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File: 54 KB, 633x758, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11120725 No.11120725 [Reply] [Original]

>be adopted
>dad is worth around 1 mil
>dies of heartattack at the age 67
>find out he put into his will that all his belongings should be sent to a charity for orphans

Is there a way to get the money??

>> No.11120740

use the charity services he donated to

>> No.11120746

Get a job

>> No.11120765

Wow your dad sounds like a real faggot. He should know most of that charity money goes to some fat lesbian employees whom'st browse facebook and pinterest all day. Literally you should be happy your not in that retarded faggots bloodline because he sounds like a dumb nigger.

>> No.11120771

>OP learns that not even his adoptive father loves him

>> No.11120779

Damn your dad is a faggot. Or he just didn’t like you.

>> No.11120781

That fucking sucks. Sorry OP.

>> No.11120795

Why do you think you deserve the money? Your autistic screeching in the OP gives a hint as to why he didn't give it to you.
You'd waste it.

>> No.11120810

Inheritance kiddies are the most pathetic beings in existence. Literally lower than tapeworms on the totem pole.

>> No.11120815

Probably one of those bitches who’d whine about how others use their money

>> No.11120833

>inb4 contradicting myself, OP is doing the same
No, that’s his dad

>> No.11120841
File: 62 KB, 720x606, trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it make's you feel any better, Jeff Bezos was some guy's wife's son too.

>> No.11120857
File: 64 KB, 1080x958, FB_IMG_1486700800611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was adopted too OP. One of the worst days of my life was when my "mother" thought she'd hung up the phone and I heard her say to my "father", "Well, he isn't my real son anyway."
I heard that shit and was shattered. I had been sold a lie my whole life. Led to believe something was real, that they were my parents and the technicality of blood didn't mean anything. Then in one fell swoop, it all fell evaporated. I don't know what to tell you as far as how to make peace with it. I realize now adoption is a sham and as soon as your new parents get over the novelty of their new toy, you're just somebody else's kid they have to take care of. It's enlightening though. Most people think of adoption as this noble act. It isn't. My suggestion is make your own money and piss on his grave. You're still alive, make the best of it. Fuck that dude.

>> No.11120860


leaving your money to charity is literally the most cucked, beta faggot huwhite liberal guilt ridden dreamer bullshit that one could ever do.

it's hard enough to get ahead even a little bit in this world and to fuck your family by giving everything away is the most selfish, own-fart-huffing bullshit you could ever pull.

i'm sorry anon. it's too bad he wasn't a shekel counting kike because they never pull that kind of bullshit on their own kind, and that's saying something.

so take heart in that your adopted father is literally lower than a kike and that at least you're not his blood. that's all you can really do.

>> No.11120877

Inheritance is the private version of mental disability benefits payments. It's definite proof of failure to raise a self-sufficient human being.

>> No.11120886

Get rekt

>> No.11120894

Sorry your adoptive parents sucked, but this isn't true for everyone. People who don't think of an adopted child as their own child shouldn't be allowed around children. Also, OP's dad was an asshole.

>> No.11120896

I'm sorry anon. She was a bitch.
I would have loved you.

>> No.11120904

Your only hope is if he changed the will sometime in the last few years if his life. then you can get in front of a judge and make the argument he had dementia, and that's a long shot.
if he was of relatively sound mind, and the will was written for a long while now, you're probably fucked.
You need a kike lawyer,

>> No.11120907
File: 29 KB, 455x341, BABY_MONEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gieb unearned money plox

>> No.11120909

that's quite interesting, kek

>> No.11120931

OP is an asshole for not being happy with his father giving money according to his free will. How the fuck would you justify receiving $1 million to yourself because the person that took care for you for a significant amount of time fucking died? Gruesome.

>> No.11120945

I will leave every dime to my son. He doesn't need to justify anything. Leaving nothing for your children is fucking selfish.

>> No.11120960

Wow, with that little respect for you he honestly deserved to die. Good riddance.

>> No.11120970

That money is not from your lineage, it's from a lineage that gave you an incredible amount of generosity already. Move on and make your own lineage.

>> No.11120981

Leaving that money to your child and not raising him like a self-sufficient human being is what's selfish. Giving him money is the easy way out, which I'm sure you'd prefer.
Robbing him of a chance of making a name for himself without the constant remainder that it is your father that basically secured your financial position is what's cruel.

>> No.11120992

>Leaving that money to your child and not raising him like a self-sufficient human being is what's selfish
LMAO kys

Don't have kids if you're willing to leave them everything when you die.

>> No.11120996

>he didn't give me 1 million usd for nothing
>the selfish bastard
>this isn't projection at all

>> No.11121009

You're making the assumption that I will die when he is young with that statement. I'm making the assumption that I will die when he is older. He will have plenty of time to make a name for himself and earn his own way. Why would I not leave him anything I possibly can to help him live more comfortably? I'm assuming you don't have children. If you did then you wouldn't be debating this...unless you're related to OP's dad.

>> No.11121020

Are you implying that you'd raise a bunch of retards? Don't have kids then as well.

>> No.11121033

No retard, it's just selfish and despicable to intentionally stiff your children.

>> No.11121052

You stiff them by not giving them a million dollars? If one requires this much, not to feel 'stiffed', than that person might kill themselves already as they will feel robbed by every social interaction.
The money is unearned in any shape or form. What's more, the parent already provided the time and money to raise the ungrateful bastard, and in virtue of this, it should receive even more? deluded.

>> No.11121068

>I possibly can to help him live more comfortably
You assume that he wouldn't be able to provide that for himself, with the added pride that he'd did it for himself? Why rob him out of being able to have pride in his work by giving him proper education and upbringing?
Meh, better just throw money at him. Inheritance is just admittance that you were a shitty parent.

>> No.11121073

Can attest to this. 2 of my relatives inherited a successful business when they were 23 and they are miserable cunts now in their 50's. They have no concept of what its like to actually go out in the world and struggle for things and they have zero empathy as a result. Nobody fucking likes them.

>> No.11121103 [DELETED] 

>thank you daddy for giving me free prize money for your death and not the discipline, wherewithal and ability to not be a laughing stock of a human by putting in effort in raising me properly. You obviously had the funds to care for my upbringing, you just didn't give half a shit.

>> No.11121120
File: 25 KB, 320x320, rich-kids-instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thank you daddy for giving me free prize money for your death and not the discipline, wherewithal and ability to not be a laughing stock of a human by putting in effort in raising me properly. You obviously had the funds to care for my upbringing, you just didn't give half a shit.

>> No.11121139

You're assuming that I won't give him a proper upbringing. He's already learning about money and working hard. One can teach their child to work hard, and still leave them money when they die. If he doesn't need the money at that point then he'll still know I cared enough to leave it for him. If he does need the money at that point then he'll be grateful that I cared enough to leave it for him. There is no scenario where you're right about his feelings on the situation. Getting a lot of money in your early 20s can certainly turn you into an asshole, but I'm willing to risk it if I die young.

>> No.11121169

An indicator of him being properly brought up, is when he'll say something akin to the below to you:
>that's ok Dad, I'll do fine without your money. Please enjoy the fruits of your lifelong labour as you've given me so much more already.

>> No.11121183

Such pretentious bullshit. Id agree if the sum was in terms of millions but if you don't even leave your children a paltry amount then you simply hate them

>> No.11121204

By not equipping his child with knowledge and resources, he has set up his child for a lifetime of being taken advantage of and being bitter.

If you loved your children, would you let them be taken advantage of?

>> No.11121217

>Id agree if the sum was in terms of millions
Read the OP again, or for the first time if you haven't sweety

>> No.11121235

I did read the op you autist.
His dad donated all of his belongings and left nothing whatsoever. Anyone who defends this is an autist who can't realize this is a sign of hatred

>> No.11121270

Yes, goy, only the chosen must secure the future of their children and people, good goys such as yourself should be happy starting at the bottom every 25 years.

>> No.11121308

Holy fuck

This place is infested with NPCs

>> No.11121356

t. Guys from a shitty family that hated him

>> No.11121370

>npc, the new "cuck" but sounds twice as cringey
Or you're just a fucking dumbass.

>> No.11121371
File: 340 KB, 818x854, thatfeelnpc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I disagree with your outlook, that means you're an NPC and I am a higher being
You know there's a reason everyone is starting to hate this meme

>> No.11121385

I really feel sorry for you anon. Did you ever talk about that with her?

>> No.11121419

Because his father did not care about him.
What if anon get ill, cancer or become disabled? His father's money could help with that since it would become almost impossible for him to become rich by his own effort. But no, his father decided to donate all the money because he cared more about some strangers than to his own son

>> No.11121442

I did. She had the gall to deny it. Even accused me of making it up. That was the last time we ever spoke. It sucks but it's been a while so I've gotten over it for the most part. And she's gone now so, you know

>> No.11121449

t. Guy from a family that raised him feral/NEET

>> No.11121450

Too bad you're not French, we can't do that here.

>> No.11121507

>be adopted
>dad worth
That's where u wrong kiddo

>> No.11121530

Oh no no no no

>> No.11121546

>Because his father did not care about him.
He raised him. But that amounts to nothing, right?
You can literally spot a person that will squander larger sums of money by being unable to recognize enormous effort of people that went into what he is today.
>What if anon get ill, cancer or become disabled?
He'll have to FEND_FOR_HIMSELF. something the rest of the planet is capable of. Something YOU MADE SURE he is capable of, right?

>give him a million dollars because he might have problems in his adult life! I'm certain he won't be able to rely on himself as he's a certified retard

>> No.11121593

I agree with this guy. You better off without that cucks money.

>> No.11121619

Yours is the attitude of faux "self reliance" that's been foisted on you by pop culture. It's a way to keep poor people at the bottom and prevent any incipient inter-generational wealth to threaten the upper classes. And you've swallowed the bullshit whole. And you're proud of it.

>> No.11121628

>He raised him. But that amounts to nothing, right?
Yes, because it was his duty.
>He'll have to FEND_FOR_HIMSELF. something the rest of the planet is capable of. Something YOU MADE SURE he is capable of, right?
Or you can let a huge inheritance so your children will become even more wealthier than you and bring even more honour to your lineage.
Only losers really need to work. It has always been like that

>> No.11121636

People aren't meant to "fend for themselves". Human civilization is founded upon the support of family unit, and the passing on of generational knowledge, wisdom, and yes, wealth. If your goal as a parent is not to ensure that your children prosper and continue your lineage then what the fuck is the point? If anything OP reminds us that people who adopt are generally just selfish pricks who want the experience of raising a child but none of the responsibility.

>> No.11121643

This is true. Mighty dynasties like the Rothschilds don't want upstart richfags to threaten the power structure, so they push for the "you do not deserve inheritance" meme, while keeping their own money in their family

>> No.11121646

Your father sounds based. My granddad owned a hotel and gave it to some guy he was friends with and left my dad with only enough to start a new life and he did and now trades internationally. I don't make money of my fathers business either and am working towards becoming a computer engineer.
You should work hard too.

>> No.11121685

Your dad did better than you and your grandad outdid you both. That's not how it's supposed to work. You should build on the success of the previous generation and amplify it, not start over every single time. How is this so hard to comprehend? Some people are truly stuck in slave morality.

>> No.11121747

>having everything handed

>> No.11121805

I know, literal slave morality.

You don't realize you can both do a good job in raising your offspring and ALSO give them your accumolated wealth. If your children are stoic they will keep on working hard and make sure that their children have a better life.

>> No.11121810

>he thinks his measly 'generational wealth' will threaten the Rothschilds.
Their wealth is beyond those concepts as it isn't derived from the petty concept of business. Nevertheless, they are deplorable and everyone agrees. Most of the hatred towards them stemps arguably from their dynastic nature of their wealth

>> No.11121829


You really are a cuck. The strongest linages are those of noble families and rich merchants. Both would give large sums of inheritance to their children, on in turn those children would usually give even larger sums to their children.

Do you think a king should donate the kingdom and leave his child to fend for himself with nothing too ? No. The king gets himself the best wife, so that she would bear him a strong child. Than he makes sure that child gets the best education so that he could one day become a leader for his kingdom. And when the king dies or abdicate the prince becomes the new king and the cycle begins once more.

>> No.11121832

>Human civilization is founded upon the support of family unit.
This support extends only to the period where the person is unable to fend for themselves. This means that this doesn't pertain to adult NEETs in their mothers basements.

>> No.11121835

t. primus inter servus

>> No.11121839


>you can't have all, so you shouldn't have any

real fucking big brained post, anon

>> No.11121890


People don't hate them for the dynastic nature of their wealth, but because of the way the got their wealth along side with the way they continue to accumulate wealth. How did they get their wealth ?

(1)Stealing from a ruler who trusted them and than financing both Napoleon and Great Britain so that everyone would owe them money.

(2)Having FDR confiscate all the gold in the USA so that it could be handed over to the Federal Reserve(That they own).

(3)Printing useless paper fiat money that is backed by nothing.

And lets not forget the fact that they are tied to all sorts of bad things, drugs, assassinations, pedophiles, cults, cannibalism and human sacrifices. The Rothchild have been accused of all of this and I would not be surprised if at least some of it is true.

>> No.11121891

Great attitude, bootlicker. Your betters appreciate your contribution to keeping them on top and yourself on the bottom. They really like your efforts to spread the slavery meme. Like crabs in a bucket.
Stop with the teenage angst nihilistic bullshit. Nobody is trying to threaten the fucking Rothschilds.

>> No.11121905


>boomers complaining about the idea of inheritance
>expecting their children and the gubmint to help them until their last dying breath

Why are boomers such bitches?

>> No.11121918

>This support extends only to the period where the person is unable to fend for themselves.
No, it extends to the period of ensuring the prosperity of future generations you fucking cuck

>> No.11121932

You would have gotten the money if he was your real dad. Sucks but blood>charity.

>> No.11121978
File: 423 KB, 808x805, screaming wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in my final year of highschool, they basically told me to feed myself
>forced to move out alright fine by me
>28 years old now, cant seem to get ahead financially, but im still comfy
>ask for money tips
>find out they already donated majority of savings and went into retirement, left about 200k to themselves, then their pension kicks in when that runs out
>im left with nothing
>they keep pestering me to get married and give them grand kids

im still filled with rage and confusion

>> No.11121992
File: 78 KB, 684x960, 1536270415954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old money here.

Disowning relatives you are still friends with is deeply stupid

A sign of a dying person who got too comfy in riches and forgot that in the modern world starting from nothing is almost impossible. Also poor wealth management; you dont see the Elites and banking families doing this amateur bullshit

>> No.11122012

your parent spent time raising you. doesn't this alone warrants taking care of them?
People who discard this can be narrowed down pretty accurately as future wasters unfit to govern large amounts of money.

>> No.11122040

>in the modern world starting from nothing is almost impossible.
That's why you raise them and take care that they'll be able to fend for themselves. Giving your children money after you die is just lazy, stupid compensatory parenting tactic.

>> No.11122094


you're fucking dumb as hell. you sound 16 years old. you have no idea how the world really works.

making your kid go into debt for college, pay a mortgage and or rent to mr shekelsberg, and generally never escape middle class marginality if you have the means to help them out is fucking insane.

it's low IQ, shabbos goy thinking.

>> No.11122101

>your conception was just a risky investment by us to make sure you take care of us as we get older but don't expect anything by us after we die and you need to take care of your own future family

Pathetic self boomer mentality

>> No.11122119

It's almost like he is unaware of how generational wealth is established.

>> No.11122130

>just let all that money go to charity or the gubmint instead, goy!

>> No.11122162

Why is this boomer trend happening. I don't like it.

>> No.11122173

this. 90 percent of charity funds are gobbled up by admin costs. i hope this is a larp.

>> No.11122194

People donate all their money to charity so they can feel good about themselves before they die.

>> No.11122201
File: 127 KB, 823x1024, 1534093699317m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old money here again

What this idiot didnt factor in the equation (neither op's dad) is unforeseen events in childrens' lives. I know people who had to stop being top managers due to illness and go on disability pension

Unplanned variables

Also the system is not meant to make the wagie rich....OTHERWISE they would stop being a wagie slavie.

>> No.11122246
File: 122 KB, 700x700, 1537117868036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have ANY idea how many children we'll be able to help because of Ops dad's generous contribution? This job is hard work for not a lot of pay thank you selfish pig.

Btw I got donuts from Crispy Creme today and we have a new k-cup machine in the break room if you need anything let me know I have to run a few errands this morning I'll be back later this afternoon

>> No.11122267

Overall it's just a mentality. In my work there are plenty of financially responsible wagecucks making $60k a year who work hard yet not smart enough to make 6 digits and work less. It's like a sorta pride they have about being hard working wagies

>> No.11122346

So the child is incapable of circumventing the risk themselves by not being reckless perhaps? But that would require teaching the child how the world operates so that it can judge risks on it's own, and that would take valuable golfing time away from the rich parents.

>> No.11122398

Damn anon, I'm sorry

>> No.11122437
File: 10 KB, 215x246, hand-rubbing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old money fag here again

Listen here dumbo; i know rich people whose daughter died at age 19 due to illness. Another couple's son became semi-retarded after a brain virus

I know a genius who dropped out of uni due to bacterial infection by uni's AC system.

These r all unplanned variables in rich people's children lives.

So if you happen to be rich and dying; dont be a dumbo.

Also remember that charities have all kind of fees % that are cut from your massive donation :^)

These % cuts are not scrutinized and can be fiddled with very easily

rich people who open ngo's for launderin and tax evasion goyim

>> No.11122597 [DELETED] 

OP obviously doesn't own any link or this wouldn't matter at all

>> No.11122906

Ever wonder how those rich families got rich? They kept the fucking money in the family.

Oh well, keep pissing away any accumulated wealth on "donations" every generation and make sure your offspring has to fend for themself (like a real man) working out the same meager existence that you did. Eventually one of you will manage to get into the middle-class bracket or maybe even high class for a single generation before pissing it away again.

No wonder Royalty own most of the land, they're the only people fucking smart enough to "keep it in the family"

>> No.11122931
File: 316 KB, 632x458, Charles-V-Habsburg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop inbreeding then, mongrel old-money.

>> No.11122951

Your statement basically confirms the initial assertion that inheritance is a form of non-public disability benefit.
Literally money for retards of rich parents who couldn't keep their dicks outside their sisters.

>> No.11122978

If you need to give inheritance, you are raising retards. Your little accumulation will be cut short by retarded offspring.

>> No.11123721

I think you're just a butthurt poorfag lashing out at people who got inheritances. There's no other explanation for you being this butthurt.

>Just raise them right then you
If you don't give your kids an inheritance, you're a massive piece of shit who is intentionally making their life harder. I grew up upper middle class and anyone who died and gave money to charity instead of their struggling kids would rightfully be looked upon with scorn.

>> No.11123756

Establish generational wealth. Indoctrinate your kids in how important it is.

>> No.11123812



Adopted or not, a parent leaving everything to someone other than their kids is a pretty mean thing to do.

>> No.11123903

>who is intentionally making their life harder
In the same way I'm making your life harder by not giving you 1 million dollars right now. They didn't earn it, they don't deserve it due to high probability of them squandering it.
Told my parents to their face that I don't want anything from them. I'll be glad to see them enjoy their life using the fruits of their labour. They'll know I'll fucking manage on my own very well, and on multiple fronts.

>> No.11123915

Kids demanding inheritance are nigger-like gibsmedats. Why are you owed anything?

>> No.11123918

So you're just a cuck who likes to make your life intentionally harder for yourself out of "pride" then?

I bet you show up early to work and leave late to impress Mr. Shekelstein too. What a loser.

>> No.11123962

By treating my parents as peer I get a trusted advisor in whatever I'm doing. In my situation, that's more valuable than mere lump sums of money.
>don't be a cuck, ransack your parents stash
literally melanin deficient niggers, even below as niggers have family loyalty to some degree

>> No.11123990

How does it feel knowing people who work just as hard as you but actually have parents that give a shit will be far ahead of you? It's funny watching you argue against your own interests like this. Definitely a cuck.

>> No.11123994

Holy shit imagine having an IQ this low

>> No.11124004

Btw I have a parent that acts as a trusted advisor to me as well and they plan to leave me and my sibling everything. So your reasoning is just hilarious.

>> No.11124035

>u dum

>> No.11124056

Is a specific charity designated in the will? If not, then you can start your own charity and get the money that way. Go talk to a lawyer about how you could do this.

>> No.11124090

>that acts as a trusted advisor to me as well and they plan to leave me and my sibling everything
They don't consider you their peer and think you;ll sink without their all-encompassing help. Do they wipe your ass still? I'm sure they have difficulties hiding their contempt for the children they failed to raise.

>> No.11124094

kek made me laff

>> No.11124128

>make major plans based on assumption
>that assumption is never verified
>get mad at the world when your retarded assumption wasn't correct
I can see why your adopted father has a wretched opinion about you. You lack effective planing ability. You'd fail any business endeavour without fail with those kind of organizational abilities.

>> No.11124142

>projecting this hard
Keep arguing against your own self interest cuckboy.

>> No.11124173

In the UK the Courts will override a will where anons are excluded like this

>> No.11124200

Just remember, when I have kids I will leave them everything

You will give your kids nothing because >muh self reliance.

My kids will have an enormous head start on yours. And it will only compound over generations.