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11121696 No.11121696 [Reply] [Original]

How do you prove insider trading? For example:
>Elon Musk claims he will crash a gold asteroid on earth and mine it (assumming there is an actual asteroid and his claim is realistic)
>gold price drops because of this
>Musk fills his gold bags and doesn't crash the asteroid
Is this illegal?

>> No.11121842
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Obeying the law is for plebs are you that new?

>> No.11121865

>Is this illegal?
Yes, but you'd have to prove that his claim about crashing an asteroid were done for the purpose of manipulating the market. If he's smart he could get away with it.

>> No.11121904

He could just abort the mission due to unforeseen complications, or lack of funds.

>> No.11121927

This. Insider trading and manipulation happens a lot more than normie retail investors realize.

>> No.11121933

Gold price would only drop considerably once he actually landed the asteroid and started mining it.
I can see people trying to boycott the mission, because "MUH TRYING TO KILL US ALL LIKE DINASORS"

>> No.11121935

In case anyone’s curious, the idea of asteroid mining is to create space-based infrastructure to mine the ore from the asteroids in low Earth orbit. You use a rocket to adjust a passing asteroid’s orbit into LEO then use robotic miners to strip out the ores. Crashing a gold asteroid into the earth is what the bad guy does in an edgy manga marketed to 12-16 year olds.

>> No.11122017

Its elon musk, he could just do it for the thrills.
One asteroid isnt that destructive anyway

>> No.11122202

Just build a giant cushion right?
Or better yet, make it crash into the sea.

>> No.11122217

you moron, thats not whats happening at all. they will redirect it around the moon because it literally doesnt matter, it can crash into it and nobody cares. from there a falcon heavy will pick up the payload and return to earth.

>> No.11122253
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>put asteroid into moon's orbit
>it crashes into the moon
>moon is sent out of orbit and is now accelerating towards the earth

ye good plan there kiddo. kys

>> No.11122273


you realized we shot rockets into the moon, and purposely crashed shit into it before - right?

>> No.11122285

asteroids are around 10x+ bigger than whatever spaceship we landed there. nice strawman

>> No.11122292
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asteroids aren't rockets.

>> No.11122310

The only people that would be saying this is 4chan users. The same /pol/ conspiracy NPCs that complain about "cages".

>> No.11122322

rockets have more force than an astreoid in a declining orbit slamming into the surface due to it being in a vacuum

plus, you faggots, this was nasa's plan, not mine.


>> No.11122327

Saying what? What I was saying, or my boycotting slogan?

>> No.11122375

What do you think would do more damage, an asteroid, 400ft in diameter or a rocket.

>> No.11122403


you do know thats the only reason we are alive, the moon is meant as a catchall for asteroids. they hit it all the time.

usually though, its not direct hit. its orbit flings them away. rockets are direct hit.