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11095897 No.11095897 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11095950

A year?

>> No.11096036

per month

>> No.11096049

Americans are fucking insane

>> No.11096055

so you're proud for being a poorfag? wew lad

>> No.11096075

3k for an apartment sounds like a steal

>> No.11096094

I can pay 2k in Europe and get 60 sqm and 3 rooms

>> No.11096098

3k is insane holy fuck

>> No.11096210

Yeah, in Munich, Rome or Vienna.

I pay 600€ with gas/Water etc for 75sqm and 3 rooms.

>> No.11096220


im unironically a 25 year old zoomer who pays 800 bucks for a room and work full time

>> No.11096223

yeah but hes making like 30+ k a month online.

>> No.11096254

in SF ? which area?

>> No.11096267


>> No.11096270



>> No.11096274

I pay 1000 for a 3 room apartment.

>> No.11096285

Fucking kek. You even have the zoomer wearing under armor because they’re all Curry dick riders

>> No.11096293

I don't get people who don't stay with their parents for a few years, just to save money. Maybe I'm just lucky that I live outside of a major city.

>> No.11096309

i pay less than 500eur for a 2 room apartment in a mid sized city. But it's a noisy shit-tier apartment with terrible neighbours

>> No.11096310

>tfw Australian
>live in a shitty town with pretty much no redeeming qualities
>Pay $260 a week for a basic two bedroom unit on the outskirts of town
>People act like this is cheap

>> No.11096327

$3000 for a 1br apt in sf seems low. For that price you’re definitely not living downtown.

>> No.11096640

I pay 3700 for my 1BR apt in Manhattan and I walk around with regret and guilt. The kicker is that around 1/3 of the building are poors on rent control.

>> No.11096662

My friend pays $3500 for a studio downtown

$3000 for a one bedroom is in some shithole region like tenderloin

>> No.11096677

for 3700 you could pick any place in a city like Stockholm, Amsterdam or Berlin. At least 4 rooms

>> No.11096682

I make 120k per year with no degree and rent a whole house for 1k a month. 4 bedrooms, 2 bath, huge fenced yard. I'd buy the place but my credit is fucked for another couple years

>> No.11096704


Not to mention I'm surround my schizophrenic homeless people and feces everywhere -- I think human feces sometimes.

>> No.11096734

200€ for 70 m2 in europe

>> No.11096741

I would never want to live in SF or anywhere around the Bay Area. Being anywhere between the hordes of illegals/welfare class and the absurdly wealthy people seems like a miserable trap.

>> No.11096823

Is this some eastern european shithole?

>> No.11096842

3k a month is nothing, friend. i make 9k a monht

>> No.11096872

Enjoy the california state tax

>> No.11096883

Reminds me of this zoomer:


>> No.11096917

60 sqm is only like 630 sqft you turbo faggot. also europe is africa now so thats way to expensive

>> No.11097021
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I paid 2.3 k for my 2 bedroom in SF when i first moved here.

>> No.11097034

>dont make money because taxes
you sound like a tard that didnt cash out btc at peak due to taxes too

>> No.11097131

My gf wants to transfer to Uc Berkeley. Gulp. What are my options ? Student housing ? Live in a basement ? Short her?

>> No.11097239


Yeah but he makes 200k at google

>> No.11097243

I pay $850 for a large room in a safe, white majority area in NYC with ample street parking. Feels good man.

>> No.11097275

You're doing it wrong, Anon. Move out of Manhattan. I won't tell you where I live though because I hate seeing you transplant faggots moving into my area.

>> No.11097333

If you have multiple roommates and live in Brooklyn or Queens 850 sounds about right.

>majority white
Now I’m curious which neighborhood

>> No.11097334

I pay 500€ for a nice 3 room flat in a pretty shitty city. No need to leave the house, ever so why spend more?

>> No.11097345
File: 2.63 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20180818_063828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I split a 3.5k 1 bedroom with my fiance in SF. it's expensive as fuck but you can't beat the view.

>> No.11097352

is it true that all the h1b visa pajeets are shitting in the streets?

>> No.11097361


>> No.11097369

>haha it's ok to live in a place so expensive that it makes it almost impossible to save money, but at least we have a good view!

This is like being car poor and devoting the wages of one whole week a month just to your fucking car

>> No.11097370

No, the homeless sure as fuck do though. SF proper doesn't have too many Indians that I've noticed.

>> No.11097385
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>this is like being poor and not enjoying life

>> No.11097399

One roommate. She's a qt3.14 and I never see her which is also good for a roommate. It's technically converted from a 1 bedroom, I think the entire apt is $1500/month. It won't be majority white for much longer unfortunately. Such is life.

>> No.11097401


Let him throw his money away. He doesn't deserve wealth.

>> No.11097422


Jesus. Don't get me wrong, I've visited NYC and it's an awesome city, but I could never live there. The crazy thing is that, while wages are higher up in NYC than they are, say, where I live in VA, they're not as much 3-4 times higher to compensate for the 3x or 4x more expensive housing compared to here.

>> No.11097436
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I said it was expensive, I didn't say I couldn't save money. Stop projecting. I have 28k in savings right now. And my finance makes like twice as much as I do. We're not living outside our means. Doesnt mean it's not expensive though

>> No.11097443

23 is a millenial. Oldest zoomers are 18.

>> No.11097445

zoomers aren't 23 and they can't afford that

>> No.11097454

A lot of boomer parents charge rent, you save nothing.

>> No.11097468

>6 figures, 26
>800 a month, 700 sq feet. Older but well maintained.
>5 minutes from work
>22-23 year old coworkers live within walking distance of work, pay 1500 a month.

>> No.11097480


I’m paying 4K for a 1 bed in NYC kek

>> No.11097502

Comfy view anon.

>> No.11097520

How much do you make and how much do you think you make?

>> No.11097521

That better be a brand new luxury building. Wealthy retards like you who are willing to pay that much are what's driving up housing prices for everyone.

>> No.11097524

>tfw you will never be crammed into a tight living space with a qt

Sounds like a pretty solid deal though. Most 2 BR within a 30 min commute of manhattan from what I’ve seen are in the 2000-2500 range, with 3 BR being around 2500-3500

>> No.11097531

Wow, how exciting.

>> No.11097551


Women are messy as fuck

>> No.11097557

>feet on the wall
He's going to lose his $1500 deposit!

>> No.11097585

San Francisco is literally India though, people shit on the street there.

>> No.11097593

What I don’t get is this dude works from home, so he literally has no reason to be living in midtown Manhattan. He could get a place 30 min away by train on the outskirts of the city with 2 roommates and would be paying almost identical rent for 10x the space

>> No.11097596

Is it normal for burgers to earn +3k a month at 23? Fuck me, capitalism is great.

>> No.11097620

Yes. Fuck off

>> No.11097631


At least 5k a month or we are not working

3k is nothing

>> No.11097637

From what I gathered, it depends on where they live. Sounds impressive, but then the cost of living is so high that they barely save any money.

>> No.11097639

Bullshit. If you didn't grow up with an NES you're a kid zoomer

>> No.11097649

The average burger makes around 1500 a month if even that at 23.

>> No.11097655

Yeah, and most of it is spent on rent/bills/loan repayments/car etc.

Most of them probably have less than $500 disposable income per month.

>> No.11097658

Depends what you studied and where your job is

Average for a non-STEM/finance degree in a flyover state is about 35-50k, average for a STEM/finance degree in a mid sized city is about 55-70k, for a major city like NYC or SF probably more like 70-80k

These are yearly so divide by 12 for monthly

>> No.11097665

This is still great, Im a lawyer in my country, graduated in one of the top schools and I make less than $700 a month, at 26.

Never go full social-left, ameribros, it will fuck your country up, keep holding back the socialists.

>> No.11097679

I make 8k gross / month in Texas homie. CoL is cheap too.

>> No.11097703

I should have mentioned that the rent is also that much.

>> No.11097723

the states very much reward those who excel and punish those who don't. Some like this and some don't (take a guess where they fall on the scale).

>> No.11097742

Paying 1200/mo for a 1br apartment in Orlando, FL. They tax the shit out of the college area It's really nice but fml I'm surrounded by shitskins

>> No.11097779

It's all human feces. San Fran and LA should get the Pompeii style cleansing.

>> No.11097794

Well, lately it seems you guys are flirting with socialism, with Bernie Sanders and that Osario-Cortez.

Dont le them win, its not a path you can easily go back on.

>> No.11097821

Plz immigrate. I met a British lad who had a similar mindset. He came to America to excel.

We need more people like you and less of the endless hordes from South America.

>> No.11097850

If I was in any other field, I would, in a heartbeat, but unfortunately law is too singular to each country to be able to use it in another.

But hey, if crypto makes me rich, I whole heartedly want to get the fuck out of this socialist piece of shit country. Want to go to Malta or new zealand or maybe hong kong (hoping that simultaneous translators become cheap and widely adopted).

>> No.11097870

>I think human feces sometimes
>I think
We’re reaching levels of cope not previously imagined possible

>> No.11097890
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I pay 3200$ for my 2 bedroom

I make $160,000 at a well known startup

I hate it and it sucks

I am ready to leave but need to make more $$

Dream about running a distributed company

About to quit and start a marijuana startup.

I can’t take it anymore

>> No.11097892

>that zoomer that missed out on bitcoin and ethereum and was forced to baghold shitcoins hoping to get rich

>> No.11097926

>makes $160k
>can’t into rotating photos correctly
I smell a ruse

>> No.11097929

what's your biweekly check come out to after all the taxes and whatnot?

>> No.11098094

4K ish

>> No.11098180

>this thread
Wew I didn't know burgerland was this fucked. Holy shit.

>> No.11098229

The wages wouldn't need to be 3-4x higher to compensate for the COL you mongoloid. Outside of the cost to rent/buy a place to live, the other expenses are basically the same.

>> No.11098351
File: 184 KB, 1200x800, DSC_0300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, I'm making $3,600 bi-weekly post taxes in NOC admin work in Chicago and only pay $400 for a studio (20'x30'), top floor, with windows on three walls, nice area, and 15 minute walk to the beach. Bay Area is such a fucking meme.

>Hip boring as fuck trendy techie culture
>Rent unbelievably priced
>Surrounded by snowflake liberals

Chicago has real culture. It was built in the 1700's. Our historical neighborhoods are still there and the entire north side (about a million people) is made almost entirely of them. You want greek food? Go to Greek Town. Swedish and looking to have a drink of Glugg in winter? Head to Andersonville and check out the Swedish Museum while you sip. Blacks live on the south side, Latino population on the west side, and whites in the center and north sides. You can have (or avoid) any type of culture and entertainment you want depending what part of the city you go to or live in. Pic related (what I see when I look out my office window).

Don't come here, though. We don't want your Bay Area trendy techie scum here.

>> No.11098669

based and redpilled, why are eurocucks so deluded. Were trying to save you so you can save your people.

>> No.11098680

>willingly enslaving yourself
yes! move to an expensive city...hehehe

>> No.11098720

the vast majority of renters in Sf are not American, they are google coolies from India and Asia and Europe.

>> No.11098740

Well that's cheaper than the city. Couple options:
> Hotpads - decent app for listings
> Craigs list - sketchy but possible.
> Air bnb till you meet more people

Googling official realtors and apartment complexes will render the high cost bs. Regardless of what you pick, get out into the area. Meet people. Talk about your housing problem. I met my current roommate by striking up a conversation in an uber pool. Got a great place in a nice area for a relatively low price.

>> No.11098750

nope srry

>> No.11098797

Sorry this hurts your feels europoor

>> No.11099190

major cities are more expensive but they do pay more. It all kind of evens out.

>> No.11099192

Sounds like a dream life desu. Why don't you like it?

>> No.11099653

Don't worry cocky anon, most are fleeing your state in mass.

>> No.11099808
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>what is cost of living

>> No.11099831

>current year
>not being a highly paid professional in a low CoL state effectively living like a king

>> No.11099836

That 28 year old boomer who made enough to purchase a house in San Fransisco trading shitcoins on a mongolian basket weaving forum, but lost it all when the bitcoin bubble burst

>> No.11100180

It's easily €750-1000 for one bedroom in a shared apartment here in Dublin.

>> No.11100410
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I pay like 47$ for 60 sqm and 3 rooms
But I am live in Russia


>> No.11100573


Fucked. Berkeley is super expensive.

>> No.11100607

You sound like a retard so that might be why no one will give you money.