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11045803 No.11045803[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11045856

Curious where is this numeme is coming from? It's pretty low IQ for biz, it sounds reddit tier.

>> No.11045865

its just another way of saying "normie" because now normies are saying "normie"

>> No.11045866

Gosh darn I hate this meme. If this were Reddit I would down vote you and report you.

>> No.11045868

Isn‘t it just a fancy way to call someone stupid?

>> No.11045869
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>> No.11045876

you have to go back

>> No.11045879

It's strange how fast this meme spread. Seems unorganic.

>mfw NPC's code has been patched

>> No.11045886 [DELETED] 

looks like fish on the menu tonight

>> No.11045897

2049 ties into this newest meme quite nicely. It's okay to not be special/intelligent/have a meaningful life. Existence, itself, is a gift anything can try to enjoy.

>> No.11045904

Are you trying to say...



>> No.11045945

I don’t know for sure but I believe the NPC meme originated from /pol/. Some time last month there were threads linking studies about how most people don’t experience an “inner voice”, which is a psychological phenomenon. The study seemed to be enlightening for a lot of posters. The population segment identified by the study was dubbed “NPCs”, because they don’t experience any sort of conflicting internal machinations of the mind. They are set characters

>> No.11045962

To be honest, the meme's good but the study seemed like BS. It probably came down to how they worded the questions. I think it didn't even conclude that they never use inner voice, just they didn't report using it as often.

>> No.11045973

Reddit tier faggots rebranding memes yet again, but please stay I'll need someone to sell my bags to in a couple months.

>> No.11045994

Yeah, the study doesn't really indicate what a lot of people are stating about only some people having an inner voice. But I think "NPC" is kind of synonymous with the term "Normies".

>> No.11046011

NPC... Newspeak for philosophical zombie. If you don't know that term you are confirmed an NPC.

>> No.11046025

That's what it became. I think it's more effective than normie in some ways too.

>> No.11046040

I didn’t actually read the study myself, I just saw that people were talking about it. My knowledge of psychology and doing good research is limited, but I wouldn’t be surprised to find that neurotypical brains are a little more systematic at processing life. It likely got the attention it did because 4chan’s atypical user base needs to differentiate itself from normies with something solid

>> No.11046066

I'm not an NPC but is it possible for me to become one? I think I would be much happier that way.

>> No.11046090

The condition that causes most people to lack creative thinking is Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum. It's a physical disconnect of the left and right brain hemispheres. It doesn't need a physiological study though, it's a physical condition, and certainty effects nearly all normalfags.

>> No.11046094
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seriously, ignorance really is bliss. I should have taken the blue pill. I want to be plugged back into the matrix.

>> No.11046121

That bald dude in The Matrix is exactly what I had in mind. I want to go back into my capsule and become a human battery again.

>> No.11046311
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The final red pill is that God is real, and your nihilistic outlook on life has been engineered via the (((media))) and (((pop-culture))) by those seek to kill your spirit. While you think nihilism is a red pill and that you've broken free form the "shackles of religion that has subjugated humanity for centuries", that's exactly what modern NPC's have been programmed to believe so to ensure that they never find meaning, happiness, and peace in their lives, and are ever reliant on materialism, consumption and substance abuse to attempt to fill the void in their souls.

Those who have found God are not blissfully ignorant; they are blissfully enlightened.

>> No.11046339

Yeah I thought so too. Someone needs to make some NPC memes based on it.

>> No.11046353

Well its a catch22
If they dont have internal dialogue, theyre npcs
If they have internal dialogue, but dont know it, theyre npcs

>> No.11046379

Why do people keep pushing this shitty meme so hard?

>> No.11046382

Theres a difference between dogma and spirituality.
Go to church, and find out 99% of people are just followers there. They know practically nothing about even their own religion but just do what the leader says.

>> No.11046389

Just replace christianity with judaism, church with torah, and christ with god and i agree 100%

>> No.11046392

NPCs are in every part of the map

>> No.11046398


>> No.11046409

this anon gets it

>> No.11046421

Agreed. And those same NPC's do not follow what they claim to believe, and are therefore usually plagued with the same problems as the non-religious.

Those who reject Christ belong to the Church of Satan

>> No.11046425

Thats because christianity has holes in the basic principles in what they believe god to be. All contradictions are taught to be ignored and you are taught to just believe in christianity and the one god unconditionally and not question it if you want to go to heaven. Understanding the technical adpects of your religion is not important.

>> No.11046426

Ks life wasnt unmeaningful, its just wasnt the meaning he originally thought it was. But he fulfilled his destiny.

>> No.11046428

There is a good possibility that existence as we know it is actually a computer simulation running on hardware/software that we can't even imagine at our current level of technology. If that's the case, the creator of that simulation is God.
>This is why software developers understand that God most likely does exist

>> No.11046434
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>> No.11046435

>understanding the technicalities arent important
T. Npc

>> No.11046436

You fucking retards post the same memes 500 times per day and then have the gall to call other people NPCs?

>> No.11046447

>if you don't believe in god it's straight to materialism, consumption and substance abuse


>people that believe in god aren't materialists, consumerists or abuse substances

the implications are just epic

>> No.11046453

Known since I was an early teenager. Used psychedelics to partially boost my power level and become a more difficult to defeat greater npc.

>> No.11046455

Typical pre-programmed NPC response

This is another nihilistic meme that has been pushed hard on us over the past couple years. The idea has been around for decades (and is flawed, but I won't get into that). Isn't it strange that it's suddenly become so prevalent?

>> No.11046466

>a strawman
>I don't understand the first thing about Christ's teachings
Try harder

>> No.11046484

That's not a catch-22 you retard.

>> No.11046510

>The idea has been around for decades (and is flawed, but I won't get into that)
Once computing power is a few orders of magnitude more powerful than what exists today, it's practically guaranteed that humanity will try to create simulated words populated by sentient AI characters. The video game industry alone will try to achieve this let alone all the well-funded defense contractors and government labs due to the obvious military applications. Whose to say that we aren't living in one of those worlds now? It would be like the stories inside of stories in that Re:Creators anime.

>> No.11046520
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This meme is old as fuck

>> No.11046523

It's just a modern/technological interpretation of the same magical thinking involved around the promises, answers and reassurance provided by religion. the idea provides an explanation for a creator, a possibility for technologically enabled immortality, and a reassurance that you have a purpose in some kind of data processing within the simulation.

>> No.11046555

The amount of computational power required to simulate an entire observable universe down to the precision of the atom is beyond most people's comprehension. This would require at least a Type III civilization on the Kardashev scale, which probably has never or will ever exist.

>> No.11046556

>t. Mark of the brainlet NPC

>> No.11046562

I literally called it a rebranded reddit tier (gay) meme, wtf you going on about faggot? fight me.

>> No.11046563

how is it a strawman, you literally said
"NPC's have been programmed to believe so to ensure that they never find meaning, happiness, and peace in their lives, and are ever reliant on materialism, consumption and substance abuse to attempt to fill the void in their souls"

>> No.11046565
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and you in the oven kike

>> No.11046578

It's a straw man because I didn't say that it's impossible to both not believe in God and not be a materialist consumer whore. It's just atypical.

>> No.11046599

It is if youre an npc who doesnt know he is an npc

>> No.11046612

object permanence is a meme past the local level
things don't exist if they aren't being observed by a consciousness to conserve RAM
everything is just loaded in ad hoc as it is observed
the fallen tree in the empty forest makes no sound because there is no tree

>> No.11046636

He thought he could actually be Human, something special, rather than something mechanical/fake. This is proven to be incorrect.

That scene with the billboard version of Joi reinforces this overall message of non-uniqueness, when it talks to him in the same way his version of Joi does. Even his love is not special.

But, as the movie goes on, the message turns into this idea that he doesn't need to be Human to allow him to feel that his Existence is meaningful, and for him to be special.

Through his actions, he can become part of something bigger, and find a sense of meaning in his Existence. I wasn't saying that K, specifically, did not find meaning in his Existence, but that, it's not necessary in order to enjoy life.

>> No.11046651

The simulation program may only need atomic level precision for one solar system or one galaxy and just fake everything else to achieve the required level of fidelity. Maybe the simulation resets once the NPCs discover that they're inside a simulation. There's lots of ways to handle it. Saying it can't be done is like an ant trying to argue about whether travel to the moon is possible. Our civilization 1000 years from now will be capable of godlike feats that we can't even imagine assuming we make it that long. As to whether a K-III civilization will ever exist, that may or may not be true but humanity will definitely try to achieve it. Artificial worlds will be created one way or another. I would never bet against the hordes of tech nerds who want to make anime real even if it requires creating a simulated AI civilization.

>> No.11046664

>even his love is not special
No, i disagree. His love is special becuase the billboard joi is not his joi and will never be. Thats what he realises at that moment, that his experiences is what gives his existence meaning, not the nature of his birth.

>> No.11046720

>things don't exist if they aren't being observed by a consciousness to conserve RAM
This is logically absurd. If things don't exist if they're not being observed then our world would have no consistency. You seem to be misinterpreting wave-particle duality in quantum theory. This is the problem with pop-scientists like Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson. They dumb things down to a degree where people are basically just misinformed.

>The simulation program may only need atomic level precision for one solar system or one galaxy and just fake everything else to achieve the required level of fidelity.
So what happens when the simulated civilization reaches a point where it can explore beyond the boundaries set by the simulation? If we find such a boundary, then we can start talking. Anyways, this whole discussion is dumb. NPC philosophy 101. Going to bed now

>> No.11046770

>implying Christians aren't consumerist whores

>> No.11046775

meant to reply to the other post cba to find it I'm on fone

>> No.11046787
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I may have misspoken, they do exist, just on the "disc"/ether/world of forms and not currently in the "RAM"/world of material..
Consistency is maintained because it cues from the same spot of the disc and overwrites itself when it stops being observed.
shove your condescension up your ass btw

>> No.11046801

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.11046821
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I guess that could be a point of contention, like the question of whether or not Deckard is a Replicant. But that look of depression seems to indicate that he realizes that his love is essentially "meaningless".

>> No.11046827

All I can say is that high fidelity computer simulated worlds are going to become a reality due to market forces. One day, Overlord will become real. SAO will become real. Isekai Maou will become real. When full dive VR technology becomes mainstream as it eventually will and when computer hardware is fast enough to allow real time human-level AI, you'll be able to enter the world of Overlord as Ainz Ooal Gown and interact with all the AI NPCs. Due to the level of sophistication required those AI NPCs will probably be sentient and will likely consider the players to be the equivalent of gods.
>Of course if I play as Ainz I'll probably let Arche and the rest of Foresight off easy with just a warning not to come back to Nazarick.

>> No.11046833
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nice refutation faggot

>> No.11046856

No, its the moment where he stares ibto the face of despair, realises hes more than a robot, and does something that isnt following orders.

>> No.11046861
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and you know...

>> No.11047009
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