

>> No.11131182

>Anyone with same feels?

Some mellow Sundays, reading some 1850's philosopher in a cozy cafe, are much more meaningful to me than the next +$3000

>> No.11131297

create something, give back to the world, art, an app, a novel, even a fucking poem will do... just smthing you filthy useless pig

>> No.11131311

I'd just live out from the interest rest of my life. COMFY

>> No.11131364

Younger crypto trader here just looking for some tips about long term hodl and any moons that will soon become relevant

>> No.11131441

Long term hold or soon relevant moon?

Look into BAT/Brave.

People will try to dispute it, but they never have a compelling argument. NPC's are incapable of internal dialogue.

>> No.11131458

The problem is that all shitcoins will drop to 0 when Bitcoin drops to $300, regardless of what kind of technology is backing them.

>> No.11131480

world travel is extremely high risk outside of any 1st world country (that doesnt have a massive immigrant criminal population)

>> No.11131578

doesn't necessarily mean you need to live the lifestyle. just buy gucci and wear it to functions around that crowd if you want to blend in. or just go as you are and not give a fuck depending on if impressing these people is actually congruent with some objective you have whether it being a professional partnership or whatever.

if its purely social just be you, and if they seriously act catty over "dressing and acting like a peasant" then fuck them

>> No.11131605

read Kingdom of God is Within You by Tolstoy and you'll understand what anon means. unfortunately the eastern style he proscribes too is very subject to idolism. it pisses me off seeing fucking buddha statues and other bullshit adorning peoples homes as decor symbols, literally ironic inversion of their own philosophy

>> No.11131609

hahahaha no


>> No.11131646
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If you’re not going to spend your money perhaps you can send some to me so I can pay down my student loans and stop being a Slave

>> No.11131705

1 million is not enough to 'make it'.
I foolishly holded even at $1.2M, but really you need $10M.
At $10M you can buy a house in another country, get a second passport, start a business.
$1M is still middle class, $10M is lower upper class

>> No.11131782

1m is enough for a nice house, not a mansion but a non-flashy nice detached house with a garden

can live frugally on 1m too if you are good at budgeting and hate wageslaving. I think i would do this if i made a million, live off 3-4% invested in VOO. It's not much really but imagine the freedom compared to having a job with the same income

>> No.11132036

>t. never left his basement

>> No.11132065

you get the freedom and then can't afford to fill the time, you might as well just cuck or you will end up driving the uber just for something to do

>> No.11132468

You can start a business on $10k. Not sure where people get the idea you need $10M. Shows lack of business experience and poor insight into how business works.

>> No.11132763
File: 87 KB, 765x444, GoodLittleWagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my end goal. Acquire enough financial means to ensure a comfy life and continue to hide it by simply continuing to live as I did before. I think it's the only way to be rich and stay mentally/socially healthy and sane.

Problem with flaunting and flexing is you transform your person into dollar signs for everyone who knows you're rich, from family to potential romantic partners.

If you want to make it in life after making it in finances, stay comfy and stay humble. Not saying you can't allow yourself to travel, buy nice things etc, but specifically avoid buying Veblen goods - it's a normie trap.

And when people try to pry into the state of your means, stay vague, obfuscate things and, in a friendly manner, make the person asking sound and hopefully feel like an ass for trying to data mine you about it. It's rude, after all.

Bonus tip: staying humble after making it is your best bet for finding a non-gold digger gf/waifu. They need to bond to you as a person, emotionally and physically, which takes years. If your money is all they know you have from day 1, you're gonna have issues down the line (beware marriage in this case!).

>> No.11133122

I'm the same anon. No need for outlandish shit. So what do you plan on doing with your wealth? If not really anything, then what was the point in acquiring it?

>> No.11133144

Fuck man, I just want to drive across the US.

>> No.11133184

Do it. Spend 5-10k on an older, but hardly used RV (buy one off someone older than 70, they will have taken care of it), and just go. Stay national forests for free and use freecampsites.net. It's total freedom anon. Just have some money for gas and cook for yourself most of the time and you are good.

>> No.11133194

Tell everyone you meet something different, people will eventually assume you sell drugs. Magician, Color consultant, Feng Shui consultant, hippotherapist, fragrance chemist, ethical hacker

>> No.11133237

You're not going to make it with that attitude, friend

>> No.11133256

Traveled off beaten paths and non-tourist areas, mingled with locals etc with family since I was 9. I am only going to say this to you: do not spend your life in a sheltered 1st world basement. Go and actually travel before you comment on it being dangerous.

>> No.11133634

that depends where you live.
in sf? no
in us? probably not
in a lot of places in europe? 1 million in cash? that's like top 7%. with 1 million in cash you can have any bank throwing you any loan.

>> No.11133711

you were supposed to use that money to fulfill your vision for your place in the world, fagget. Find something you want to do like art, music, movies, technology or whatever and use your money to achieve your goals. You're not a brainlet woman to waste your money on shiny things and new designer shoes

>> No.11133781

Same but made my money in semi non legit ways. It's all in real estate. No one has any idea how much im actually worth, not my family or a single person. Thing is, 1mm doesn't get you shit these days. I'm around 1.5mm & for that I can get a passive income after tax that is comfortable not having to work but not luxurious by anyone's imagination. But you're stillon a different planet to most people cause basically legit NEET. you end up having to invent different vague stories to blend in

>> No.11133827


Why don't you help the poorfags of /biz/, Sirs/mam?
Not trying to beg, but having more people in your situation would make you have more people to talk about this, not just larpers (like you).
And with that amount i think you can afford to "invest" some bucks and give the chance to someone to multiply that.

I'm trying but i use only crypto earned on the web, so it's going very slowly and don't have margin of error...
If i had only 1k or just 500 i'm pretty comfortable i could make something.

So... send ithirium thx sirs pls

>> No.11133867

they probably spotted him driving his ferrari around

>> No.11134094

Don't know this feeling, I lost 17k dollars and am looking to side hussle now just to break even.

Might do lawnwork/shovel snow in the winter, not sure yet. Feel free to laugh at me.

>> No.11134508

Nothing wrong with that, anon.

>> No.11134710

yea we all feel the same because we never cashed out

>> No.11135482

You're doing it right. Nobody needs to or should know. Only fools flaunt or squander their wealth.

>> No.11135602

I went from 4.5 million in a trust to giving it all up for spiritual reasons. Now I barely make ends meet via odd jobs/schemes and wonder around but I am much happier than before and actually feel "free".

>> No.11135694

>you can't really live as a king
Ok I know there are some Kings still around so don't go autismo, however due to fossil fuels the average human in the First world has an equivalent of 150 energy slaves working for them ever day. Make a average salary and you are living better then the kings of old (minus the power to control people).
Humans are always going to strive for more, if money is all you are about you will never reach fulfillment in life.