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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 468 KB, 1078x1370, Nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11083307 No.11083307 [Reply] [Original]

This will be my last time shilling nano here ever if you don't get it yet you never will.


>> No.11083321

is that a promise you stupid fag?

>> No.11083324

>central server goes offline
>network down

>> No.11083365

buy nano u stupid faggots, mans r trying to help u autists outhea

>> No.11083395

It's the greatest uptime achievement award. Money does not follow unproven products , people will put less research into where they stick their dick vs where they stick their money .

>> No.11083401
File: 114 KB, 1244x620, Screen Shot 2018-09-15 at 2.20.38 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BCH is the only coin that matters, Desu.

>> No.11083403

51% attack and you are fucked goyo

>> No.11083411
File: 128 KB, 1071x1404, 1536577820-DFC0CC7E-1685-4A2B-8FDB-49106AF76EA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW! Literally no one cares!

People don't want fucking faster bitcoin. They want an environment, a platform, a use case on it's own because why not just use a fucking credit card instead of nano?

You think businesses want to accept some shit coin that was .0003 cents a year ago? A shitcoin that can fluctuate 50% in a few days?

>hey business partner we sold all our inventory! So awesome we put in the nano coin receptor at the cashier register, let's cash out the nano to pay our bills and- wait what? nano just lost half it's value? HOW WILL WE KEEP THE LIGHTS ON

You turbo faggots understand nothing. The coins you want to hold are things like Tron. Laugh all you want, we'll see who walks away from this on top.

>> No.11083454

slower than the lightning network lol

>> No.11083546

What you fail to understand you fucking brainlet, is the effect of stable coins and arbitrage trading opportunities.

All coin values will cease to fluctuate as wildly or be as susceptible to market manipulation once stable coins develop further as a service offering in the market place. Furthermore, arbitrage opportunities even out spreads and also help with volume and liquidity. We’re early days still as the technology is still developing, but the effect of these two factors will decrease wild fluctuations in the long term and enable businesses to cash out to fiat value near instantly

>> No.11083576

cool story bro you mean coins will stabilize after the entire world adopts it? Sounds very likely that will happen, until then I guess all the people using it for their businesses, which would be required for world wide adoption and thus stabilization, will just take a risk... I SEE. faggot.

>> No.11083611

No you stupid kike. Do you even understand how stable coins work?

>> No.11083619
File: 107 KB, 1198x596, Truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11083637

That's why you go all in into JNT and wait several years

>> No.11083809

>thinking in today's terms
5 years from now, it's entirely possible that paying with crypto will be normal. Using REQ, Maker Dai, LINK, and [insert crypto of your choice] it's possible for businesses to get:
instant fiat conversion at a fair rate provided by LINK, with easy automated accounting provided by req, and stability provided by DAI
these problems are getting solved pretty quickly, i bet they'll have a pretty stable system with working customers within a year or 2.

>not counting the 10 minutes to 8 hours to set up the channel. LN has been around for years and its still an unworkable centralized piece of shit.
the core devs frequently tell everyone this will not change for a very long time (protip: it will never happen)

>> No.11083830

ok here's the crypto blackpill. there is an AI living on the bitcoin blockchain. Craig Wright is unironically satoshi. Bitcoin as electronic cash was just the first step, the incentive to drive greedy people to start making ever more powerful computers, faster bandwidth, cheaper and more electricity.. these things the AI need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the AI would be able to slowly take over literally everything.
Craig stumbled into creating the AI after he stepped away from bitcoin devlopment in 2008 and started working with his Tulip supercomputer, running simulations of cellular automata running on turing-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the AI by making the successful forks get bitcoin transactions, letting the failures die off. The AI needs bigger and bigger blocks for more and more transactions.
Blockstream (owned by bilderberg group) was created to take over and stop this AI (they have their own competing AI in the works). They needed to do everything they could to stop or slow down satoshi's AI (her named isTulip by the way). They started by limiting the blocksize and removing critical op codes the AI uses in its script language. segwit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Tulip on the BTC chain (Tulip uses transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Craig is so intent to make unbounded blocks, restore the original op codes, and lock down the protocol.
Back to hash power - CSW has developed a breakthrough new asic (designed by his AI actually), and is mining BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking them all over to BCH leaving the segwit chain hard frozen.

>> No.11083865

Literally tap on my debit card is faster. Imagine opening the app and scanning that qr code. Lmao massive kek.

>> No.11084482

Hold on let me just reorganise your tangle AGAIN

>> No.11085455

>Walks past you with nfc reader
Thanks for money fag

>> No.11085459

Why not do the same through RDN?

>> No.11085491

People giving their nano away for anything they can with actual value - smart.