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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11044004 No.11044004 [Reply] [Original]

and didnt cash out the crazy fucking once in a lifetime gains should literally kill himself.

>> No.11044017
File: 421 KB, 1550x1928, 7FECA6E1-6B88-4FC2-BF71-F6DC4425BEDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought in August 2017
Didn't experience life changing gains so didn't cash out
It will get pumped and dumped eventually in the future I guess

>> No.11044026

This but unironically. All these brainlets literally had a once in a lifetime and they blew it. It's like winning the lottery and losing the ticket.

>> No.11044036

>once in a lifetime
>happened multiple counts in the past 8 years alone.

>> No.11044040

I cashed out but not enough. Lots of regret but still feel not bad

>> No.11044049

are you me? bc same

>> No.11044052

Bought in March of 2017, same. I was financially comfy anyway. 100k isn't life changing money for me.

>> No.11044082
File: 441 KB, 1429x1762, D54BAF3C-54D3-4088-8E0B-ECD8F27487CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also fuck off newfags
You can't call anyone a brainlet if you bought this year lol

>> No.11044084

>He still thinks its going to happen again
Sorry buddy last year was the one and only normie wave. People on instagram, people on twitter, celebrities, facebook parents, and even ifunny fags were all going crazy over crypto last year. It will unironically never happen again because they all got burned. I sure am glad I cashed out half of everything because I knew all the mania was going to lead to the bubble popping.

>> No.11044097


>> No.11044106

Cashed out of crypto completely on December 6th, when bitcoin started to go superparabolic and looked about ready to pop.

(Popped literally days later.)

UNFORTUNATELY, I was not counting on the alt season that started right after that.

Dumping all of my Litecoin at $96, and then watching, starting two days later, the price fucking QUADRUPLE over the following week was an interesting sensation, to say the least.

Was feeling pretty god damn bad man for a few weeks.

Then the rest of 2018 happened!


>> No.11044134

I had a similar feeling. I sold 3 btc at 15k as it started to correct. Then it bounced back up and i thought fuck im stupid. But im pretty comfy too

>> No.11044136

Been in crypto since SR. I just come here to torment and humiliate all the fags who laughed at me for cashing out at 13k

>> No.11044146
File: 137 KB, 1200x754, soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just cashed out my initial and have day traded my entire remaining shitstack into Nano.

We bull soon boys

>> No.11044152
File: 425 KB, 1518x1736, D4A4B86F-6152-401D-8620-23C80FA3B1EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought my first btc for $16 but spent it on sr back then

>> No.11044186

Fucking retard, if you're losing money it doesn't matter which year you bought crypto.

>> No.11044198
File: 387 KB, 1303x2197, 79D437CF-32DC-499A-85F3-A40DE1348F85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you bought 8 years ago there's no chance you're losing money brainlet

>> No.11044223

sold in the 13k region as well
comfy as fuck

>> No.11044232

I know the feel. I felt really shitty after I cahsed out of xrp at $2 and it rose to 3 dollars within a few days. Theres also this shitcoin called PAC that was 0.0000001 and I pussied out sold it when it reach 0.0001. I felt like kms when it tripled in the coming days. In retrospect I sure am glad I played it safe because both of those shitcoins crashed with no survivors.

>> No.11044272

I did cash out. Bought XRP at the start of 2017 when it was like less than a penny and sold at $2.00 lol. Held throughout the entire year and listened to /biz/'s retarded fud that didn't even make sense. Felt so good to be right while the rest of /biz/ was completely wrong. My only regret was that I didn't buy more, but I have plenty of money for the next moon mission, whichever coin that is.

>> No.11044316

If you bought in 2018 you literally bought After the Facebook normies had already sold which makes you even more retarded than them

>> No.11044332

I got scammed twice on SR. Once by some guy who promised me to triple my investment if I funded his African diamond mining operation and another time when I tried buying fake 20 dollar bills. Once I realized most SR vendors were scammers I just kept my Buttcoins in my wallet because I was too scared to sell them. My mom had also seen me using tor and forced me to uninstall it and screamed at me because she saw something on the news about the "dark web"

>> No.11044380

this is literally the perfect description

>be me
>use BTC to buy steroids in 2016
>see eth on my coinbase in march 2017
>see it going up fast. Throw my life savings at it (3k) for $20 each
>sell stack at 300$ in june
>start trading shitcoins
>100k by EOY
>450k 2 weeks into january
>didn't understand marginal tax brackets and thought I'd owe 60% on it, so wanted more
>down to 50k, owe 30k in taxes
>no education, no experience, no income. 24 years old


>> No.11044395

Still up tho

>> No.11044426

>20k Jul 2017
>110k Jan 2018
>30k May 2018 (cashed out)

I feel dumb but got me a used Civic, buncha drugs, and life lesson that I'm a retard too.

>> No.11044536

actually the reverse will be true.

I fi cashed out in 2017 rather than 2022, I would fucking kill myself. by then I can cash out all the 2017 value and that be about 1/5 of my holdings

>> No.11044547
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