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11041463 No.11041463 [Reply] [Original]

Your portfolio should be:

50% physical silver
20% BTC
20% Xmr
10% link (JUST in case it moons before the coming crash, unlikely)

Just LOL at any other allocations

>> No.11041501

fuck off with your shitty worthless shiny rocks

>> No.11041517

everything you own is in the shitter. R

>> No.11041526
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How mad r u rn? Literally hundreds of anons have bought into Ag thanks to me spamming this board.

I have accumulated over 100k physical oz and waiting to buy 100k more around 12-13. Stay poor faggot

>> No.11041531

Silver will crash too dum dum. There's so much paper in the silver market that it will drag it down now matter what. What a dumb fucking asset to own. Now go stuff more of (((Shiff, Maloney and Kiyosaki's))) bags nigger.

>Ironic that the biggest drum beaters of silver also want you to buy from their exchanges.

>> No.11041534

>no gold
You're not going to make it

>> No.11041538
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What about good old trustworthy digital silver? No boomer’s portfolio is complete unless they have physical and digital silver.

>> No.11041539

That's exactly why I'm hoarding right now. You fucking retard this is exactly the time to accumulate. That's why I'm rich and you're poor--because fags like you buy in right when all the normoes are FOMO'ing in

>> No.11041556
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See attached and cope harder


Silver is literally at an all time low relative to stocks, oil, and gold. It's already crashed u fucknut

>> No.11041563

>10% link
>no ethereum, required for link to have any platform to use it on

nice job late adopter

>> No.11041571
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Probably will pump harder than btc next ETF but eh-- link is my moonshot crypto so not desperate for returns

>> No.11041579

Taken from silverinstitute.org

Someone really took the hook, line and sinker...


>> No.11041582

Yeah I literally met vitalik in 2013, slept through his entire presentation, i'm a fucking retard for ignoring crypto this long.

But eh why double my risk? Holding link already implies eth needs to succeed. There's no orthogonality there

>> No.11041604

But, it's true tho...

People say BTC is a deflationary asset. That's wrong. It's neither inflationary or deflationary. The real deflationary asset is silver, because we are using up way more than we are producing.

Silver will see 1000 USD next crash (before 2020)

>> No.11041607
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*blocks your path*

>> No.11041653
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Tbh I hope this sloot succeeds in igniting another bull. I just doubt it's going to happen: the banks are suppressing prices rn and don't want to see another moon before the upcoming crisis. They want to kill BTC for the long term and accumulate

>> No.11041666

I'm actually a 25year old NEET zoomer who understands history and finance

>> No.11042039


>The authors have collected data for the silver market, shedding light on market size, stocks in society and silver flows in society. The world supply from mining, depletion of the remaining reserves, reducing ore grades, market price and turnover of silver was simulated using the SILVER model developed for this study. The model combines mining, trade markets, price mechanisms, populations dynamics, use in society and waste and recycling into an integrated system. At the same time the degree of sustainability and resource time horizon was estimated using different methods such as: 1: burn-off rates, 2: peak discovery early warning, 3: Hubbert's production model, and 4: System dynamic modelling. The Hubbert's model was run for the period of 6000 BC–3000 AD, the SILVER system dynamics model was run for the time range 1840–2340. We have estimated that the ultimately recoverable reserves of silver are in the range 2.7–3.1 million tonne silver at present, of which approximately 1.35–1.46 million tonne have already been mined. The timing estimate range for peak silver production is narrow, in the range 2027–2038, with the best estimate in 2034. By 2240, all silver mines will be nearly empty and exhausted. The outputs from all models converge to emphasize the importance of consistent recycling and the avoidance of irreversible losses to make society more sustainable with respect to silver market supply.



>> No.11042114

That chart is not using the correct data, read it and weep silverfag

>> No.11042151
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Lol @ this.

What you don't understand here is that for most of this silver to be mined at a profit, the PRICE needs to be about 500-1000 dollars/oz

>Mined at a ratio to 8 to 1

Great so since the price ratio is 80 to 1 silver has 10x to go

>Silver is different than gold in the amounts of industrial uses it has (second only to crude oil in real world product applications). Thus the vast majority of all the physical silver we humans have ever mined has been exhausted through industrial applications, thrown out into landfills unrecovered.

Lol. This is the most bullish silver article I've seen in a while. Thanks for inspiring me to buy more

>> No.11042179

There's nothing wrong with investing in it moron. I'm simply saying the data in that chart is wrong. They are using the entire total amount of gold ever mined vs only silver bullion stocks. It's not a valid comparison and the data is 6 years out of date now. Also, the chart doesn't take into account anything related to demand, scarcity, mining extraction energy, etc. Only a fucking retard would base their investment off a single number.

>> No.11042235


I mean, OP admitted that he is a 25 year old NEET who has invested at least $1.5 million in silver... How smart were you expecting him to be? He’s probably just some trust fund kid loser who read a few articles on ZeroHedge and now thinks he’s an investing genius. And now he’s bragging about the wealth he didn’t earn to anons on 4chan. More than anything it’s pathetic. Don’t give him the attention or validation that he so desperately craves.

>> No.11042258

actually a good portfolio except silver

>> No.11042277

I’m literally a silver bug, but I don’t want to live in a world of $1000 silver

>> No.11042279
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The number doesn't matter you sperg. The point is that silver has an industrial use case SECOND ONLY TO OIL, but has an entire above ground market cap of less than the market cap of fucking TESLA, and the dollar amount produced in a year is STILL less than Tesla.

Plus it's an alternate form of money more prevalent as money than even fucking gold throughout history.

You would have to be retarded to not be accumulating right now

>> No.11042321

You are an imbecile.

>> No.11042330

Yes price of silver is mostly dependent on it's use in industry. If it were to ever be relied upon again as a preservation of wealth and currency, the price would sky rocket. That's all a big if though. That if could be this year, it would be 100 years. Who knows. It's cheap as hell to buy though and there's no reason somebody shouldn't have at least a couple oz.

>> No.11042354

My parents have over 900oz of silver but it’s all in rounds. I didn’t realize until reading these threads that coins like silver eagles are preferable to rounds. Will it be difficult for them to sell there rounds when the time comes?

>> No.11042365

How many times have you been banned from the Kitco forum?
Be honest.

>> No.11042381

Honestly, I've only ever posted on /biz, the misc, and Lookism.net

>> No.11042446

Shouldn't make much of a difference so long as they are mints from somewhere trusted. I'm not too knowledgeable on the subject. I just know that American Eagle and Canadian Maple are the most trusted well known standards.

>> No.11042607

None of what you describe relates to market forces, availability, ease of processing, industrial demand. You're just spouting gibberish like "muh tesla", that's not sound economic or investing rationale. You seem to be basing your decision purely on the emotional appeal of your belief that the price *should* be higher. That's not a reason.

>> No.11042626

Then why has sliver been at a relatively stable price for the last 100 years except for one time when two faggots tried to corner the market for a few months in the 80s and some bullshit like 10 years ago for 6 months?

>> No.11042632

>Will it be difficult for them to sell there rounds when the time comes?
No, some place like apmex will buy them all for a fair price when you want to sell. Silver is silver.

>> No.11042920

You understand that silver is typically a by-product right?

>> No.11042932

I don't think he understands anything. His investment strategy is pretty much, let me cherrypick anything I can to reaffirm my belief that silver should be 10 times its current value.

>> No.11042954

Yes you fucking brainlet, I do. The majority of silver that is discussed in your FUD articles cannot be mined as a by product, it exists deep below the Earth's crust and must be mined at much higher market value than is the case today

Shut the fuck up and stay poor

>> No.11043322

get some holo in there,fren

>> No.11043434

What the fuck is holochain and why is it shilled constantly? Up until the other day I thought Holo and hot were the same, their shills are equally pathetic anyways

>> No.11043597
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>Shut the fuck up and stay poor
Ah yes, the typical response of someone who is making emotionally based decisions.