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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11055292 No.11055292 [Reply] [Original]

>/biz/ will defend this

>> No.11055531
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hell ye comrade, fuck the bourgeois!

>> No.11055558
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>/biz/ forcing the npc meme
>dont know about capitalism alienation

Never gonna make it

>> No.11055587

He took on all the risk you massive faggot. KYS

>> No.11055624

>capitalism alienation
Ah yes the belief people are alienated by labour. Because commies think we are too equal for subhumans to be alienated as labour.

>> No.11055645


This is objectively a lie, Jeff Bezos TOTAL compensation is 1.6MM USD, which is a lot but not the 11MM the article claims.

Unless the article is conflating the appreciation of his shares in AMZN as 'pay', which is outrageous. Anyone could have bought AMZN shares for pennies at one point, why is it his fault he owns something going up in value?

>> No.11055649

he didn't take on any risk, he was an investment banker who even got money from his parents

he is being rewarded for the utility of his services

>> No.11055668


>> No.11055680

>why is it his fault he owns something going up in value?

patriarchy, privilege, white males n sheeeiiiit.

welcome to retarded thinking 101.

>> No.11055681

People get paid based on the value they produce.

>> No.11055703



>> No.11055720

He found a way to extract profit from low skill workers better than Walmart.

>> No.11055724
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>wealth creators risk their capital so they should reap all the rewards

>> No.11055750
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>capitalism is bad

>> No.11055763

>I can't be bothered being an entrepreneur myself. I want to be told exactly what to do 9-5, do not make me think. Why should I get paid less?

>> No.11055769
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>> No.11055786

Without him there wouldn't be jobs for thousands of people. Some people were born to walk around warehouses and being told exactly what to do. No way around it.

>> No.11055795

thats why you create your own dream, not work for someone elses idea.

but wagies probably have an IQ of 80 so enjoy your cage

>> No.11055796

That's bullshit, I didn't get $12/hour.

>> No.11055798

No he doesn't you chimp. That's misleading bullshit using his net worth, which is mostly linked to his amazon stock, not actual cash earned. It's all paper gains.

His real salary is 1.6 million a year or roughly 770$/hour. Sure, that's a ton of money, but he also created Amazon and isn't just putting things into boxes when told to put things into boxes.

>> No.11055803
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>free markets are good

>> No.11055894

>the head of a company makes more money than a trashman
no shit

>> No.11055896

$ 6.50 in eastern europe
Amzn ads popping up because of the wagecage threads kek
Title of article is BS

>> No.11055968
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Make history you lazy cunts

>> No.11055984
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>> No.11055996

Capitalist version

>> No.11055999

There's nothing to defend. If anything, you need to defend your position that you're somehow entitled to someone else's wealth.

>> No.11056000

They should've just worked as hard as him by taking advantage of the medical system and getting innocent people who wanted to be healthy addicted to dangerous pharmaceuticals like xanax. That's what he did
>Jeff Bezos eats ass

>> No.11056003
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>> No.11056013


He's literally pure evil

>> No.11056016

>Jeff BeNzos

>> No.11056052
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>> No.11056055

Just a reminder Jeff Bezos owns a lot of the supply he can dump at any moment. Scam stock detected.

>> No.11056143

Unrestrained capitalism is suboptimal.

>> No.11056165



>> No.11056438
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>> No.11056474

>Without him there wouldn't be jobs for thousands of people

i dont care about the jobs he create. the products he delivers are important. he saved so much shoopng time for me.

>> No.11056486

humans need labor to enjoy life at its fullest. labor with a purpose. modern corporate wagecucking gives you no purpose most of the times and strips you away of the time to find it anywhere else.

which is exactly what commies were doing in soviet russia: three clerks to fetch you a piece of meat because of forced employment. not even feudal serfdom was so unnatural for the human soul.

>> No.11056563
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Working for Amazon is like being a nigger picking cotton on the plantation

>10-11 an hour seasonal

>Literal white surveyors walk the isles writing down on a clip board the performance of the order pickers

>Everything has to be done is a speedy amount of time and have to pick x amount of orders per hour. I.E the Scientific management/Taylor System

>75 people have to clock in and out at the same time on 5 computers which is like cattle being pushed into the slaughter house

>15 min break cut short because you have to walk 5 min to the break room if your in the back of the warehouse

>Do the same repetitive movements for 12 hours a day

>Have a bullshit point system for attendance.

>> No.11056585

Their lowest paid workers can build an empire themselves instead of wagecucking at warehouses

>> No.11056603

>makes 11 million an hour
>264 million a day
>96 billion a year
That doesn't make any sense

>> No.11056609


the gates of hell.

>> No.11056616


jesus christ

>> No.11056638

can confirm

>> No.11056657

Shut up Commie scum
Back to your cage

>> No.11056866
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>I should be paid almost as much as the founder of the company for working in a wagecage
kys subhuman

>> No.11056968


>Without him there wouldn't be jobs for thousands of people.

Yeah but how many jobs has Amazon destroyed?

>> No.11057249
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This thread again? Ffs commies, everyone hates Bezos. AnCaps hate megacorporations like Amazon, they survive by becoming a de facto part of the State. Learn new FUD, this is as shit-tier as trolling /leftypol/ by saying "Muh local City Council embezzled funds, checkmate commies".

>> No.11057260


Holy fuck, NPC detected right here though

>> No.11057313
File: 92 KB, 500x457, the-floor-is-food-what-did-communists-use-before-candles-22985810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that this man who uses his power and influence to push for even more of the exact same socialism and cronyism that kept his competitors from being competitive is in any way a man who represents free market capitalism
if you're wondering why you can't afford things any more without subjecting yourself to a life in which you have to give up your liberty to "meet the needs of society" or to "do what's right for everyone", maybe it's time that you stopped blaming everything on systems that enable individualism and started scrutinizing systems that require and force collectivism

>> No.11057341


>> No.11057396

Is that assuming he works 24 hours a day?

>> No.11057411
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That picture is honestly as dystopian af though.

>> No.11057430

he also was actually driving boxes to the post office and doing all the grunt work when amazon was just beginning

>> No.11057463


>> No.11058536

but he uses robots and AI

>> No.11058550
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>Took a risk
>By investing money given to him by mommy and daddy

>> No.11058561

I can't imagine this wage cage not being funny

>> No.11058676
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Yes this is Auschwitz where people were deloused from typhus. Sadly, the camp was modified in 1946-1948 by the Russians to make it look like people were murdered/gassed there.

>> No.11058698

Go back to /pol

Mods, do your fucking jobs

>> No.11058727

This, holy shit, there are some fucking dumb people here. Additionally, what about the gradual automation of jobs? The destruction of small businesses?

>> No.11058752


You're a fucking idiot. I work at a factory and it's the same thing except I get paid $10 the hour. And even then that money changed my poor fag life. You privileged ivory tower faggots are always trying to ruin what little opportunity we poor fags have to climb with your retarded socialism shit.

>> No.11058796

You can literally go to Auschwitz and see this shit dumbass.

>> No.11058800


Walmart did their dirty work decades ago, these are literally the same complaints.

>> No.11058836

Who gives a fuck? There's always something to do.

>> No.11059002
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You're always gonna have "those people". Janitors, maintenance workers, etc. Someone has to do those jobs. Our society couldn't function otherwise. But the problem is that wages have remained stagnant and haven't been tethered to inflation since 1968. The issue here has more to do with the average standard of living among all americans.

>> No.11059021

What exactly is the problem?

>> No.11059037

>I can turn $300,000 into billions
You can't and you won't.

>> No.11059066

what's really up with these doors?

>> No.11059156

I already have.

>> No.11059252

I know that some people aren't ok with a man getting rich by providing other people with goods and services they want BUT they wouldn't care if he was a commie dictator getting rich by stealing from everyone.
I don't like Amazon so I don't buy from Amazon.
If you buy from Amazon because it's cheap and then complain about Bezos getting rich you are literally retarded.

>> No.11059326


>> No.11059336

IP hoping doesn't make anybody respect you

>> No.11059344

Not IP hopping. Looks like your prime membership is terminated.

>> No.11059345

12 bucks!? Sign me up.

>> No.11059359

You Idiot. He never profits on selling goods. His business model is big data.

>> No.11059373

Retard who doesn't understand Marx and makes emotional arguments. Marx' theory so far, holds true.

You could even argue that Universal basic income, is liberal democracies initial stages of an answer to something Marx originally called communist utopia, reached when labor would be so alienated and the capitalist would be the richest people alive.

>> No.11059384

I don’t care about the wage gap between grunts and CEOs, that’s really none of my business. The real problem stems from the fact that his employers’ wages are so low that they have to live on government assistance just to get by. These programs are paid for using my tax dollars. Now it’s my fucking business.

>> No.11059405


This guy gets it. Add in the fact that it's also impossible for his own employees to compete, due to regulatory barriers.

>> No.11059433

>Personal Risk
You need to do a little more research.
Also, no risk is worth $11 million per hour when someone in the same company is making $12 per hour. If your company is really that successful, then your workers should be paid for their work accordingly. Only in the 1990's did making 3 figures more than your lowest-paid employee become acceptable at all, and this literal faggot is showing how it's been taken way too far.

>> No.11059455

You do know the turnover rate in Amazon warehouses is staggeringly high right? For as many people they hire, only a quarter of them stay. The rest are let go for every minor reason possible as soon as peak seasons end.
Thousands of jobs, thousands jobless.

>t. Ex Amazonian of 4 years

>> No.11059465


Yep, literally infinite greed. And people worship him for it. Seeing shit like this makes me very fucking bearish on people and life in general.

>> No.11059486

The "Have Fun" aspect really only applies to HR, Management, PAs (Supervisors), and suckups. Everyone else either can't stand still for 5 minutes without being written up for "collective time off task" or scan the wrong thing twice.

I've only ever seen the above listed have fun, our General Manager made massive budget cuts buildingwide to spend it on fresh paint spouting Amazon meme quotes like the ones in this pic.

>> No.11059498

I genuinely believe there needs to be a cap on income. Does anyone really need Bezos levels of wealth? No, because with a couple hundred Bezos the wealth entirely accumulates at the top, and these people have the resources to make sure it stays that way, and even accelerates.

Anyone with a functioning brain sees this system does not reward fairly. That's why hard work doesn't matter when all you're fighting for is the scraps left over by the mega rich. Fucking think.

A system where you get rewarded by maybe earning twice what the other, less productive members of society earn, is reasonable. Some incentive is not a bad thing. Look at Denmark. Surgeons earn maybe 50% more than teachers, who earn as much as delivery people. Fucking fair. A system where you earn a million times, literally like Bezos, is fucking stupid.

>> No.11059535

>I have no idea how leverage or stocks or actual wages work
Please grow up already. He doesn't make that much money, it's tied up in stocks and the second he'd start selling it the stock would plummet. Doesn't mean he's not rich but he took a risk and made a massively successful business.

>> No.11059550

problem is, most of the fat cats don't have a lot of w2 reportable income. these people are compensated in equity for the most part. I get what you're saying, but it wouldn't work due to exactly those mechanics. unlike the rest of us, these people aren't compensated for the job they are executing.

>> No.11059569

Its not like these billionaires actually ever spend this money. It probably mainly managed and invested therefore creating more potential wealth and economic benefits or reinvested in Amazon. What u think Bezos buys 1m big macs everyday?